Originally posted on MSPA by Lankie.

Just as she thought things were beginning to make a wisp of sense, Carlie was once again deeply confused about everything. It felt like mere seconds ago to her, when she was being introduced to another god damn giant snake and things were getting a little to Freudian for her liking. That was of course until the space-time shit hit the paradox timeline-devouring fan. Carlie barely had the vocabulary to properly articulate those last moments in the Shrewdish Manor; she would simply have to settle with “Shit went weird”.

Of course, indescribable temporal phenomena is one thing, what was surrounding Carlie right now was something much more odd, at least to her limited know-how. Dozens of strange individuals buzzed around her, walking to and through in rather exaggerated manners. Their faces were ashen from a hundred layers of stage make-up, save for the occasional crack around the mouth and eyes. The clothes ranged from elegant to downright ridiculous, though all of them shared the same time-worn, ragged look, as if they hadn’t been changed for decades. A few mirrored the same bemused look that Carlie wore on her own face, it never struck in her head that she was probably the odd one out.

Carlie picked herself up from the floor and spat out the excess taste of perished timeline from her mouth. “Well this is mighty...schizophrenic.” She scanned the bizarre mixture of beautiful architecture and jury-rigged living space with worry. “As if I needed any more proof I’m going crazy.” Carlie awkwardly integrated herself into the bustling crowds and picked a random direction to walk in. Make shift stalls formed streets in large dome roofed room Carlie found herself in. Actors and stagehands manned the poorly built structures; selling food, clothes and other assorted knick-knacks. A certain disdain was painted on the faces of merchants and customers; as if recognising the biological need to eat and live was ‘out of character’.

Carlie didn’t like it at all. The whole situation felt completely alien to her. The way the conversations between people seemed scripted, the ludicrously over-the-top personalities that everyone had, everything was fake and she couldn’t help but feel very uncomfortable about it.

And then, as if on cue, something very real happened.

“Confounds! Everyone, make haste! The Phantom Killer! He has struck once more!” The current of the crowd immediately rushed into one direction, Carlie couldn’t help but be swept with it, lest she be trampled into Il Maledicta’s fine wooden floors. Everyone diverged into a single point, crowding round one unfortunate individual. Colourful voices filled the stifled air.

“What monster could possibly do this?! And on such hollowed grounds.”

“They say he isn’t even human Have the Angels forsaken us?”

“Good riddance! This fraud claimed to be The Saviour! That is MY role to play!”

“Lies and slander! I am The Saviour! It says so in the script!”

“I hold the true pages! And it says I am The Saviour!”

Carlie made small hops to see over the crowd of rambling performers. What little glimpses of the scene she saw were gruesome to say the least. A man, lying in a useless heap, the entirety of his front body had been decimated, as if he’d been pushed face first into a gigantic industrial sander. What was left was barely recognisable as a person; a vaguely human shaped bloody pulp. Carlie gulped loudly. Shit. Did that...Imago guy do this? Or maybe one of the mobsters...Or one of the snakes? She thought to herself, totally unaware that the latter two were long gone.

What truly worried her however was the tingling feeling she had in her fingertips. Tiny sparks of energy danced across her palms. Carlie nervously stepped back in fear that it would set off her power. She weighed up the options in her head. Doing this resurrection song and dance in front of so many people was asking for trouble, and the last human she brought back to life tried to smash her in the face with a bat. The decision seemed obvious.

And yet, there was little part of Carlie that was morbidly curious about the whole thing. She didn’t know where her power came from. Hell, she didn’t know how to control or if it was actually real. Either way, Carlie knew deep down that she wouldn’t learn anything if she just ignored it. Her subconscious had just delivered a corpse to her on a silver platter. She’d be damned if she wasted an opportunity to find out what the hell was wrong with her now.

“Fuck it. You only live once.” Carlie murmured to herself; the irony of her words completely going over her own head. The bedraggled girl pushed her way to the front, her hands glowing brighter and brighter as she got closer. Right as she got over the poor cadaver, the light got to work on repairing him with frightening efficiency. Carlie couldn’t help but feel queasy as she witnessed the flesh peel itself back on to the man. After a fantastic lightshow the man bolted up to a vast crowd of speechless actors.

“Z-zounds! I Return to the world of the living! Th-this young lady is a miracle worker!” The swarm of well dressed spectators burst into wild cheers. Carlie couldn’t help but blush a little as she scratched the back of her head. “Alright you probably have a lot of questions. Honestly though I’m not su-“

“We are in the company of a Full Stop Angel!” The crowd’s jubilation intensified at the name drop of the legendary script. Carlie could only utter a confused “What?”

“She will divine the true pages! She can identify The Chosen Ones! This is glorious! We must Feast!”

The sounds of applause and screams of happiness were almost deafening. Carlie’s voice was drowned out by the hysteric horde. “W-wait, what? I think you have the wrong perso-“

But it was far too late. Carlie was lifted up and carried away by the ecstatic crowds like a champion. She couldn’t help but think she had made a horrible mistake.


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RE: MORITURI TE SALUTANT!! [S!4] - by AgentBlue - 06-20-2016, 02:56 AM
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RE: MORITURI TE SALUTANT!! [S!4] - by Solaris - 06-20-2016, 08:40 AM
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