Originally posted on MSPA by Solaris.

<font color="#000099">Like virtually everyone else in the manor that wasn't unconscious or vaguely responsible for the whole thing, Grotto was a little disoriented by the results of Varjiv's devouring of the Shrewdish Diamond. He wasn't really sure where he was, nor was either of the two humans he had ended up hanging out with. The shadowy snake weighed his options before opting to step away from them, sure there was a chance that they could be of help, but the other serpent, what was his name, was a lot more interesting, and he was skeptical that either Carlie or Hector was really planning on helping him, assuming they were capable of it in the first place.

If Grotto had the time in the next few moments to think clearly, he would have regretted this action. Instead, upon leaving the mirror room in search of Varjiv and wandering for a bit, he caught the sight of some red-haired douche wearing sunglasses indoors. Under the impression that he had not been seen by the young man, the shape-shifter contorted himself to flatly hide against the wall, at least until he passed by. As he came closer, Grotto couldn't help but notice his odd, silver gauntlet.

The serpent got a much closer look at it when it reached for the wall and grabbed at him.

Now, to be perfectly honest, Chad wasn't sure what he was holding in his hand, but if he did know, he probably wouldn't care. Though Grotto was very different from Varjiv, Chad rationalized that as the diamond was proven to do what could be summarized as weird shit and as the creature had just shape-shifted, it was plausible for it to be the same snake as the one that had swallowed his prize. As Chad was less than happy with how things had turned out, he found that he didn’t want to just go and kill the snake with the diamond, he wanted to have some fun.

And fun for Chad usually ended in someone getting hurt.

As he was forced back into his more slithery form from the pressure and heat being applied to his neckish area, Grotto tried to keep his best pokerface, even against the wide, creepy, perfect smile that Chad was showing. He's... he's enjoying this???

Chad was. And Chad would.


Meanwhile, closer to the time douche's actual target, though she didn't know it, was the woman without a name. As progress with Jamie had been slow and somewhat irritating, the nameless one wandered around, trying to find someone else who could help her gain riches. She wasn't really having the best luck yet, but there was treasure somewhere and help or no help, she was going to find it.

However, unfortunately for Nameless, Grotto would not be the only one to run into someone who was less than pleasant. As she wandered a bit lower into the mansion, into a dark tunnel, she was startled to see two glowing eyes before her... followed by a glowing body.

"I am Varjiv, Aspect of Lies." The serpent paused for a moment, "And now, perhaps more. State your name, knave, before I decide to destroy you." Varjiv felt good. In fact, he felt really good. After the Shrewdish Diamond had stabilized somewhat, gotten accustomed to his system, it did... nothing. At least nothing that Varjiv could tell other than his slight abundance of energy. He hadn't gained any new powers, he hadn't gotten the ability to see into time, and in all honesty he couldn't just destroy someone any more or less than he could before. But has he was a giant glowing snake, he doubted that the stupid looking girl in front of him would be able to figure it out.

Nameless was a bit scared, given that whatever the thing before her was, she was certain it wasn't friendly, but even so, she managed a scribbly 'cant talk' and showed it to the Aspect of Lies.

Over his glow and the small light of the tunnel, Varjiv read the message despite the terrible handwriting, "True. However, I care not, answer me, state your name."

Once again, she scribbled a response, this time 'dont have 1'.


Varjiv gave a squint at the woman before him, lowering the light in the room, and causing Nameless to nervously walk backwards. The aspect gave an annoyed hiss before continuing, "I tire of reading your terrible handwriting, give me one good reason why I shouldn't kill you, knave."

At first, Nameless reached for her notepad once more, hoping that she could decently write something that would appease the creature, but as she moved backwards, she bumped into something. In the darkness, she wasn't sure what it was but she could have sworn that just for a moment, she heard a <font color="Olive">whisper.</font>

"Well?" Varjiv uncoiled himself, now towering over Nameless, who fell to the floor in response.

Do it.

Nameless wasn't sure what it was, but her time with the floor of the tunnel gave her a better look at whatever she had bumped into, and it gave her an idea. Not wishing to be unmade or whatever it was that giant glowing snakes did to people; the nameless woman grabbed the urn that had somehow made its way into the tunnel and whacked Varjiv in the head with it.

Knowing that it probably wouldn't do much more than make it angry, she ran away with the urn in hand, back from where she came, with a recovering, angry aspect behind her.

She continued to run, ignoring any further whispers or yells by whatever was doing the whispering or yelling, all the way to a scene that was possibly odder than hers.

Chad was in the middle of slamming Grotto on to the floor when he noticed the running girl coming toward him. He calmly moved aside, making sure to step on the snake as she dashed right by him, as if she was ignoring him. Chad didn't really like it when people did that, so he grabbed her by her robe, causing her to trip and fall. The urn in her hands slowly rolled out of view.

"And why are you in a hurry, miss?"

This time, Nameless didn't have to write anything, simply pointing at the direction she had come from and showing Chad the angry Aspect of Lies coming closer.

"Ah. I was looking for him." As Varjiv charged forward, Chad thought about his situation. The snake he was beating up was not the snake that had eaten the diamond. As he simply wanted to let out some anger and wasn't planning on killing it, he didn't care about this revelation. The woman that was running away was likely another contestant, which meant that if he wanted to go all out, he would either have to kill her and both snakes quickly or somehow stop her from being able to see him do anything. He thought about knocking her out as he did Sam, but just telling her to run probably would work, as that was probably what she was going to do anyway.

As Chad let go of the girl, told her to run away, and then pointed his gauntlet at the charging forward Varjiv, he had a a sudden ominous feeling, as if he forgot something.

And he had, though if it would matter was yet to be seen.

Varjiv, expecting to mow down the scrawny red-head, was surprised to collide against Chad's gauntlet as if it were a wall, and a very hot one at that.

He coiled backwards and stared directly at where Chad's eyes would be if he wasn't wearing sunglasses. "Foolish knave, are you unaware of who you face? I am Varjiv, Aspect of Lies. Tell me the name of my next victim."

Chad smiled and tauntingly said "I don't give names to dead people." He then leaped off from Grotto's body, covered his hands on fire, and swung at Varjiv.

The Aspect of Lies avoided the blow, though he still felt the heat, and bared his fangs, hissing at Chad. "You scum! You will not leave here alive!"

Chad chortled at Varjiv's words then looked down and covered his face in his hands. "Really? You... you really think that don't you?" His words were covered with chuckles.

Varjiv was unsure of how to react to the action, What is he doing? He's... laughing at me? For what? Is he trying to make me lower my defenses? The Aspect of Lies scowled at the young man, and decided to take advantage of the laughing Chad, "Cease your laughter!"

Still laughing, Chad leaped over the charging snake and sent flame down the snake's back. After landing, his laughter started to settle, but there were still remnants in his words. "Oh my god, you really do think that you can. Ha ha ha ha ha. I'm sorry, you can't win."

Rather than his usual 'true' or 'false' (for the record, false then true), Varjiv made an unnatural noise before glowing brighter than before. He felt it, finally, the energy of time fully flowing through him. He turned back to Chad, poised to strike once more.
At the same time, Grotto, not fully recovered from his beat down, but still in one piece, and flattened himself down and began to inch toward Chad, hoping to grab his assailant by the legs.

"Aww." Noting that his two competitors were getting somewhat serious, Chad frowned and then shrugged. "Well boys, looks like playtime is over."

Before Varjiv could fully use the time powers that his pain had awakened, and before Grotto could make his move, Chad waved his left hand and sent a large column of bright fire at the two serpentine creatures.

As the two were treated to unbearable temperatures, burnt down from their skin all the way down to their bones, into small, almost invisible dust, the final word said in the room was a single, defeated, "True."</font>

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Re: MORITURI TE SALUTANT!! [S!4] - by GBCE - 03-28-2012, 07:41 PM
Re: MORITURI TE SALUTANT!! [S!4] - by Solaris - 04-01-2012, 03:39 AM
Re: MORITURI TE SALUTANT!! [S!4] - by AgentBlue - 04-13-2012, 02:47 PM
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Re: MORITURI TE SALUTANT!! [S!4] - by Solaris - 04-24-2012, 08:49 AM
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Re: MORITURI TE SALUTANT!! [S!4] - by Solaris - 10-06-2012, 03:46 AM
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