Originally posted on MSPA by Lankie.

There was a brief moment of awkward silence between the pair as they stared each over out in bewilderment. Even the wind died down a little, as if waiting in anticipation as to what would happen. Eventually, the recently revived goon stuttered out a response.

“Did...Did you...bring me back to life?”

Carlie gawked wide eyed at the man he raised form the dead. She wasn’t quite sure what to make of the whole situation in front of her. “Um...yeah, I guess I did.” She glanced down at the black scorch marks covering the floor around the man. “...Quite the astute observation actually, considering you were a smouldering corpse a minute a go.”

The man sprung up and looked at himself with wonderment. He couldn’t help but laugh at the whole predicament. To think it was all over for him a mere moment a go, and yet here he was, completely fine. “Are you some kind of angel?”

“What!? No!” Carlie spun around to hide her embarrassment. Her face turning a soft hue of red. She was never really one to accept compliments with any semblance of grace.

“So, err, who are you then?”

“Ooohh, just some girl trapped in her own head who can maybe bring people back to life but don’t quote me on that as you’re just a figment of my imagination and I’m probably insane.” Carlie took a sharp breath and turned to face the man she revived. “What about you?”

“Me? I’m Mickey Keller. I’m one of Bo’s boys!” Carlie physically winced. Bo’s boys? Christ only my imagination could conjure up something that terrible. “You know what i’m going to do now?”

“Err, I never asked?”

“First i’ma capture Knight to show Bo how great I am!” Mickey reached down for his bat and raised it above his head. “Then I’m gonna find that fire guy and kick the SHIT out’a him!”

Carlie’s interest peaked. “Fire guy? Like, as in a fire-fighter or...?”

“No, like, a literal fire guy! He had some funky fire machine on him or sumthin’. Wore sunglasses and a smug-ass smile. He was the son of a bitch that killed me! Well I’m gonna return the favour!”

Carlie looked at Keller with disbelief. “You seem...mighty confident about this. You really think you can beat the guy? He sounds pretty tough.”

Mikey smiled widely. “Course i’m confident!” He turned to point to Carlie. “Because you’re gonna help me!”


“Well, so long as you stick around me, you can just keep bringing me back! Can’t fail if you can’t die, aye?!” Mikey laughed triumphantly, clearly proud of his master plan.

“Laugh it up, fuzzball!” Carlie stepped forward, her expression curling into an angry scowl. “First off, your stupid-ass plan implies I’m going to help you at all! Second: I don’t even know if this life thing works twice!“

“You don’t know how your power works?”

“NO! The thing didn’t come with a motherfucking manual! I didn’t even bring you back on purpose! It just sorta happened!”

Mikey looked at the raging girl a little saddened. “’re not gonna’ help?”

“Of course I’m NOT going to help! I’m going in the exact opposite direction of this psycho house! Presumably I’ll find the edge of my own mindscape and find a way out of this nightmare cluster-fuck!"

Mikey’s face changed from sad to angry in less than a second. He lunged forward towards Carlie, pinning her down onto the rotting, wooden walls. Carlie squeaked out a welp as he looked at Keller with a mixture of confusion and fear.

“Listen Blondie; I got no qualms with hitting a lady.” He brought his singed bat towards Carlie’s quivering head. “So unless you wanna start picking up your teeth off the patio, you’re gonna do what I say. Understand!?”

The firey rage that Carlie displayed before had been quickly extinguished. “Okay! I’ll help! Calm down! There is no need to get all batty now. Just calm down-OH SHIT HE’S RIGHT BEHIND YOU!”

Mikey quickly swung round, brandishing his weapon fiercely. His eyes darted all around to find...nothing. The thug stumbled forward as Carlie shoved him out of the way and fled back into the house. “Hey! Come back here you crazy bitch!”

Oh god, oh god, oh god, why am I running back into the house? Why am I back in the fucking Resident Evil death mansion again?! Carlie’s thoughts ran through her head as quickly as she was running through the ancient manor. She slammed her body through a pair of double doors, into a large open courtyard.

Nameless and Jamie quickly ducked behind an ornate statue. They spied on the girl as she ungracefully legged it across the length of the courtyard, bursting through the doors the pair just left. Nameless strained to hear the familiar voices of Bo’s henchmen again.

“What the!? Was that Knight!?”

“Who cares man, after her!”

Jamie and Nameless emerged from hiding, a little bemused at the scene they had just witnessed.
“I take it that was one of the other people who came with you?”

Nameless nodded.

“Well, she certainly got rid of those goons. Shame, I was hoping for a little bit of ‘healthy competition!’”


Fuck, fuck, fuck, now these guys are chasing me who are these guys!? fuuuuuck!

Carlie twisted and turned down the various corridors of Shrewdish Manor. After what had felt like a marathons worth of running, she could not run any more. She slowed to a lethargic walk, desperately gasping for air. Mercifully, it seemed that she had lost her persuaders. “Oh...fuck...ah...oh man...I’m out of shape.”

She glanced around her surroundings, bleary eyed and confused “Jeez, that really took it out of me, I’m seeing multiples here.” She rubbed her eyes and blinked a few times, but she could still see walls and tables and...Herself multiplied a dozen times over.

Then she realised it; the walls were mirrors. Every single wall around her was a mirror.

“Oh my god. This is hell.”


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