Originally posted on MSPA by ~ATH.

Username: ~ATH
Name: Auros and The Carriers
Race: Naked Singularity and Agrons
Gender: Genderless but uses male pronouns, and 2 male, 2 female
Color: Dark Gold

Description: Auros is an entity wrapped into a naked singularity, which is constantly emitting harsh light and increasing density of whatever gets too close to it. From a casual observer standing at a distance of 50 feet away, it appears to be 10 feet tall, but as one goes closer, it does not change size in relation to the observer. It nestles on (or rather, above) a peculiar cart, which appears to be a golden pedestal on top of two axles, and it is being carried by four Agrons, called the Carriers. The cart resembles an Aztec temple, and it is covered with ostentatious temple markings that actually mean very little. Auros commanded them to be carved on his pedestal upon the discovery of the ruins of the Ceztas (an ancient Agron civilization that bears striking resemblances to the Aztecs), caring little for the actual meaning. The pedestal is also covered with dainty flowers, large beads, and other sumptuously unnecessary daubles.

In contrast, Agrons are grotesque silver frog-like aliens who hail from their native planet of Araes, and they are a devoutly religious species. When Auros spoke to them for the first time, they were in awe, and immediately prostrated themselves. To this day, the Agrons have carried Auros on the pedestal all over Araes, going wherever Auros wanted to go. Typically, Auros desires to explore the furthest reaches of the Earth, and the Carriers used to protest against everything he wanted them to do, as he had little concern for their health and they would usually die afterwards. Their protests mean nothing to Auros, as he is a god and everybody knows it.

Auros is absolutely arrogant to the worst degree. He loves power, he thrives on power, and he desires power. Worst of all, because of his position in the Agrons' society, he is not even aware that he is being a huge stubborn jerk, because nobody ever calls him out for it. This has resulted in him being extremely smug, making the Agrons serve at his every whim. He is typically very demanding, sometimes to unreasonable extents such as ordering the water to rise up in the sky, to see what will happen. On this occasion, the Agrons desperately tried to throw the water upwards, but it always fell back down. The hapless party in question were ordered to be executed. The people couldn't disobey him, because he requires absolute control over his subjects at all times, and he goes crazy if there is even a snippet of disobedience mulling about him. And you do not want to be around him when he goes crazy. Many horrible things have happened. He believes himself to be a god, though he actually has little power that he can control. To live up to his godly status, he has resorted to being a large ham, and he acts as commanding and mighty as possible, constantly escalating himself above the Agrons.

The Carriers are a group of four Agrons handpicked by their society to serve as the ones who carry Auros' pedestal. The Carriers wear simple loose-fitting robes in gold-rimmed purple, and simple circlets, to honor their rank as Carriers. Honor, of course, being used only in the most hollow way possible, as Auros instantly draws all honor away from them and onto himself. This is why his pedestal is so obnoxiously furnished, and their outfit is humble and plain. They resemble frogs, but are slightly more bulkier and humanoid, their average height being 8 feet tall, and they have 4 horns on their heads. To be known as a Carrier is a very high honor, the highest in their society, akin to demigods, and only they are allowed to be near Auros. Naturally, they are also the only ones that can even stand being near Auros, as being a Carrier requires immense strength and endurance, as well as a massive amount of patience for the ordeals he forces his Carriers to undergo. They have to pass through rigorous testing to become a Carrier, and they also have to have a humble, stable mind, unbroken by the trials. A perfectly stable mind is usually impossible for a mind like theirs, which are naturally fueled by emotions, so they have to be brainwashed. Consequently, all of the Carriers in history have been rendered blindingly devoted to Auros, ready to serve at his whim without an instant of doubt, no matter how much they may dislike it, or think of him as being utterly ridiculous. It is this brainwashing that allows them to trudge on for days at end while bearing an unbelievable amount of pain and agony. They only receive the minimum amount of nourishment needed to keep them healthy and capable of carrying Auros, and no more. Unless, of course, Auros commands otherwise. But why would he? He cares very little for the people. They are mostly silent and will only reply in the most basic way possible to any questions that may be posed, the reason for them not making any small talk being that Auros will assume the wrong things and execute them. To sum things up, the Carriers are brutal warmongers who refuse to listen to common sense and will only do what Auros says.

Items/Abilities: Auros is constantly emitting light and increasing density. Its light emittance is so powerful, it cannot be directly looked at, and it illuminates a huge radius around it. This light is completely harmless, but it does become day wherever he goes. Its density control, on the other hand, increases the density of anything surrounding it. This makes everything heavier, and it also distorts time. Everything near him moves at a 10 times slower rate than the outside. This sphere of influence extends to around 5 feet away from the pedestal. Within this sphere of influence, he can magnify all his power onto one point, heavily increasing density in that point and effectively crushing whatever happens to be there. The density also has the unfortunate side effect of making the pedestal much heavier, as well as slowing down the Carriers. They are unbelievably powerful for their species, akin to bodybuilders, yet they struggle to carry Auros even a single step. They persevere, however, out of the sake of their religion, and blinding devotion to Auros.

The Carriers are all intensely powerful, capable of lifting 1000 pounds each, equipped with warhammers, and are also pretty fast despite their size, maxing out at 30 mph. This is pretty much irrelevant, however, because the sphere of influence usually slows them down.

Biography: Wind whistled over the desolate plains of Vragas, a small mining town in the middle of the desert of Araes. It was dark outside, and people were still working. The unreasonable amounts of gold Auros had demanded decorate his third castle was running them all ragged. Wives came out to coerce their husbands into coming inside, but they were simply too scared of Auros. They were nowhere near finished, and the moon was high in the sky. One Agron dropped his shovel and collapsed.

"No... I can't do it. I... can't. Ugh."

He looked up at the sky, into that endless range of midnight blue and the fluorescent pink moon. Auros, that is such a beautiful moon. The pink slowly filled his body, even going so far as to tickle at his sight. He could see pink around the north edge of the sky.

...Wait. His head jerked up, gazing at the north horizon.

"It can't be dawn so soon, can it?"
"No... Besides, the sun rises rises in the east, remember? That's clearly north."
"But... if that's not the sun..."

The panicking Agrons then ran around the village, frantically gesturing at their wives to hide inside and protect their children. Doors slammed closed across the town, and it quickly became a ghost town. They were accustomed to this practice, having been threatened many times in the past.

The north horizon slowly grew brighter and brighter. The workers continued working. After what seemed like ages, Auros finally came in view. The golden pedestal glistened with light, and the Carriers were struggling under the ridiculousy heavy weight.

Finally, he spoke. The booming voice of the Great and Majestic Auros nearly made the workers pass out, from sheer intensity.

"Um, we've only found a little bit... But wait! There's a large deposit further on, we should have around a ton ready in 3 days!"
"Oh Auros... I'm so sorry, please forgive me, it won't take much longer!"

The Carriers set the pedestal down and stepped forward with a glint in their eyes.
[Image: 6xGo4ab.png][Image: sig.gif]

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