The Vivacious Deadlock: S3G6: Round Three: The Sable Masque

The Vivacious Deadlock: S3G6: Round Three: The Sable Masque
Re: The Vivacious Deadlock: S3G6: Round Two: BJ
Originally posted on MSPA by Ixcalibur.

The empty silence of the Spectator’s Tower was disturbed by a loud CRACK as something heavy and metal was dumped onto the hard stone floor. It took Phere a minute to compose herself; it had not been the smoothest journey, and being locked into a rigid metal chair had not made it any better. Thanks to the irritatingly undamaged restraints she was unable to press her hand to her throbbing head, instead she just groaned and muttered a half-hearted curse at Crowe.

As her head cleared she turned her attention from herself to the Tower she found herself in. It was easily recognisable, even without the circle of rather extravagant seats that had been here when she and the others had been abducted here. The hundreds of eyes that lined the walls of the tower were closed, or at least they seemed that way from a cursory glance. This place felt different and for a moment Phere didn’t know how to express that which had changed. When she looked across the multitude of eyes she knew the word she was looking for; asleep. That the tower was empty was palpable. After a long minute in which Phere fretted about how she was going to get out of here before Crowe showed up, the eye in front of her opened; sparkling green and primal.

“YOU AREN’T SUPPOSED TO BE IN HERE.” A voice filled the tower.

Phere looked around the tower, searching for the source of the booming voice. The eye in front of her narrowed and the voice cleared its throat and Phere was rather forced to concede that the tower itself was talking to her. It took her a moment to reshape her thoughts, the tower was a surprise, something neither Crowe nor the Spectator had opted to mention. “Yes.” was her eventual response. “I don’t believe we’ve met?”

“I USED TO HAVE A NAME ONCE.” The voice replied, almost wistfully. There was a pause and the tower continued. “HOW DID YOU EVEN GET HERE?”

Phere had mainly asked just to confirm that she was indeed addressing the tower itself. Her mind raced, attempting to find the leverage on this situation, the way to turn it to her advantage. “Crowe sent me.” She replied. “I was in danger; he got me out of the way. A little turbulent for my taste but he did the job all the same.” There was a moment of silence.

”HE DIED YOU KNOW.” The tower informed her. “YOU REALLY MUST BE THE SPECTATOR’S FAVOURITE.” It concluded sarcastically.

For just a moment she continued to think of how to get the information she wanted from the tower, then what it had said hit her. On the one hand she was obviously relieved that Crowe would not be back to demand the Spectator’s location. Though it was a shame to lose a powerful ally, she didn’t think he would be strung along much longer if at all. On the other, she was trapped. Stuck in this tower, stuck in this chair. For a moment she panicked, as she envisioned herself helplessly wasting away with just the tower for company. The only thing that stopped her going into far into that panic was that the tower did not seem all that concerned. It took her a moment but she remembered what she’d seen through her Hollow; other battles. Presumably someone would notice, or something would happen to set the battle back on course.

With that in mind she opted to focus on what she could get from the tower. She didn’t know how long she had or when if she’d ever get this opportunity again. There was no time for subtlety, for learning what the tower wanted and working out how best to control it. She knew what she wanted and she would just have to hope that the tower would have some reason to clue her in on how to get it. “I want to know more about her.” Phere said. “Most specifically I want to know how she got the power that she wields today.”


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Re: The Vivacious Deadlock: S3G6: Round Two: BJ - by Ixcaliber - 04-02-2012, 01:29 AM