The Vivacious Deadlock: S3G6: Round Three: The Sable Masque

The Vivacious Deadlock: S3G6: Round Three: The Sable Masque
Re: The Vivacious Deadlock: S3G6: Round Two: BJ
Originally posted on MSPA by Anomaly.

Under normal circumstances, it wouldn't have been all that difficult for the Kryesan to break away from a possibly-deranged knight with severe self-control issues. There was a plethora of methods that normally could be and would be used without second notice. They could have strangulated him with a number of tentacle-esque appendages, or, if the opportunity presented itself, another set of hands. Razaran could have bashed his skull in with a hammer, or at least knocked his brains around a little. Kanpeki could have simply produced an organic grappling hook in order to pull the wailed-upon Kryesan far away from the fight. Razaran could even have simply stabbed right through that armor of his, provided it wasn't stronger than it appeared to be, though, given what he had apparently survived in the other city, it probably was. Nonetheless, his head wasn't even protected, and he wasn't even using his own weapon.

It was at this point that Nalzaki realized the folly of placing a shapeshifter in a suit of armor.

Nalyg, we have to get this armor off! Razaran mentally shouted as Cedric's fist once more impacted his head.

I've told you, it's not possible! Look ou- Horsegark flung the hydra into yet another lamppost. We can't fight him! He's using the... sound... energy... who cares what it is?

Cedric had at this point started an impromptu game of catch with Horsegark, using the Kryesan as a ball. While Nalyg and Razaran continued to mentally bicker while the latter also physically shouted obscenities, a quiet song began to rise from the hydra's least argumentative head.

"Esa vrgrye reğabaĥwan," Kanpeki slowly, melodiously intoned. "Nki ĉgrairê reğabemir vuln..."

Very subtly, the town seemed to grow quieter. Cedric didn't seem to notice, as he continued to smash Razaran's and Nalyg's heads together.

"Ĉeravin ginek," Kanpeki continued, growing slightly louder.

"Ĉeravin ginek reaukă..." Nalyg and Kanpeki sang in unison.

The hell are you doing? Razaran shouted, narrowly dodging a faceful of hoofgark.

It's worth a try. Join in, Nalyg responded during a brief pause in the music.

"Kryesan, kryesa Jdeha, kry Typhra gaĥin!" Nalyg and Kanpeki intoned, very suddenly increasing in intensity. A stiff wind blew down the street, and Cedric frowned as he found that his blows had less effect on the hydra.

"Nrahus romu, tegae, mirgine mirfusa Typhra," the two continued, discovering themselves once more able to dig into the cobblestones rather than being tossed around like a very heavy ragdoll. Cedric by this point was finding the assault just slightly less enjoyable, though certainly not enough to stop. The Kryesan's armor was getting quite battered - it probably wouldn't be long before he broke through entirely.

"Mirsine breniăă," rang out the duo of voices, holding the last word for a while.

I told you to join in, Razaran!

This is stupid! What are you trying to accomplish? Razaran jerked his head to the side, Cedric's fist grazing his neck.

It's working, that's what!

Though the helmet obscured his face, Razaran rolled his eyes.

"Nrafaruv krybemir," bellowed Nalyg.

"Nravermid kryvraragne," responded Kanpeki.

"Xbrazn Kryesan!" the two sang in unison. Cedric felt himself being pushed away from the hydra, if only slightly. He realized that the hydra had figured out how to actually fight back, and decided that he had a much better way of fighting them. As a melodious shout of "femni xnaru ĉhiran ğenaă" reached his ears, he quickly reached for the electric guitar on his back. A further cry of "femni jvraserne bliaminau ernamṅ" was all the time he needed to draw out the dragon's scale and ready himself.

"Xbrazn Kryesan!" all three of the Kryesan's heads sand out in unison, accompanied by an extremely loud guitar chord which was more akin to a blow to the stomach.

A vicious musical duel began between the four - Cedric belting out a solo on a flaming electric guitar, and the hydras singing triumphantly in an alien tongue. Razaran reluctantly took the lead with a roar of "gania, franai ĉofiva breniăă grarum" as the other two harmonized, the force of sound deflected by a complex guitar riff the hydra hadn't expected the knight to even have the dexterity to play. A yell of "gamai, mirsine gine Typhrenṅ" met with a violent series of chord progressions. The wind rushed past, blowing abandoned carts and trash all over the street, as any pedestrians who may have been on the street decided to watch from indoors.

Waves of pure, unfettered musicality battered each of the combatants. Windows of nearby buildings began to rattle, prompting those nearby to take several steps back.

"Kryhinaumginek, kry sarunṅ romu vinan, Kryesan, ĉranuamir, breniăă..." Nalyg belted out in solo. The power contained within a single voice was certainly not enough to overtake Cedric. Not even the power in the trio was enough to counteract the sheer power of Sigrär. In spite of everything, Cedric still had the clear advantage - Nalzaki was fighting a losing battle.

A losing battle, that is, until a marching batallion unexpectedly began to accompany the hydra's song, directing their full force at the shredding knight. Cedric redoubled his efforts as the hydra continued their assault, but the combination of the band and the hydra was becoming too much for Sigrär to deflect.

"Xbrazn Kryesan nra ENTUUUAAAAAN!" the Kryesan finally screamed as loudly as they could manage. Cedric was blown across the street, his grip still firmly on his guitar, and landed in a rather foul-smelling wagon labeled "fertilizer".

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Ivan had been hanging on for dear life during the whole spectable, somewhat afraid that he would have to again make use of Original Synth if the fighting continued. Not that it would probably have done any good, since Horsegark's frenzied gallop had pulled out the cables which attached the instrument to the coils that gave it its devastating power. As Cedric was flung into the cart of what was almost certainly animal waste, Horsegark immediately rushed toward him and immediately proceeded to fend off the approaching marching cops. It dawned on Ivan that if he didn't attempt escape, he would almost certainly be caught in the middle of the ensuing conflict, which could quite easily turn lethal.

"Ivan! Jump!" a familiar voice shouted from behind. Ivan tightened his deathgrip both on Original Synth and on Horsegark's back, craning his neck to find the source of the shout. Horsegark swiftly whipped to the side, leaving Ivan staring Nalzaki in the eye. The hydra was struggling to avoid the Horse With No Name's hooves, and continued to shout to Ivan. Ivan hesitated to jump, considering the fury with which Horsegark was stamping the ground. Razaran quickly shouted something to the band, and Horsegark was quickly met with a muted trumpet blast. It suffered no real damage, but the blow was enough to briefly stun the warhorse.

"Now, Ivan!" Ivan leaped from the horse, landing on the hydra's back. Nalzaki immediately took off down the street, speed marred somewhat by the lack of ability to drop to a hexapedal form. They managed to disappear into the alleyways of Santa Nada just in time to faintly head a guitar strumming in the distance. The Kryesan kept up their pace until they reached the doors of some sort of temple, met by a man who looked very out of place in Santa Nada but who was apparently a high priest.

Ivan watched, intrigued, as the hydra conversed with the priest. Apparently "Thovebeen" was under the impression that Nalzaki was a god of music, and had sent several priests to retrieve the so-called weapons of legend. Ivan looked at the organesque keytar in his hands. It did seem a weapon not entirely suited to be played by a human, but nonetheless he was still uncertain he wanted to return it. It was much more powerful than the small keyboard strapped to his back, that was certain.

", then, who's your friend? And why is he carrying Original Synth with him?"

"This, my subject, is Ivan. He's a friend.

Ivan jumped from the hydra's back, keytar held tightly. "Hello," he addressed the priest. "What is this, exactly?" he immediately questioned, holding up the instrument in his hands.

"That... That instrument is integral to the functioning of the weapons of legend. You retrieved it during the scuffle?"

"I guess so. I suppose you want me to give it to you?"

"Original Synth is useless on its own, as are the weapons. Please, return it to S'frzando."

"I believe, my subject, that Ivan doesn't want to simply give it up. Perhaps you could retrieve for him a weapon more powerful than the one on his back?"

"Certainly, great and powerful Sf'rzando." The high priest immediately ran into the temple, leaving the Kryesan alone with Ivan.

"Sf'rzando?" Ivan asked.

"We haven't been able to figure it out, exactly," Nalyg replied.

"The temple and its priests bear images of what seems to be us on them, and apparently have for a thousand years. Why this is, we can't be sure," Kanpeki added.

"So you're keeping up this facade to get favors from the priests?"

"More or less. It's the better option." Nalyg paused. "Besides, there is something going on in here. We have to figure out what that something is."

Far more quickly than expected, Thovebeen rushed back out of the temple, carrying with him a small box, bearing a leather strap on the sides and a number of lenses on its top. He dropped it to the ground in front of Ivan, and pressed a button on its side. Silently, a beam of green light - no, a green laser - shot out of the box and disappeared into the sky. Ivan quizzically ran his hand through the beam, causing it to fan out into a series of ten, diverging from a single point in the center of the box. Ivan blocked another beam with his hand. The box emitted a deep electronic note, faintly shaking the ground nearby. He pressed the button a second time, causing the lasers to converge once more and ultimately dissipate. Ivan smiled, handing Original Synth back to Nalzaki, who were at the same time receiving their lost Tesla coils from the priests. He took up his new laser harp and placed it on his back.


Messages In This Thread
Re: The Vivacious Deadlock: S3G6: Round Two: BJ - by Anomaly - 03-30-2012, 04:15 AM