The Vivacious Deadlock: S3G6: Round Three: The Sable Masque

The Vivacious Deadlock: S3G6: Round Three: The Sable Masque
Re: The Vivacious Deadlock: S3G6: Round Two: BJ
Originally posted on MSPA by Ixcalibur.

In a tent lit by strange flashing lights, a woman sat, meditative. The thumping beats of the music that filled the tent did not seem to faze her, in fact this seemingly distracting music was the very core of her activity. Without it all she would see was glimpses.

They are coming

Their arrival announces itself:

A storm of death.

A rising crescendo to break us out of our stupors

To bring this war to an end.

They are blood and bone and hate.

They are fear.

Where they go they leave only despair.

Their wake is a city reduced to ruins.

A bloody coup of this broken land

A raven haired queen is victorious.

Her clan shattered,

Not triumph only butchery.

The shamaness snapped back to the present as she came to realise that she was not alone in her tent. Standing over her a familiar figure, a woman with black hair and a black orb where her eye should be. She was wearing a long brown jacket and matching trousers. Vala struggled to reconcile this with her trance-visions of the Empress. She had seen her, standing on the battlements, the skies burning red behind her; the raven haired queen of the Thünderwölf Clan. To the shamaness her clothing looked more like something one of the men from the city would wear. On her belt a synthesiser showed that she meant business.

Phere clutched at her head with one hand. The flashing lights and the thumping beats that permeated the tent were already getting on her nerves. As the shamaness rose from her seat, the sound of the music ebbed and faded away, the vibrant lights flickered and died.

"Empress." Vala greeted her not discourteously. "My name is Vala and I am the shamaness of the Thünderwölf Clan." Phere was slightly taken aback. She was used to having the drop on others and it was disconcerting to suddenly have things be the other way around. Vala was, to be blunt, wearing very little. Her skin was pale, her eyes a stunning blue, her hair long and blonde and plaited halfway down her back. The only clothing she wore, if it could be labelled as such, was glowing neon jewellery, bracelets and anklets and the like. She was not especially attractive, a little too thin, too starved and desperate to be called beautiful; not that Phere had ever taken the time to assess the attractiveness of any person she had ever met.

"How do you know who I am?" Phere asked, almost hesitantly.

Vala strode past Phere, she plucked a selection of heavy robes from where they had laid discarded. They were a mixture of dark browns and ash whites; natural colours, subdued compared to her bangles. "As I said I am the shamaness for this clan." Vala said as she dressed herself in the heavy robes. Once done, she turned to regard Phere as though everything had been explained. When Phere's frown did not clear she continued: "I have been having visions of you for weeks, of you and the six others that come to this land. You bring with you a tide of death, upsetting the balance that has caused us to remain locked in this forever siege."

"You see the future?" Phere's voice remained impassive. "Divination is impressive but I doubt whether you have any degree of accuracy."

"You lead us to bloody victory over Santa Nada." Vala said. "But it is a grim day. You do not care how many die in your efforts. You do not care about our war at all. I can see this." Phere regarded the shamaness silently. "I would implore you, do not. Do not do this to our clan. Leave us be and I will leave you be in turn."

Phere laughed. "You believe such a half-hearted plea will move me to reconsider what I have been assured is a winning strategy?" She chuckled to herself. Vala did not look surprised, disappointed perhaps but not surprised. "Okay." Phere said. "But I want something in return."

Vala was shocked. She replied so quickly she nearly tripped over her words. "Name it, whatever you want. Anything to stop the devastating loss of life you would inflict upon our clan."

"You." Phere grinned, "You will work for me and will without question carry out whatever task I set you to." There was a moment of silence between the two women as Vala weighed up her options. She decided she didn't really have a choice, she had to do whatever she could to ensure the clan's safety. Mutely she nodded her assent, and Phere's grin only grew wider. "Leave me for a moment." Phere instructed. "I have business to attend to. Wait just outside the tent, if you know anything about me you will know that I will know if you do not." Without another word Vala peeled back the canvas tent entrance and stepped outside.

Phere felt pretty pleased with herself. She had just earned herself a servant in exchange for nothing she was not going to do anyway. It had taken her the entirety of the first round to figure it out. There she had attempted to claim dominance over the city they had been placed into, starting with the Cyber Punks as a matter of convenience and then via the use of the Tome. Even if she had been successful, if Doctor Harmon had not stood in her way and brought the city to anarchy, then what would she have achieved? The city was gone now, destroyed for all she cared. It had taken that for Phere to realise that the dominance over these rounds was at best temporary dominance; transient and ultimately inconsequential.

Her goals had shifted, since taking control of the worlds in which she found herself was ultimately pointless she had made the decision to take control of the only constants in this battle; the people with whom she was placed here. To this end Vala would be valuable, if not as a soothsayer then as a guide to help her more easily navigate through this unfamiliar terrain, but Phere, now more than ever, had no illusions about holding onto Vala once this round had concluded. The shamaness was disposable, even more so than her last set of allies. As Vala sat on the cold floor outside the tent, guarding her new mistress from whoever might walk in on her, Phere looked away; far away.

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Re: The Vivacious Deadlock: S3G6: Round Two: BJ - by Ixcaliber - 10-15-2011, 10:13 PM