The Vivacious Deadlock: S3G6: Round Three: The Sable Masque

The Vivacious Deadlock: S3G6: Round Three: The Sable Masque
Re: The Vivacious Deadlock: S3G6: Round One: Genreshift
Originally posted on MSPA by Pharmacy.

Mambo Merrifield was incredibly miffed at her situation. She was going around doing her regular business as a practitioner of fine occult arts, searching for a particular mistress called Phere. Plus, she had that wonderful Tek with her. Although enjoyable (can’t work what you don’t like, you know?), this pursuit was more difficult than she wanted to admit. There were so many people, so many places. Plus, there was this particularly rude policeman in front of her. Merrifield had no idea why he decided to arrest her - something about<font color="red"> “Manslaughter” and using “that damned horse as evidence.” Apparently, Captain Cedric Sigmundson had the nerve to ride with her, on Abys no less! The presence of such a stranger made the Voodoo priestess even huffier.

The police station was getting closer. In the past, Merrifield had been in jail before. She was never fond of jails –too small, too claustrophobic. She shuddered at the thought of such nefarious prisons. Merrifield never really disliked everything, but prisons were a special, special exception. There must be something she could do.

Suddenly, a ruse lighted in her head and she could not help but have a smile cheekily curl up on her flat face. A while ago, Merrifield visited the forgotten graves of the sewers and to her fortune, she had discovered a fresh corpse of her now servant, Abys. Of course, she raised the hapless Abys to her own needs, charming her with so many fetishes that the poor undead was now more horse than woman. There was this one spell in particular.

Jiggling her jewelry, the priestess gestured and sang an enchanting nothing from her mouth. At first, there was nothing. At first, Mambo and her spiritual familiar kind of lost their shape, and then lost their features. Before the police duo could register their thoughts, they realized they were riding on a blob of formless flesh. Suddenly, the tumor-like pustule collapsed like a wet piece of meat, deftly slipping away from the feet of the surprised Captain.</font>

Sigmundson was made of sterner stuff and he managed to recover rapidly. As he jumped up from his pratfall, he realized that much to his ire, there was that slippery Priestess and her familiar. Of course, his eyes widened even more in shock when he realized that Cadet Tek was in the grasp of that damned Merrifield! First, she had to use her magic. Then, she kidnapped his trusty cadet? Damnation! As on cue, Mambo Merrifield gave him a mocking wave and giggled.

“Damn,” Sigmundson growled, his authoritarian voice shaking with hidden rage. “You.” This lady was a notorious criminal and he had her just in his grasp. Then, she had to use her damned magic to slip away like a slimy lizard. Now, there she was, smug and all. - mocking, teasing.

Merrifield’s eyes lighted up in mischievous sadism, as she made greatly exaggerated gestures with her feeble arms to signify her thinking (and insults towards the irate Captain), humming all the way. Without batting even a soulless eye, the Priestess simply spoke, “Ou fout led passe chien.”

Sigmund just stood still, scratching his head.

Merrifield huffed a bit. He was not aware of such a rich culture in which she came from. How plebian! In a final attempt at an insult, Merrifield twirled around her steed, startling her hostage. “Well, then, au revoir!”The priestess chortled, as she turned back. However, she turned her head for one final say. “Masisi devègonde.”

Sigmundson just stood. His cluelessness was almost sort of hilarious in a cute way. However, Mambo Merrifield had no time to let amusement seep into her simple mind. She had a job to do and fortunately, she had leverage in the form of such a charming Tek. Ignoring the profanity-spewing policeman, Merrifield and her goods took off, the camouflage fetish activating its effects as she disappeared. This job may just have become simpler for her.


Sigmundson simply stood, his rage tranquilly seething within his very psyche. How was he going to find his cadet Tek, and especially Forensic Specialist Melissa Harmon? Sigmundson’s soul seized with concern at the thought of this doctor. That woman was incredibly important to him for various reasons. Of course, the most important was she was part of staff (of course).

The Voodoo Priestess had connections with the Casino and had made an offhand mention to the missing Harmon. The Captain figured he could use Merrifield (who was a notorious criminal, known for her sacrilegious mutilations of the body using dark magic). Now, part of the evidence galloped away into the distance, leaving him with his heart tender with sorrow. He was never going to find the good doctor alive and well.

But wait!

Why he was just near a police station! The Captain gave himself a light whack on the head for being such a blockhead with a tunnel vision. Without trepidation, Sigumdson hurriedly trooped into the police station, not a single second in water. A random commotion (plus several cats screaming for no reason) was heard from this building and suddenly, Sigumdson came out with a police car, making sharp turns at the corners of the alleyways. His pursuit finally rewarded him as he could see the Voodoo Priestess with her horse, his cadet, and most of all, evidence.


Cadet Tek whimpered. It was his first job and suddenly, things started to turn for the worse. Although his boss Cedric was usually kept his behavior way below loose cannon standards, there are times where the Captain occasionally dips into the “bad cop” demeanor, and this was one of the bad cop moments. Apparently, Cedric had the nerve (and insanity) and drive a car up to Tek and his kidnapper. What was more insane though was Captain leapt from the running car (crazy!) and jumped on the Priestess!

As of now, there was a scuffle on the pursuing Abys – Sigmundson with various weapons and Merrifield with her vicious spell-charms. Both of them were attempting grievous harm towards each other. However, Tek in his nervousness was not so sure who would win. So enraptured was he in the fight, that the hapless cadet (and the fighting two) did not realize there was Otto Matic’s Casino rapidly appearing in the distance.


Messages In This Thread
Re: The Vivacious Deadlock: S3G6: Round One: Genreshift - by GBCE - 09-07-2011, 10:36 PM