The Vivacious Deadlock: S3G6: Round Three: The Sable Masque

The Vivacious Deadlock: S3G6: Round Three: The Sable Masque
Re: The Vivacious Deadlock: S3G6: Round One: Genreshift
Originally posted on MSPA by Pharmacy.

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Abys felt…weird, for the lack of a better word. The speed, the senses, the way her ribs jutted out of her body, everything was new for her. Of course, there was that near-death experience and that, er, resurrection (Abys shuddered at that memory) with that thing, now nothing does not seem so bad now. In fact, it was almost a refreshing experience for her! She only wished that it came by less twisted, disgusting means, also thumbs.

Abys and her passenger continued to gallop across streets, searching for that one particular lady. The familiar smell, sweet and sickly, was so strong, so close. It also reminded Abys of the crimes in which the lady had dealt to her and that made her even angrier. With an earsplitting screech, Abys pursued forth, disfigured hooves pounding the pavement as the duo barreled towards their destination – and bloody revenge, of course.


Cedric had the firepower and Tek had the smarts. Unfortunately, those traits were simply not enough to buffer the tsunami of aliens that threatened to drown in a sea of plasma and blood. The space marine and the mechanic, the two most unlikely partners, managed to somehow survive and hole up in an abandoned office building, now genre-shifted into some sort of research facility complete with glass tubes and metal bits. Despite years of neglect, the facility managed to provide good shelter for the two. However, judging from the claws punching holes in the asbestos and snapping jaws burrowing through windowpanes, there was plenty of evidence to say they need to escape – or do something quick.

“Are you almost done?” Cedric yelled, as he brought his weapon down on a marauding head. The teeth of his trusty bayonet started to churn viciously at the unfortunate aegol. As if the science-fiction overkill was not enough, white-hot plasma flared out of the hidden vents of the blade, overcooking the headcheese of the struggling foe. “ARE YOU ALMOST DONE?” The knight-nee-space marine, swerved around just in time to backhand another alien to pieces.

“Shut up, you.” Tek grumbled as he continued on the improvements of his invention. How long has it been? Tek could not care less. The noise, the foes, and the loudmouth marine, Tek was at the end of his nerves, both natural and mechanical. He was busy, he needed the time! Plus, the noise was not helping either. Though usually quiet, Tek was known among his peers to have a rather sharp tongue and the Punk Inventor would have something sarcastically demeaning to say to the knight. However, now was not the time!

Tek was furiously working away at the office desk, repurposed into an impromptu workshop. Oh, how the Punk hated his situation. There were not enough necessary components, his soldering was shoddy, and time was short! Fortunately, he was almost done with his contraption. Perhaps, it will work? Sparks flew everywhere, as he dabbed the final touches to his masterpiece. Almost, almost…done! Pride welled up within Tek’s artificial heart as he took in the sights of his beautiful machinery. Time well spent! Unfortunately, any waxing description of his improvised invention was cut short by profanity from Cedric.

“NOW ARE YOU ALMOST DONE?” Cedric bellowed as the mindless aegols figured out piling on him was surprisingly more effective than attacking him one by one.

Tek turned around, contraption in hand, and observed his situation. More and more aegols came pouring in, climbing through windows, and climbing on top of the space marine. They almost covered his entire body, now immobile from their combined weight. The aegols were creeping, climbing, almost up to Cedric’s struggling face. Tek realized what he had to do. With a shaking hand, Tek brought up his invention.

And shot.

A wave of deafening sound burst from the invention, sweeping up debris in its wake. The noise was so loud that every windowpane in the facility was pulverized into powder. Not shards, powder. Aegols also were affected too. The aliens who were unlucky to be in the full power of the shot immediately disintegrated from Cedric. Some of them leaked blood from their orifices before their heads exploded into a lovely shower of gore. Others who were lucky enough to be not in the blast had their brains scrambled, so scrambled that they could not rely on their usual hormonal relays which linked them to the hive. As such, they went on autopilot, ravenously devouring everything they could see.

“That’s amazing,” Cedric marveled, pulling himself from the many pieces of Aegol parts.

“I know, isn’t it?” Tek smiled. “Uses sounds to disorient – and kill too. I think I’ll call this the ‘Sonic Cutter.’” The Inventor made an exaggerated flourish with his hand as he nonchalantly kicked an Aegol arm to the side. After a bit of silence, the Punk tossed the gun towards Cedric. “I think you are better at this than me.” <font color="#FF0000">The space marine nodded.</font>

And opened fire.


The rider and her steed carefully climbed up stairs of a long abandoned apartment. Merrifield was not exactly fond of this irritatingly slow pathway to her destination. However, the narrow passageways between the closely compacted buildings were packed with those mutant things. Plus, the genetic amalgamation did not exactly want to pick a fight. So the duo decided the only way was to go up and man, was that way ridiculously slow.

Finally, they reached the apex of this decrepit apartment. With a dainty tilt, Merrifield glanced at the technological landscape of the transmuted city. The biokinetic humanoid could take in the sights. However, what was more interesting was the skirmish on the ground. For some reason, the icky mutants (there were a lot of them) were swarming a particular office building, er, research facility. All the more reason to go and observe!

Plus, Abys could smell that bitch over there.


Cedric was struggling to keep his ground, rapidly emptying rounds into the swarming aegols. The problem was: the Sonic Cutter was good at disorienting. Perhaps too good! As Cedric knew from his military career, the aegols were dumb, dumb brutes. The tiny shred of intelligence they had was used to differentiate between friend and foe; edible and inedible, especially. Now that knowhow was gone, they have no control over what they can choose to eat, which was a major problem especially since they were gnawing away at the walls of their shelter.

The space marine kept firing away, but the more aegols he blasted, the larger the number of aegols disoriented. The more aegols disoriented, the faster the walls were weakening. Effectively, with each Sonic Cutter round he emptied into the damned aliens, the larger the hole he was digging himself into. Tek was currently hiding under the table, clutching his toolbag like a security blanket. As flakes, eventually chunks, of the ceilings kept tumbling onto the ground, a plethora of regrets rushed through the Punk’s head, especially concerning that Sonic Cutter of his. Why did he think it was such a good idea? Pretty soon, the ceiling would either collapse or the aegols would burst in. He did not when one of these will happen, but he was sure of the outcome: death.


With the burst of speed, Merrifield and Abys jumped off the building, letting freefall pull them towards their destination. They landed heavily on the unfortunate aegols, pulverizing some of them to meaty paste with their combined weight. The ravenous aliens paid no heed to their fallen comrades. In fact, some of them started biting at the rider and the steed, appreciative of the fresh meat that had fallen from the heavens. Abys screamed in horror as she relived her memories back at the sewers, thanks to the insistent biting. Merrifield, however, had a plan.

The aegol who have taken a bite out of the duo found the meat sweet and delicious. They were so enraptured in the taste of the flesh, that they did not realized that they started to melt, for the lack of a better word. Their vicious bodies disintegrated to parts, parts to organs, organs to cells, and cells to biological components. Before their dim minds could comprehend the horror that is their body, the unfortunate aegols were simple primordial ooze, swirling into a meaty vortex around Merrifield and Abys.

The more the ooze grew, the stronger the smell of the meat. The marauding aegols could not resist such a tender smell of honeyed meat and they came and ate, adding more to the horrifying wave of flesh. Abys treaded the ooze with perfect ease. Merrifield finally pinpointed the building where this supposed Phere was supposed to be and thus, she guided Abys and the wave to her intended target.


Since the eradication of the last aegol, an eerie silence had descended onto the atmosphere. Amidst the corpses and pieces of exobiological flesh, Cedric readied his Sonic Cutter, apprehensive of the next surprise attack. For some reason, there was nothing. No claws, no fangs, nothing for them to defend themselves against. The two started to feel a little uneasy.

Suddenly, the building rumbled.

“Shit. Shit. Shit. Tek began to cringe in horror as he repeated that single word over and over again. Oh geez, he was going to die and it was going to be painful and stuff. He had so much to live for this was going to be terrible. Oh geez, oh shit. The Punk Inventor was so wrapped up in fear that he did not notice Cedric’s slacked-jawed expression, the smell of cooked meat, and the wave of pink rushing towards the building.

Then, all was black.


Tek groggily woke went back to uncomfortable consciousness. He moved his limbs. Well, at least he had all of limbs intact. He checked his gear. Good, all his tools were still here. He looked around – and met up with a freaky, dripping face. Woah, that was ugly. At least it was not as ugly as the aliens they dealt with earlier. Come to think of it, it was almost familiar, almost as if within its <font color="#007d7d">abyssal – wait.

“What the FUCK?” Tek shouted, jumping up in shock and disgust, mostly disgust though. “ABYS!?”</font>

At the sound of her name, Abys’s bloodshot eyes lightened up; then, furrowed into horrifying anger. In her rage, she began to buck around, shaking her passenger like a ragdoll. YOU. SMELL LIKE HER. BUT. YOU.<font size="1"> ARE NOT. HER.” Abys screeched. “WHERE. IS. SHE. WHERE. IS SHE.”</font>

[COLOR="rgb(75, 0, 130)"]Tek could only explode with more expletives. Punks were not really a social type of gang and Phere was probably the most antisocial the gang can get. Tek barely saw Abys, but at least he knew what she looked liked. She was brunette, had grey eyes, and a slight build. But this horse thing? This? This? That was not the Abys that he remembered! After a tidy tirade of inventive swear words, Tek turned around, visibly shaken but in full control of himself. With a shaky finger, Tek pointed and asked again. “That’s Abys.” A shudder. “Right?”[/COLOR]

Merrifield looked over the skies, admiring the stormy skies while nonchalantly twirling her hair with a festering finger in almost a rude manner. “Why yes, this is Abys.” She bent down and patted her steed on the neck, almost immediately calming down the former Punk. “But she’s mine now.”

Tek slumped on the ground. “Oh.”

“Well, then.” Merrifield sniffed, examining her fingernails. “You are obviously not Phere. However, you do smell like her. That means you have been around her.” Merrifield bent down, giving Tek the full brunt of her annoyed stare. “You know where she went?”

The Punk Inventor sighed. “Well, yeah. She went that-a-way.” Tek half-heartedly pointed a finger at Dr. Matic’s Castle. “Also, she was with some strange gal, who was with someone else previously.”

“Who is this someone el-“

A deafening roar of a chainsaw jolted Tek and Merrifield to alert and suddenly Cedric came along. He looked like he had been beaten up and thrown into a dumpster full of rotten meat products. Cedric looked unprepared. However, the grim determination on his face and his arms at ready suggest otherwise. Merrifield merely glanced back at Tek. <font color="#9D0020">“Him. Right?”</font>

Tek nodded.

<font color="#9D0020">“Well, then. You are coming with me.”
Much to his protest, Merrifield galloped Abys to the side of Tek, sweeping him up with her massive flipper. After a bit of struggling, the Punk Inventor was on Abys, in front of Merrifield. He let a small groan as he felt blood soaking into his pants. He was really tired of this shit, but no, some freaky cat-thing had to grab him to another zany adventure. “Let’s go.”</font>

Suddenly Cedric, armor and all, slammed in front of Tek, letting a surprised screech from the encumbered Abys. Much to the consternation of Tek, the Punk Inventor found himself uncomfortably sandwiched between an armored figure and a rotting cat, on a bleeding horse. The only person who was more annoyed at this situation was Merrifield, who was not appreciative of the extra passenger in the front. <font color="#9D0020">“Why are you here?” </font>

Cedric looked back. “I have a doctor to save.” The space marine’s brow furrowed with determination. “Let’s go.”

And so they did.

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Re: The Vivacious Deadlock: S3G6: Round One: Genreshift - by GBCE - 08-29-2011, 02:56 AM