The Vivacious Deadlock: S3G6: Round Three: The Sable Masque

The Vivacious Deadlock: S3G6: Round Three: The Sable Masque
Re: The Vivacious Deadlock: S3G6: Round One: Genreshift
Originally posted on MSPA by Ixcalibur.

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Unlike the rest of the Eagles, Dreck didn’t mind the genreshift so much. He figured that science fiction was just one step away from post-apocalyptic. All it needed was someone to kick-start the apocalypse. Physically the genreshift hadn’t affected him too much, he already looked grotesque enough to pass for an alien. The only real tangible difference was now he had an absurd pair of antennae, and he was wearing a dumb looking spacesuit. In his hands he carried a high tech sniper rifle that was powered by plasma or something. His mind had the details in there somewhere, thanks to the shift, but he wasn’t terribly keen on sifting through them, in the same way he wasn’t particularly interested on exploring whatever backstory this genre had written up for him.

Dreck knelt upon one of the roofs overlooking the backalley where Phere and Klendel had used the bookmark. He had been following the group, preferring to take a more stealthy approach than most of his Eagle brethren. As they made to walk away he silently leapt from that rooftop to the next, shadowing them. The cheap magic that had lost the other Eagles would do nothing to deter him.


Of the three individuals Tek was the least affected by the genreshift since he was already science fiction, more or less. Klendel was still more or less as he had been, though he was now more of a midnight blue than black, and his skin seemed somehow more solid and defined. His eyes while still red, no longer glowed, they were just a pair of beady red eyes. His cog had been replaced by a fin.

However it was Phere who had changed the most. Her pale white skin was replaced by dull grey metal. Her hollow was a shining purple implant with fibre optic wires that twisted across her face in the same pattern as her scars had. Her hollow implant was a highly advanced piece of technology that allowed her to hook up wirelessly with any camera in the city. A barcode on her chest read PH-373.

PH-373 instructed the group to keep moving in a harsh monotone. Klendel slunk alongside the rampant machine. “Where are we going?” Klendel tried again, tired of the machine’s unwillingness to place any faith in him.

“That information is classified.” PH-373 replied, there was always a chance they would lose the alien before they arrived at the Palace. Klendel’s arm shifted, extending to a tentacle which wrapped itself around PH-373’s arm. She turned to face him; her face carefully replicated an expression of confusion and disgust.

“I think I have earned a little trust.” Klendel replied. “I just saved your life… such as it is a life.” This impatience was uncharacteristic of Klendel, but then so was the amount of restraint and obedience he had shown so far. It grated on him to follow the orders of another, even if it was to further his own purposes.

PH-373 went momentarily blank as she considered this. Perhaps Klendel was telling the truth. He had the opportunity to let her be destroyed and did not take it. “We are going to Matic's Stronghold.” She said. “I need a location to upgrade my communications software and Matic's place is the most fortifiable location in which to do this.” Satisfied, Klendel let go of her arm, and they continued in silence.


Elsewhere Doctor Harmon and Sir Cedric were still following Harmon’s scanner, even if her scanner now took the form of a sentient drone floating ahead of her. Sir Cedric had undergone the most drastic change. His hair had been cropped short; his armour was some kind of bulky mechanical armour, coloured blood red. Sigrar, his chainsaw plasma rifle was strapped across his back.

“There was this one time in the Rasjal Nebula where me and my buddy Barty Cabrine were stranded on this desert planet…” Doctor Harmon had found that if she made thoughtful noises every couple of minutes that Lt. Cedric would take it as a sign of interest and carry on with whatever it was that he was talking about without seeking a more genuine response from her.

Her drone quietly told her that the source of the phenomena was bearing down upon them. Melissa regarded the people along the road ahead of them. There were only a couple of humans, and guessing from how intoxicated most of the aliens were they were near a bar. “The poor wretches.” She muttered sympathetically.

“What’s that?” Lieutenant Cedric asked.“Nah, the Gravians aren’t wretches, they’re something else entirely.” He scowled at the thought of his bitter confrontation with the animalistic creatures.

Doctor Harmon was about to chide Cedric when her drone whispered to her that the source of the dimensional anomaly was upon them. That it was in fact walking past them. She spun around and regarded the three people that had passed them; a human, a robot and an alien.

“Hey!” Doctor Harmon called to the group, one hand ready on her antimatter rifle just in case. “Excuse me!” The group turned and regarded the pair. Lieutenant Cedric was quick to draw Sigrar from its holster and point it towards the group. “There’s no need for that Cedric.” She hoped. Cedric grumbled to himself and reholstered the weapon.

PH-373 appeared to be staring at Doctor Harmon rather intently. After a couple of seconds of silence Tek had come to the conclusion that in order to move this conversation along he was going to have to participate.
“What is it?” he asked.

“One of you has, or is, an interdimensional nexus.” Doctor Harmon said. “I would appreciate it if you would hand over the item, whatever it may be, for further study.”

From a nearby rooftop there was a loud roar bellowing across the streets of the midnight city. Those gathered in the street below turned to look up to the rooftop, except for PH-373 who strode towards the Doctor. She brought her hand close to her face, but held back, using it for some kind of comparison only. The sudden activity caused Doctor Harmon to recoil back back from the android.

“Doctor Melissa Harmon.” PH-373 said. “You may prove useful. I propose you come with me, I show you this interdimensional nexus and in exchange you work with me.”

“Don’t worry!” Lieutenant Cedric announced, before Harmon was able to answer. “I will handle this.” Doctor Harmon turned to rebuke the lieutenant when she saw what it was that he was referring to. Aliens, putrid, scaled and numerous were pouring out of a sidestreet a little way up the street PH-373 and her colleagues had approached from.


The aegols were an alien species, primarily interested in killing everything that moved and then attempting to kill anything that didn’t move. On their own they were too animalistic to pose any real threat to anyone, but some scientists had inevitably gotten involved, and now the aegols had masters. They were half aegol, half human hybrids. They lacked the ferocity or the razor sharp claws of their alien kin, but retained their human intelligence, and importantly an empathic link to aegols. Now they dwelt in the sewers and dreamt of the downfall of humanity when they would reclaim the surface.

Khan, their leader was currently being carried by a pack of aegols towards one of his brethren, who had called them forth with an aegol roar. Khan knew he was being carried forth to an explosive that, with the right detonator, would allow him to destroy civilisation once and for all, and he smiled.


Cedric unsheathed Sigrar and opened fire upon the approaching pack of aliens. He screamed angrily as he did so, throwing one fist in the air and cheering after he scored a headshot on one of the hybrids. Tek also opened fire only his attack was more subdued and he didn’t actually manage to hit any of the approaching aegols.

PH-373’s hand grasped Doctor Harmon’s shoulder.
“Let them deal with this. They are expendable.” Doctor Harmon hesitated for a moment, glancing over her shoulder at the advancing wall of aliens and at Cedric and the inventor. She turned back to the robot and nodded her assent.

They fled towards Matic's Stronghold, PH-373 not letting go of Harmon’s hand all the way there.


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Re: The Vivacious Deadlock: S3G6: Round One: Genreshift - by Ixcaliber - 08-28-2011, 02:00 AM