The Sound of Silence

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The Sound of Silence
The Sound of Silence
This thing's actually on another site too and I've decided to put it here so if I make something for a command you don't know of rest assured I'm not just pulling it out of nowere.
... now prepare for me to post everything so far. Meloncooly

By the wa I'm Nekeva on MSPFA. This is another username I use. So no I'm not an art thief.


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>Wake up

[Image: 2rxit6g.png]

You start to drift towards conciousness through the sea of warm darkness you know as your sleep. Driven by the strange sensation of needing to wake.

> Fail to wake up and fall back asleep, having a nightmare about puppets and lampshades.

[Image: 2m6lsmv.png]

They come for you wth thier false smiles and lark cylinders.... waiting until you arn't looing brfore they strike. Led by their queen they come for you... come for thier prey....
Okay. Now you really, really need to wake up. Your subconcious is starting to freak you out.

>Wake up screaming from the horror of lampshades.

[Image: e14yn6.png]

You wake up for good, screaming from the nightmare and sit bolt upright in bed.

>Fall out of bed

[Image: 1zgfhp0.png]

You'd rather not add head trauma to mental trauma right now so no thank you. You get out of bed normally with no falling included.

>Reach out for the lamp and turn on the light, and hope there's no *gulp* lampshade.

[Image: 2hr0duw.png]

No worries about that. You've neve had a lamp since your phobia was discovered. You just have some really bad lights attached to the cieling. You hope they'll work. You'd really like some light right now because of your nightmare.

>But you're fine with lava lamps, right? Lava lamps are holy lamps, they never have any lampshades!

[Image: 2u8ukqc.png]

Yeah. You're fine with them, you don't have any though. Unsure if you think they're holy though. Ah. The light doesn't seem tobe working. You'll need to find an alternate light source.

>Find a lighter or matches

[Image: ocsb4.png]

You grope around a bit in the dark and take a look under your bed but can't find any matches. Or a lighter at that.

>Try and figure out what various objects under your bed are. For example, to your right there is an object that may be a tennis ball, a discarded jawbreaker, a super bouncy ball, or even a giant eyeball! Ahead of you looks like it might be a marker with the cap on, a magic wand, or merely a humble stick sneezing out a balloon.

[Image: rro8rk.png]

You're not too keen on toutching something which may or may not be a giant eyeball so you decide to go for the thing which may be a stick sneezing out a baloon or something instead.


[Image: 264ke4p.png]

Woops. You may have just broken it.


[Image: wu1lxs.png]

It turns out that you didn't break it. It was just a glowstick attached to a string. Putting this around your neck you can now see a little around you.
Actually now you can see more you can think increasingly clearly too, and you realise that for some reason you can't remember ever having a name. Or much at all about your life for that matter.

>Lilly Governor+Desireé Williams

[Image: 2d2ivzr.png]

Your decide your name should be Lily Williams, conbining two o the ideas you had into one. This wil be your name at least until you remember your old one.
And you arn't too sure if this is your room anymore.

>Check to see what the other objects are.

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[Image: 2h6c28y.png]

The round thing seems to be a red and blue rubber ball, and the box is full of glowsticks. You also found another glowstick on the wall. Why are there so many glowsticks here anyway? You decide to use the one you found on the wall as well to give you some extra light. You'll keep the rest for later.

>Lily:Keep the ball as it might be of use later.

[Image: 2zsr6vc.png]

You put the ball in the glowstick box for later use. There is just enough room for it and possibly one more thing in the box unless you use some of the glowsticks but you decide it'd be wise to keep them for later too.

>Lily:Look at the strange writings on the wall. Is that... blood?

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Huh? What writin-


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[Image: qrgbnq.png]

Oh god.


[Image: 70c6ew.png]

You know that symbol. You know it. You've seen it before....

>FLASHBACK activate!

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You wonder when they're going to come back for you.


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... Stupid foot bindings.


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You don't like staying in one place for long, you never have. You lost your sense of time a while ago but you know it's been at least days you've been chained here infront of the door in this damp, grey room.


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Why did they come for you in the first place anyway? You guess you should be scared about your situation, and you were. But fear gave way to curiosity and as that couldnt be sated, that gave way to bordom. So you began staring at this sign, trying to figure out what it meant and feeling the lingering effects of the fear in the form of worry. Though you know that the fear probably will come back when someone comes for you.


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Speak of the devil and he comes.
'Greetings, Subject R.U.N.E. Come in. Your bindings will be released shortly.'

>Comply with the Stranger

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You agree and as the stranger said your bindings click open so you can go inside.


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As you stand in the doorway, about to go in you wonder if this was such a good idea after all.

>Ask why you're here. And who you are. And where you are.

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You already know who you are but you can ask the others.
'Ummm.... excuse me but where am I?"
"You are in Labratory 150 of The R.C.P.M.S""What does that mean?"
"The Research Center of Phsych and Mystic Science."
"Why am I here? And why did I have to be chained for so long?"
"You were chosen to participate in an experiment. The chains were a percotionary measure and the reason you were left for so long is that so the experimant isn't affected. Your parents have given us thier concent for you participate already."


[Image: dyou51.jpg]

"Now all you have to do is look inside that machine and tell me what you see."
"It looks kind of like a lampshade...."

Should you obey this man? You really don't like the sound of this.

>Well, it's just a lampshade. What possible harm could come from looking inside a lampshade?

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True. It's just a metal lampshade thingy. Not like some murderous rabbit is going to jump out at you is it?


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Hey. Something's glowing from inside.


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"What- What's happening? Why are there symbols everywere? Ow.... ow, ow, ow, ow. It hurts! Get it off! GET IT OFF! IT HURTS!"

>Tear the thing off!

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You can't do this as doing it would result in tearing of your own head. Seeing as it fastened around your neck as soon as the guy shoved your head in it!

>Fling it at the stranger!

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Your faith in your subconcious rockets down to an all-time low at this suggestion as you couldn't even get it off your head in the first place.


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>Wake up from your recall memory in a cold sweat.

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You wake up on the floor where you apparently collapsed during the flashback in a cold sweat from remembering the minuets leading up to your discovery of why you're here. Which for whatever reason you still can't remember.


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Suddenly the darkness is suffocating, despite the glow if your two glowsticks. You need to get out of here...


[Image: sgn0k7.png]

... is that a door? You're sure that wasn't there before.

>Carefully creak the door open and peek to see what's there.

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It looks perficially safe to you. Just a little dark.


[Image: 33fc3lf.png]

Oh my god!


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.... it dissapeared.
You don't think you're ever going to assume things are what they seem again. Well at least there's a, probable, ladder there.


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You climb the ladder since, though you arn't going to assume much is what it appears to be anymore it is the only way out of here.


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Wait. Is that light coming through that grate?


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You try and lift the grate and find it rather easy as the nails holding it down have long since rusted away with age.


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As you emerge from the darkness into the light of day you notice something strange. Everything seems... monocrome. You're sure it's not meant to be this way, even though you can't remember, you're sure of it. The sun's sine isn't meant to be that dim and the sky is meant to be a much lighter blue than this. The grass souldn't have that grey tint and nor should the houses and the lone tree.
Looking around you notice something else. The streets are empty, no living creature in sight and as you listen for any sound you notice that there is none, not even the slight rustle of grass or the soft wistle of the wind blowing through the cracks in the windows of the abandoned dwellings people must have once called thier homes.
You call out a hello in case anyone is there but your words are soon muffled by some great presence and for the first time you know of you feel truely alone.
You feel like the air pressing down on you as you enter a world where the only sound is of silence.

ACT 1: An Abandoned World

>Lily: Go to the house with the tree sticking out of it.

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You walk up to the house and try and turn the rusted doornob and open the door.


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You soon find out that the door doesn't seem to like opening the normal way.


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.... that's one impressive tree. You're sure it seemed smaller when you could only see the branches sticking out of the windows and roof.


Wow that's long.

Messages In This Thread
The Sound of Silence - by WolfSelkey - 01-05-2012, 11:26 PM
RE: The Sound of Silence - by Dragon Fogel - 01-05-2012, 11:36 PM
RE: The Sound of Silence - by Schazer - 01-05-2012, 11:45 PM
RE: The Sound of Silence - by WolfSelkey - 01-06-2012, 12:14 AM
RE: The Sound of Silence - by Dragon Fogel - 01-06-2012, 01:15 AM
RE: The Sound of Silence - by AgentBlue - 01-06-2012, 05:14 AM
RE: The Sound of Silence - by WolfSelkey - 01-07-2012, 11:51 PM
RE: The Sound of Silence - by Mr. Arsenic Nog - 01-08-2012, 03:32 AM
RE: The Sound of Silence - by AgentBlue - 01-08-2012, 05:20 PM
RE: The Sound of Silence - by WolfSelkey - 01-09-2012, 08:57 PM
RE: The Sound of Silence - by Dragon Fogel - 01-09-2012, 09:12 PM
RE: The Sound of Silence - by AgentBlue - 01-10-2012, 04:37 PM
RE: The Sound of Silence - by Fabricati - 01-10-2012, 09:57 PM
RE: The Sound of Silence - by WolfSelkey - 01-25-2012, 10:04 PM
RE: The Sound of Silence - by Fabricati - 01-25-2012, 10:26 PM
RE: The Sound of Silence - by AgentBlue - 01-26-2012, 02:33 AM
RE: The Sound of Silence - by WolfSelkey - 01-30-2012, 07:21 AM
RE: The Sound of Silence - by Dragon Fogel - 01-30-2012, 07:35 AM
RE: The Sound of Silence - by AgentBlue - 01-30-2012, 07:40 AM