The Vivacious Deadlock: S3G6: Round Three: The Sable Masque

The Vivacious Deadlock: S3G6: Round Three: The Sable Masque
Re: The Vivacious Deadlock: S3G6: Round One: Genreshift
Originally posted on MSPA by Ixcalibur.

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Slowly the warehouse door slid open, revealing behind it the titan of a man that was Levi. His hair was cropped short, his face heavily scarred and his eyes replaced with a heavy visor which was glowing a dull red. He wore a black waistcoat and a dirty shirt underneath, which was torn off at the sleeves. His arms had been replaced with mechanical limbs but they were not subtle replacements like Abys’. They were dull grey and thick as tree trunks. Gripped tightly in his heavy metal hands was a mini-gun, fed from a belt wrapped around his torso. He did not even seem to strain under its enormous weight. Flanking him was Byte, Phere’s second in command. He was significantly less intimidating than his ally, which was probably the reason that Phere had demanded he come along. He held a pair of pistols, which Tek had made a couple of alterations to, as a consequence they were all but held together by black tape, and a spare radio tucked into his belt. Levi and Byte stepped over the threshold into the dimly lit warehouse. They paused for a moment as their vision synched up with the warehouse security allowing them to pinpoint the intruder’s exact location.


Klendel was sprinting down one of the warehouse’s crate lined aisles, when he was intercepted by Levi. He slowed down until steps away from the behemoth of a man he came to a complete stop. A quick glance behind him revealed another cyborg, one with short spiky hair and a pair of jerry-rigged pistols was following him down the aisle. He was taken aback at how he had been located, he had been moving quickly and silently and was pretty sure that nobody had seen him on his approach. It was intriguing.

“Hey you.” Byte shouted from behind him. Reluctantly Klendel turned his back on the brute that stood before him. Byte tossed him a radio, which he deftly caught. He smiled as he looked down at the radio.

“Whoever is in charge doesn’t trust you to speak for yourself?” He asked. “Interesting…” He clicked the radio on and spoke into it. “Hello?”

“What do you want?” Phere asked bluntly.

“Straight to the point…” Klendel grinned. “Who is this I am speaking to?”

“This is Empress Phere.” Phere responded. “What do you want?”

“I remember you.” Klendel said. “You’re a contestant too. I must say you’ve done well commandeering an entire gang in the short space of time we have had so far.”

“Cut the small talk.” Phere snapped back. “Give me a reason I shouldn’t have you mown down where you stand.”

“I don’t have to.” Klendel replied. “You knew who I was when you sent your goons out to apprehend me. If you’d wanted to kill me then you would have already done so. So why don’t you tell me why you don’t want to kill me?” In the silence that followed Klendel grinned. This was easy; he already had the upper hand in this conversation.

“You make a good point.” Phere countered. “Levi, kill this worthless thing.” Behind him Klendel could hear the minigun warming up.

“Hold on.” He said quickly. Though he doubted such a loose spray of bullets would be able to do any harm to him where it counted, he didn’t want his competitors to know such a thing. Levi released the trigger and the noise of the whirling gun slowed and stopped. “Perhaps I can be of use.” He continued. “I’ve seen some of your handiwork around town. You and me, we’re alike. We’re smarter than the others in this battle. We should work together for now.”

“I do not work with others.” Phere retorted. “If you align yourself with me, then you work for me. This is non-negotiable. Do you accept?” Klendel didn’t even hesitate.

“Yes.” He said curtly. He could tell that Phere was not putting any trust in him, but still the opportunity to get close to someone who he sought to bring down is something that was seldom offered so readily.


The conversation was interrupted by another voice on the line; that of Abys.

“Empress.” Abys’ tone was little more than a whisper. “Due to the incompetence of your new ally we have been intercepted.”

“Hold on.” She told Klendel and switched her gaze. She saw the three headed creature, Nalzaki, and upon it’s back the disgusting cat creature, Merrifield. Clasped in its stubby arms were a sheaf of bookmarks and the Stolen Tome itself. They approached Ivan and Abys casually and proposed an alliance with the boy. Phere clicked the radio on again.

“The creature upon its back has the Stolen Tome.” Phere said. “If Ivan opts to form ‘an alliance’ with these creatures then play along, if not then get the Tome and leave him to his fate. Either way bringing back the Tome takes priority. I am sending to you a new ally, one who is hopefully more capable than the last. His name is… unimportant. He is a shadowy black figure with red eyes. You will spot him.”

Abys nodded, confident that the others with their attentions fixed on one another had not noticed her discreet conversation. She waited for Ivan to respond.

Phere flicked her vision back over to Klendel where he seemed to be chatting amiably with Levi.


Klendel had taken the intervening time to inquire about Phere’s rise to power over the Punks. He had phrased it casually, making it appear to be an innocent inquiry, and was paying close attention to the details, though making sure that it appeared that he wasn’t. Before Levi could really tell him anything of value Phere’s voice crackled over the radios.

“Shadow creature.” She said. “I presume you have a name?”

“Klendel.” He replied.

“Klendel. I’m assigning you to an agent of mine called Abys. She is at the castle. Aid her in any way necessary. The key objective is to bring back the Stolen Tome.” Phere instructed. “Byte will provide you with directions if you need them. Levi, get back here ASAP.”


Phere took up the radio and marched back into Syn’s room. With that threat dealt with it was imperative that she get the surgery while it was still an option.


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Re: The Vivacious Deadlock: S3G6: Round One: Genreshift - by Ixcaliber - 07-10-2011, 04:04 PM