The Vivacious Deadlock: S3G6: Round Three: The Sable Masque

The Vivacious Deadlock: S3G6: Round Three: The Sable Masque
Re: The Vivacious Deadlock: S3G6: Round One: Genreshift
Originally posted on MSPA by Anomaly.

Did you really need to kill him? Nalyg briefly glanced back at Fleischer's bloodied, crumpled body.

Better than leaving him alive after seeing us. Besides, these things are really easy to kill. Crack open like a glass window. Razaran's hammeresque limb pulled itself apart and retracted into his side.

Especially when they're unarmed. You could at least wait until you've discerned a threat before you go murdering. Kanpeki's piercing blue eyes stared daggers at the dark Typhren.

Okay, sure. Non-lethal force next time, if possible. Let's get moving before someone finds the body.

Nalzaki turned and began walking down the long, concrete hallway, flourescent lights flickering above. Several steel doors, not unlike the one that had sealed off the abandoned laboratory, lay down either side of the long hallway, each identical to the next save for a small label.

Food storage S3... Chemical Storage S3-A... Electrical Maintenance... None of this seems especially helpful in retrieving that tome, Nalyg noted.

Perhaps we should check this one, then, added Kanpeki, motioning at a door labeled "VAULT". We'll need to take a bipedal stance to reach the lock properly, though. Nalyg, if you will.

Nalyg's front legs dissolved into his body as his back ones began to grow in size. The legs cracked with the snapping of bones and sinews as their underlying structure rearranged into a form much more suited to supporting the full weight of the hydra. Slowly, Nalzaki hoisted themselves upright, their heads held low to avoid hitting the ceiling. Razaran and Kanpeki transformed their now-useless legs into arms, almost as an afterthought.

We can't get around in these hallways very well like this. We'll go back to hexapedal once you're finished with that door.

Kanpeki wrenched the electric keypad lock from the wall next to the door, exposing the underlying circuitry. She immediately formed an electricity-producing organ in her arm, and reached into the panel. Shortly afterward, the door swung open, successfully unlocked.

They don't appear to have an especially high level of technology here. It shouldn't be a problem to get around.

In spite of the security, the Vault was a rather small room, barely large enough to accommodate the Kryesan. Shelves lined the walls, stacked high with countless papers and binders. Kanpeki grabbed a binder from the shelf and hastily flipped through it for a few moments, then replaced it.

It looks like all of these papers catalogue the projects this laboratory's worked on for quite a long span of time. It doesn't look like any of it will be very useful to us, though.

Nalyg glanced at a smattering of papers strewn about on one of the higher shelves. It says that they've stowed several bookmarks away in a safe in this room. Razaran, I assume you can take care of that.

With pleasure. Razaran glanced around the room for a few moments before locating a small safe placed on a low shelf. As Kanpeki held it in place, Razaran slowly wrenched his claws around the edge of the door, and, after about a minute of struggling, pried the safe open, snapping the lock in the process.

Unsurprisingly, the technology here remains as unrefined as ever. Kanpeki reached into the safe and pulled out five brightly-colored paper rectangles - the bookmarks spoken of by Dr. Matic. Upon each was an intricate design thematically matching the simple, white label.

Romantic comedy... Metafiction... Western... Superhero Fantasy... Horror. Should we take all of these with us, or just one of them? Nalyg queried.

Might as well take 'em all. We don't like the results of one, we can just use a different one instead. Or we could just destroy them.

No, let's take them along. It's likely they could help us at some point, assuming we get the tome.

Okay, okay. On another note, what the hell is that smell? It's beginning to smell like death in here.

As if on cue, the metal grating over the ventilation duct clattered to the ground, narrowly avoiding Razaran's head. As he glanced upward, a reddish-pink blob fell from the duct and landed on his neck.

Ech. Guess this is the source of that smell. Excuse me while I incinerate it. Razaran shook his head, tossing the blob to the ground.

Wait a moment, Razaran. There seems to be something embedded in it. Kanpeki reached into the blob and pulled out a dusty brown book, a few flecks of fleshy goo still clinging to it.

Is that the tome? Nalyg asked.

It appears so. Awfully convenient. We find a few bookmarks, and the tome drops right on Razaran's head.

Hate to break up your discussion, you two, but this thing isn't just a blob. Might want to look at this.

Nalyg and Kanpeki turned simultaneously to look at the fleshy blob, and instead found a decent-sized bipedal creature, roughly five feet tall. Its raw skin glistened in the dim light, as did its large, empty eyes. It seemed to be intently watching the Kryesan, but hadn't moved otherwise.

So do we kill it?

No, let's not be hasty, replied Nalyg. I think this is that "Merrifield" creature the Spectator mentioned earlier. I'll try talking to it.

"Hello, Merrifield."

"Who are you?"

"I'm Nalyg, these are Kanpeki and Razaran. Did you come here on purpose?"

"Um, no."

"I see. Well, I see you managed to get the Tome. How did you manage that?"

"I found it."

You sure you're not just wasting our time, Nalyg? We're not going to get anything out of her.

Razaran, we need allies in this battle. Even if it's a foul smelling... thing. I think she's friendly, at the very least. It could prove to be an advantage later on.

I agree with Nalyg. Though we could likely kill everyone and finish the battle, perhaps we should instead gain allies and destroy our captor. It would prevent unnecessary deaths.

Alright, alright, sure. Continue.

"Merrifield, would you like to come with us? We're looking for allies to escape from this battle, and we don't want to kill anyone unless we have to."

"Will you protect me?"

"Of course we will. You'll be much safer with us than you would be alone."

"Okay. I'll go."

"Thank you, Merrifield. Let's get going, now."

Nalzaki stepped out of the closet-esque vault, followed closely by Merrifield. The former stopped in the middle of the hallway, then reversed their earlier transformation. Merrifield stared in fascination as the hydra's body structure was rapidly rearranged into a hexapedal form. The tome and the bookmarks now lay on the floor, unable to be carried very well by the Kryesan.

"Merrifield, could you hold those things for us? We can't pick things up very well in this form."


Merrifield stepped behind Nalzaki, picking up the dropped objects. A moment later, the trio felt a sudden weight upon their back.

It's on our back, Nalyg. It still smells, too. Why did we ally with this thing?

I already told you. It's fine if she stays up there; she's safer that way. If nothing else, we at least have someone to carry our things for us.

Nalzaki trode down the hall in the same direction as before, quickly coming to a stairwell at the end. Not stopping for an instant, they ascended the stairs, passing multiple doors along the way, until they came to one labeled "Level 1". The door pushed open easily, leading into another gray, sterile hallway. Unlike the lower one, however, this one seemed to be better upkept: the lights were consistently bright, and the floor was carpeted rather than concrete. Additionally, two figures stood at the end of the hall, talking, though they were too far away to be audible.

They seem to be the same species as that creature you killed earlier, but they're dressed differently. Maybe they're not associated with this Dr. Matic.

One of them appears similar to one of the contestants in this battle, actually. "Ivan", I believe it was. I can't tell who the other one is, however.

How can you even tell that from here? You know what, I shouldn't even be surprised at this point.

If it's one of the contestants, we should try to make contact. Let's go.

Ivan Norst's conversation with Abys immediately fell flat as a distinct, hospital-like smell wafted past the two of them. They simultaneously turned around to find a three-headed hydra staring at them, a bipedal, cat-like being riding atop. The two also immediately noticed the dusty tome clutched in the paws of the latter.

"Hello, Ivan. I'm Nalyg, these two are Razaran and Kanpeki, and the other is Merrifield. We'd like to propose an alliance."


Messages In This Thread
Re: The Vivacious Deadlock: S3G6: Round One: Genreshift - by Anomaly - 07-10-2011, 03:37 AM