The Vivacious Deadlock: S3G6: Round Three: The Sable Masque

The Vivacious Deadlock: S3G6: Round Three: The Sable Masque
Re: The Vivacious Deadlock: S3G6: Signups Open GO GO GO
Originally posted on MSPA by Drakenforge.

Name: Korta Gonten (Korta the Typhoon by title) and Byou (Pronounced “Byo”)
Gender: Male and Female, respectively
Age: 17 (As a human, he was 16,482 years old before that), and Unknown
Race: Human (Reincarnated demon), Demon (Cat-humanoid in appearance)
Text Colour: [color]Midnight Blue. Twice.[/color]

Description: Korta has dark blue spiky hair, brown eyes and is reasonably tall for a teenager. He wears a blue jacket with a simple grey shirt underneath, white trousers, leather boots and a white cape like scarf that wraps around his neck. It has recently had a hood stitched on to deal with the wet weathers he encountered when he left his home country to join school. He has a jester-like way of acting, which was mostly just a personality he formed during his life. Deep down he harbours a long past that spans out thousands of years, and every once in a while he can speak wisdom he has found through the years. He also has an Irish accent for some reason. His human parents have no idea where he got it from, and neither does he.

Byou is two feet tall. She has very spiky white hair, has red eyes, wears a blue battle dress of cloth, and has large cat ears growing out the sides of her head. She is very feisty and gets aggravated incredibly quickly. She carries a wooden katana everywhere with her, which she uses to smack around anything she feels deserves to be smacked around.

Weapons/Abilities: Korta is a wizard, although he secretly finds that fact just a bit cheesy however he had no other claim to power as a human. When he started his school year he was given a jewel that would help unlock his natural preference in elements. His was a mixture between wind and water, however his water control is scarce since he can only use it in extreme situations, he has no skill with it when he isn’t in a do-or-die situation. His wind skills are phenomenal, and he has long mastered the art of flight. He doesn’t do it often since it puts a large strain on his back if he tries to go horizontal. He has no weapons, but could probably use most if he came across any. Both Byou and Korta share a mental link, if one is exhausted so is the other, if Korta loses consciousness, so will Byou.

Byou carries only a wooden sword however her skill with it is more than enough to kill. While wood on its own isn’t very dangerous she has enough strength to cut through concrete with it. How she does this is a mystery she intends to take the grave instead of revealing. She also gained the power of electricity when she became a familiar but just usually prefers to smack things around with her wooden sword.

Biography: Korta, who had a different name at the time, was the first born son of King Bayle, ruler of the demon world. However he never found interest in the hierarchy and gave up the position of heir to deal with his own life. He abandoned his position as prince, but his father pleaded with him to remain as his son and to stay. So he did so, and spent his life wandering the demon world looking for things to occupy his time. He never stayed in one place too long, and started to make friends in many different places. At times he took on jobs to help people; on others he fought monsters to the death just for the sake of feeling alive. He was filled with troubles, for as a demon he just had too much time to live and nothing to fill it with. Eventually he found himself a rival, a black haired woman around the same age as him. She was a true demon, fights anything that comes close to being as strong as her, decimates anyone who ranks lower. She had been on her way to find a sacred artefact when she attacked Korta, eventually spilling the beans on what she was after. Korta had no other options than to defend himself, eventually landing himself stuck with her on top of a large fallen stalactite hanging over a large crevice. Of course, this didn’t interrupt their fight, but eventually it gave way, causing the woman to fall into the abyss, cursing Korta all the way and vowing to get her revenge. Korta, hanging on for dear life, had no idea what her problem was since they had just met, but with only one direction to go he proceeded on further into the caves. He eventually found the artefact, and sating his curiosity he lifted it from the podium. That was when it all went to hell, figuratively speaking. He instantly had a heart attack as the idol crumbled away into dust. When he came to, he was being dragged across a dirt path like a prisoner, a slave class demon on either side of him grabbing onto his arm. His chest felt incredibly tight, and a burning sensation was wracking at his mind. He was in agony, and his body wouldn’t listen to him. Eventually his captors, who he recognised bore the emblem of his family upon their uniforms. He was being carried by demons owned by his father, but why? His memory was foggy and all he could remember was collapsing inside the cave. However, he could now see that he was his estate. Ahead, the castle loomed over him. On the balcony hanging over him several stories up stood his father. There were many other people associated with his family around his father. The pain in his chest grew even more intense, as his father’s booming voice echoed.

“My son, you once gave up your right to the throne. And now, you have given up your right as a demon. That artefact was cursed, a rare idol meant to bring ones power right down to lethal levels. You are so weak, that just being in our presence is killing you. I have no option other than to forcefully take away your right to be a demon. It is all I can do to keep you alive, you must understand. And so, with my power, I shall give you a new life in the human world. I hope you find life there as interesting as you found your travels. We shall miss you, always.”

That was all Korta could remember. His memory had been lost soon after that, and his body reduced into that of an infant. An agent managed to get him into the human world and replaced him with another baby, thus giving Korta a new life. He lived with a small family in the cold ice country of Loshun. His parents ran the local pub, and he lived a cold but ordinary life. He eventually had a little sister called Ren, who was an energetic bundle of joy for the family. However, when Korta turned 16 he was recruited to join the illustrious school of magic, Fenruis. Magicians rivalled technology in most countries, some where only martial where others were only magic. During his time in Fenruis Korta met many different kinds of people, some strange creatures, and forced a demon to be his familiar. He was supposed to get some kind of animal or spirit, yet he somehow accidently tapped into the occult and summoned a demon. However, due to Korta’s low level of power she was trapped in a small body. With cat ears. And has a speech impediment where she had to say “kyat” a lot.
But Korta’s peaceful (yet dangerous) life was changed when his hometown of Granid was destroyed. Death, carnage, mutilation and despair were all that remained. And yet his sister survived. She was found by a merchant that had been travelling to Granid for business. She was taken to the next town over and hospitalised, while a messenger went to retrieve Korta. Ren remained in coma as Korta and Byou watcher over her, and then the trouble reached them too and Korta had to juggle a lot of fights in a row. Due to a magic mirror, Korta managed to take Ren to the school clinic, where he passed out to do blood loss. After which, he and Byou were hunted down by a celestial army just before Korta had planned to go rescue an artefact that had eluded him as a demon. It was revealed that Korta’s mother had something to do with the angels, so much so that just from hearing her name made the angels retreat. As Korta learned his sister could wake up soon, the school was invaded by a possessed spirit, and both Korta and Byou were lost in the confusion, forever missing from the world.
Korta’s sister was also never found.

Byou's biography is unknown, however she admitted to once being an A Class Demon, and being the Head Lecturer at an academy in Korta’s Demon World. She never admitted it was Ancient Artefacts that she taught about, or that she had met him as a demon, which is why she silently holds a grudge for ruining her perfect reputation for recovering every artefact she had set out to find.

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Re: The Vivacious Deadlock: S3G6: Signups Open GO GO GO - by GBCE - 05-22-2011, 10:16 PM