The Vivacious Deadlock: S3G6: Round Three: The Sable Masque

The Vivacious Deadlock: S3G6: Round Three: The Sable Masque
Re: The Vivacious Deadlock: S3G6: Signups Open GO GO GO
Originally posted on MSPA by Sputnik.

Name: The Jack of Blades. Known in its home world as The Assassin, The Right Hand, Knife-In-The-Dark, Carrion and Bladecrafter

Gender: None, but was created with a masculine personality

Race: Demon/Magical Construct

Color:Dark Red

Description: A slender humanoid figure with gangly limbs. It is 7'1", wearing tarnished bronze armor and a thick, tattered crimson cloak. Its face, and any parts of its body that are exposed is wrapped in linen strips, yellowed with age and inscribed with spidery runes. There is a hole on its face that reveals a large red eye in the center. It does not speak, but communicates through a form of telepathy, speaking directly to any sapient being inside their own mind. It does have a mouth, though, a too-wide maw of needle-like teeth and a snaky tongue which it uses to consume the life force of its foes and to intimidate, when need be.

The Jack of Blades is taciturn to the point of speaking short, laconic sentences. The Jack is a warrior, first and foremost, and does not give quarter to those it sees as its foes. This does not mean that it attacks indiscriminately, but it will negotiate with those it deems to be adequate threats to its person. Mostly, the Jack keeps to itself, appearing to others only to negotiate, to accept a mission or to fight.

The Jack is known for being utterly merciless and ruthless, resorting to underhanded tricks to best stronger foes. It doesn’t show mercy, except when it would be in its best interests.

Weapons and Abilities: The Jack is stronger, more resilient and faster than any normal human being. His single red eye is unhindered by darkness, and the Jack has excellent hearing. The Jack has the ability to teleport 4 meters away in any direction, causing a loud cracking sound and a smell reminiscent of fire as he does so. It can manifest ethereal blades, ranging from the tiniest dagger to the largest greatsword. It can create less stable versions of these blades, which the The Jack of Blades uses as projectile weapons, hurling themselves at enemies.

The Jack of Blades is proficient with any weapon it creates, and can destroy any of its manifested blades with a thought. The Jack of Blades has a minor enchantment that enables it to remain completely silent when it wishes to. As a Demon and a Magical Construct, the Jack of Blades is blessed with rapid regeneration from mundane damage and can consume the life force of a fallen foe to hasten this process, or to regenerate damage from supernatural sources.

Biography: The Jack of Blades was originally a minor demon, content to spread wanton destruction in the material world. It was captured by Binder Anystrazya in the Dawn War, and twisted into its current form to serve as her assassin and her protector. When Anystrazya was slain by her lover, Binder Nymra, The Jack of Blades continued to serve her until the end of the war, where Nymra was killed destroying the Emperor's Throne, an immensely powerful magical artifact.

The magical blast permanently destroyed one of the Jack's enchantments, specifically the one that bound it to any master. The Jack of Blades then spent two centuries carving a bloody path through the Empire, systematically dismantling the corrupt Empire as per its last mistress's wish. When it was finished, the Jack of Blades was content to wander the base earth as a mercenary, hiring its arsenal of swords to anyone who would pay.

Theme Song: Dance of Thorns

((When I talk about its unstable sword thingies, think of the sword spell from Fable 2. The one that conjures golden swords that fly at enemies and such.))

Messages In This Thread
Re: The Vivacious Deadlock: S3G6: Signups Open GO GO GO - by GBCE - 05-21-2011, 07:46 AM