The Vivacious Deadlock: S3G6: Round Three: The Sable Masque

The Vivacious Deadlock: S3G6: Round Three: The Sable Masque
Re: The Vivacious Deadlock: S3G6: Signups Open GO GO GO
Originally posted on MSPA by granolaman.

Name: Johann Meriwether

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Color: Luxurious Goldenrod

Abilities: Johann can sense (see/hear) the songs of people, places and things. The song is comprised of the thing’s history, personality and inner being. If Johann plays/sings this song, he can enact various degrees of control on the song’s possessor, ranging from lie detecting and distant communication to animation and domination.

Description: Johann is a tall and slender man with a fair and soft complexion. His hair is composed of long golden locks and flows freely down his head. He wears a simple laced shirt and trousers, along with a baroque wooden lute slung across his shoulder.
The man has been an artist all his life, and it shows in his heavily romantic and nonaggressive outlook. He is often mistaken as a poet, but he lacks the trademark verbal flourishes. It’s easy to see the resemblance though as Johann is drawn to things with beautiful songs. The music has also granted him an uncanny insight into the natures of things making him appear wise for his young age.

Biography: “Gifted” is the word that springs to mind when most people think of Johann Meriwether. Those of religious persuasion would even go as far as “blessed.” No matter the description, one thing was clear: Johann was an extraordinarily talented musician. Whether it be piano, lute, or his seductive tenor voice, every piece he performed swept you off your feet. And if you were fortunate enough for a private concert, why the music felt as though it could move your very soul. Oh how the women fell at his feet for such a performance. He could have his pick of any noble’s daughter if he’d only pull his head out of the clouds long enough to choose. Indeed, his aloofness was his bane. The music society agreed that if he’d only focus himself he could easily become the greatest musician of the era. But alas, the young man cared not for his career or prestige. Instead he spent his days searching for “the one perfect song.” No one knew exactly what he meant by that, but few doubted his search was the reason for his disappearance one misty morning…

Theme Song: Scarborough Fair

Messages In This Thread
Re: The Vivacious Deadlock: S3G6: Signups Open GO GO GO - by Granolaman - 05-21-2011, 01:15 AM