The Vivacious Deadlock: S3G6: Round Three: The Sable Masque

The Vivacious Deadlock: S3G6: Round Three: The Sable Masque
Re: The Vivacious Deadlock: S3G6: Signups Open GO GO GO
Originally posted on MSPA by Solaris.

reserve or whatevers

Name: Kekarie

Gender: None, but I guess it would answer to male.

Race: Ancient Wind Spirit

Color: Pretty Dark Yellow that is Hex code #B2A807

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Standing at some five feet, the birdlike spirit has a feathered, blue and green torso with some rougher magenta legs. Its feet each have three, powerful clawed toes. It also has a small pair of magenta wings, only slightly large enough to wrap around his body. From the neck up is his orange, beaked head, which also lacks feathers. Finally, its most odd limb is his large, yellow, prehensile tail, which has five clawed, humanoid fingers at the end.
Personality wise, Kekarie’s a bit of a prankster. Likes to juggle with the tail, enjoys speaking with plants, animals, and children. It likes attention from the younger ones very much. It cares for the forest and lives to protect it, but for the most part prefers to go about its business in a lazy way. It doesn’t act all that smart, but it can still speak, it just prefers to play around and use tail motions and trickery to communicate. However, if a friend or the forest becomes severely threatened, all this is replaced by an immeasurable rage. When like this, it is very loud and brash, preferring to go from point A to point B as fast and loudly as possible.

Weapons and Abililities: Being a wind spirit, it does not require food or drink, but greatly enjoys Fruit and various liquids. Its beak and claws can pierce and rip apart moderately hard objects, while its tail-hand can only scratch or carve at things. However, it can easily wield weapons with little difficulty, and is easily maneuverable and strong, capable of suspending the rest of the body with ease. It has extraordinarily good balance, and a sixth sense for falling objects. It also can spit out compressed wind bullets of varying power, ranging from enough to knock a hat off, to piercing a bulldozer. While it has a great control of wind, unless severely aggravated, it prefers to limit itself to only passive wind control to increase speed and jumping ability, with the exception of his wind bullets.

Biography: A wind spirit created by a god of the wind to look over a beautiful forest, this creature spent its time frolicking and speaking with the plants and animals around it. Then, one day it fell asleep deep inside the center of the forest. As time went by, humans arrived and a legend of this Guardian of the Forest was made. They said that it would awaken if the forest ever came to grave danger. They called it the Kekarie. Decades passed, then centuries, then millennia. The creature slumbered for all these years without interruption and its legend was virtually forgotten.

Then, one day, it woke up. Not aware of the many changes, it ran through the forest, searching for the animals and trees it had spoken with so long ago. The newer plants told it of all of the changes, especially noting the arrival of the creatures called humans. It decided to go see these humans, and it silently stalked the village. Eventually, it chose to appear to a few human children. They were terrified at first, even more when it spoke to them, thinking it a demon. However, a village elder, who knew of the legend, spoke to both the children and the creature, reciting the legend and informing them all of the upcoming danger that the forest would be in. It seemed that the forest would have a good chunk of it taken away by loggers and so the elder begged the creature to stop them. It accepted.

For months, a small battle was waged between the loggers, and what seemed to be a ghost. Using his air bullets and his tail, the creature, now accepting the name Kekarie, constantly bothered the loggers from the shadows, misplacing equipment, knocking off hats, trying to stop them without being to forceful. Meanwhile, Kekarie continued playing with the children of the village and generally having fun. This only lasted for a few months.

After three months of no progress on the harvesting of the trees, the workers began to grow impatient. Deciding to take a rather drastic measure, they set some of the forest on fire, to distract the villagers and who they thought was their ghost, while they would work on another part. While fighting the fire, the elder who had shared the legend died. Kekarie became enraged. The sky went dark and a wicked wind blew in. A chill went down the spine of the loggers as suddenly, walking became an endeavor. Still, they tried to continue their work, only to stop when one of their trucks flew away into the sky. A loud voice boomed throughout the entire forest, its message etched into the minds of the workers. Kekarie was blunt. It told then to die.

What occurred that night is a blur to the loggers, the villagers, and Kekarie itself.
The equipment was destroyed, the metal machines punctured and ripped apart.
The trees were still there, only all pointing away from the loggers.
The loggers were scared and injured, unable to muster a word of what happened.
The forest had an unexplained crater right where Kekarie had been seen last.
And the spirit who had caused this had disappeared, far away from its forest and into the fight of its life.

Theme Song: Angel Island Zone - Sonic 3

Messages In This Thread
Re: The Vivacious Deadlock: S3G6: Signups Open GO GO GO - by Solaris - 05-20-2011, 10:00 PM