The Spectacular Exhibition (S3G2) [Round 2: Space - Abridged]

The Spectacular Exhibition (S3G2) [Round 2: Space - Abridged]
Re: The Spectacular Exhibition (S3G2) [Round 2: Space - Abridged]
Originally posted on MSPA by Akumu.

A globule of turquoise water hung suspended in a void, its surface wobbling slightly out of round as a rainbow of tropical fish flitted through its interior. Suddenly the tranquility was shattered as a tumbling form materialized at speed, shooting through the water and trailing blood and air bubbles like the tail of a meaty comet. Blazaard's trajectory bent in the weak gravity of the watery planetoid, and he slowly spiraled in to hang at its center. With the shift of environment had come an equally radical shift in mood, from an elated optimism to a morose dejection. He had failed.

He had been tumbling through the great den inside the mountain, pushed along by a roaring wall of water, scraping his flesh raw on the rough-hewn stone. And then, darkness. He was confined once again, and around him the halting chatter-whistle (speech) filled the emptiness. It almost meant something, and his eyes dilated and nostrils flared as he tried to draw it in. “Eliminated.” Of course. His brothers could only be dead, torn to shreds by one another before he could reach them with his message. He was the lone survivor, and now a new brother was to be thrust against him, probably to die as well.

Thus were his thoughts as he bobbed gently at the center of the tiny sea. Its pressure was nothing compared to the crushing sadness that compacted his will to act to a speck. He had never imagined such feeling was possible... As he hung motionless, crystal scabs grew over his abrasions, knitting together the wounds and subsuming a little more of his old self. The fish were beginning to get over their initial startle and move in to examine this new addition to their world, taking exploratory nibbles, when a dull warbling roar and a burst of orange light caught his attention. He craned his neck and paddled slightly to look at the proper up, scattering the curious fish once again. Out there, beyond the surface of the water, he saw a distant red figure of many limbs, moving slowly away.


Like a switch had been flipped, he was right back to elation. Somehow his brother had escaped death! He had to reach him and give him the message. He paddled with all his might, fighting up through the water, picking up speed...

and breaking free! He erupted out of the sea with a spray of water, sending tiny globules shimmering out into space. He pulled in his feet to streamline himself and glided out towards his brother. As he drew near he saw that the light was coming from their machine for ripping apart and putting the wrongness in, and it was ripping into his brother right now, working its way into his metal shell. He screeched in anger but this was lost in the terrible roar of the machine. Even worse, it was driving into his brother and pushing him away, so that he passed behind them unnoticed, flailing his claws and screaming without effect as he followed a straight path from the sea.

His brother receded away as he traveled onwards, and ahead another planet loomed, bristling with gleaming towers of glass and plastic. As he drew closer he saw small pods of the same bustle to and fro between the towers, and a cacophony of honks and roars rose up towards him. He braced for impact.


Messages In This Thread
Re: The Spectacular Exhibition (S3G2) [Round 2: Space - Abridged] - by Akumu - 08-04-2011, 01:54 AM