The Spectacular Exhibition (S3G2) [Round 2: Space - Abridged]

The Spectacular Exhibition (S3G2) [Round 2: Space - Abridged]
The Spectacular Exhibition (S3G2) [Round 2: Space - Abridged]
Originally posted on MSPA by cyber95.

The Counsellor stepped onto the sandy surface where half of the contestants had been. She stood on the glass where there was once sand, and looked at the charred remains of the first eliminated contestant.
"In a way, this has so far been a success. Tragedy did help him overcome his problem, if only for a moment."
She glanced at the body again, a look of concern on her face.
"However... it's not particularly useful if they aren't able to live long enough to appreciate their new understanding."
Looking around the sandy expanse, she was lost in thought for a moment. She had an idea, but she couldn't quite act on it while the battle was underway.
Before heading back, the female Grandmaster did the former contestant at least one favor, and sunk him several feet below into the sand, next to his former companion. No sense leaving corpses just lying around.
She immediately vanished from the vicinity.


The Counsellor stood in her office and snapped her fingers. Appearing in front of her was an apparently invisible man in a long sleeved shirt, vest, and glasses, furiously taking notes with a fountain pen in a journal. Suddenly noticing he was not in the same place as he was before, he looked up to see the decapitated snake-haired lady. He sighed and spoke in a British voice,
"You know, I was trying to watch a universe form."

"There'll be more universes being created in the future, Professor. I need you to do something for me."

Professor closed his book and sighed, "Sometimes I wonder if I should have just stayed back home and not agreed to become your assistant. What do you need?"

The Counsellor turned away, "Have you heard of the Grand Battles?"

"I've actually watched a few of them. A bit ghastly, if I do say so. ...hold on a tick, what exactly have you been doing all this time?"

"Exactly what you think. I've got a theory about them, and the opportunity presented itself to me. Unfortunately, I have... business to attend to elsewhere. I've got to see a man about a tablet."

"A tablet? Odd. I won't pry, though. What exactly am I supposed to do for you, though? I'm not exactly all-powerful. I don't think I'd be capable of running one of these, and I'm a bit on the wrong side of the morality scale for that anyway."

"Don't worry about that. I've got it all set up. The power I gave you should be enough to handle what I need for now, and if you need to get involved directly for whatever reason, you've got those brains of yours to figure something out! Just get the round started for me, and perhaps end it if I'm not back in time. I should be back before round 3 is over."

"Erm, alright then. I don't suppose you'd have the cliffnotes on this, would you?"

The Counsellor pulled a crumpled piece of paper from her... assets, and handed it to the man. She gave a wink before disappearing in a red mist.

"Right then. This shouldn't be too hard. At least I certainly hope not."


The contestants floated motionlessly in a void for a bit, before a British voice surrounded them.

"Erm, sorry about that. Complications. I'm Professor. Not The Professor, just Professor. The Counsellor is busy, so I'm subbing in for a bit. It seems that Gepetto and his friends were, um, eliminated last round," Professor had a bit of a nervous tinge to his voice. The thought of forcing these beings, some perfectly innocent, to fight to the death bothered him a bit, but he had known the Counsellor to be a bit extreme with her 'therapy' methods. He was a bit unsure of how this was actually supposed to help them. Seemed like kind of a load of bollocks to him, but he wasn't a psychology major, so perhaps there was more to it than he thought, "Since that's happened, it seems appropriate to give you all a change in atomsphere. Several atmospheres, in fact. This place is actually a bit reminiscent of a game I saw somebody playing once. If any of you have ever wanted to travel space, but found it a bit unfeasable, this is the round for you. Oh, I suppose I should send you there. I think I can do that fairly easily..."

Professor's voice trailed off as the blackness shifted around them into, well, really more blackness, but a bit more populated blackness. Small planetoids appeared around, the various contestants landing on different planets, all with vastly varying attributes, and most strangely enough, more gravity than they should allow for their size. Despite the host's claim of several atmospheres, none of them seemed to have anything of the sort, which wasn't nearly as bad as it should be, because the space between the planets was strangely breathable. Before everybody was sent off to continue their escapades, Professor spoke up again.
"Oh, and apparently most of you hadn't actually met each other due to the circumstances of the previous round. The Counsellor recommends you get to know the other half of the contestants if you can. Erm, have a good round? I'm not quite sure the ettiquette of... death battles."

The contestants were free to move once more.

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The Spectacular Exhibition (S3G2) [Round 2: Space - Abridged] - by Robust Laser - 07-22-2011, 11:25 PM