The Spectacular Exhibition (S3G2) [Round 2: Space - Abridged]

The Spectacular Exhibition (S3G2) [Round 2: Space - Abridged]
Re: The Spectacular Exhibition (S3G2) [Round 1: Parallels/Perpendicularities]
Originally posted on MSPA by Pick Yer Poison.

Crepitans backed away slowly from the flames. Although he had little to fear from a short exposure to them, the compounded damage they could deal in the time it would take for him to reach the creature with the armored shell greatly outweighed the benefits he might gain from destroying the creature now. He began a quick retreat; quick, that is, by tree standards. Ice crunched and creaked as his massive form sailed over it, his unwilling passenger hidden within his boughs.

Red considered chasing after Crepitans to retrieve the human with the animal pelt for a moment, but decided that if the two could keep each other busy, he would have a much better chance of surviving. He also considered the fact that one of his weapon arms was damaged and needed to be repaired immediately. Two hatches opened on the side of his torso, and two spindly silver arms with several joints extended from them; one carried a screwdriver and the other carried a blowtorch. The smaller arms began to work to fix the larger one. Occasionally one would retreat back into its hatch and return with a different tool or a mechanical component and would continue working.

After several minutes, they both returned to their hatches and the larger arm began moving again. Red shifted it back and forth to ensure himself that it was capable of movement. After he felt sure he could move it correctly, he made a panel retract and a grappling hook pop out. Red looked at it, and, satisfied that the weapons and utilities were functioning correctly, had it conceal itself once more. Then he clanked over to the igloo to see how the aardvark was doing.

Blazaard was scared and confused and cold and damp and not happy at all. He was stuck inside an extremely silly aboveground ice den that only had a silly stick on a half-cylinder inside it. Blazaard had stayed away from it and was now eyeing it warily because in his bleary state he couldn't understand its purpose, and he knew from experience that if he didn't understand something it was always without exception bad.

But after several minutes of watching the strange stick, with the sounds of fighting having died down outside, he was beginning to become curious. His mind was still in total disarray, but it was no longer nearly as frightened. He slowly moved towards it, reaching out with his nose to nudge it. A hesitant little push towards the side that it was leaning towards yielded no result, but Blazaard was too curious to let it go now, and he moved around to the other side, preparing to push it the other way.

Red set an arm level with the side of the igloo and shot a flame at it for a few seconds. Once he had made a sizable hole in the wall of the igloo, he turned it to the water in front of the hole for a mere moment, then shut it off. He stood in front of the weakened section tauntingly, and as expected, Blazaard charged out at him. The aardvark still harbored an extreme dislike for his metal foe, and without thinking he rushed forward at Red. The weakened ice was in no fit condition to hold Blazaard's weight, and it broke instantly, sending Blazaard plummeting into the subzero water below. Red smiled to himself. "Two can play at that game, beast."

He clanked around to a different side of the igloo and melted it open as well, then walked in. There wasn't much to see except for the conspicuous lever, which Red immediately walked over to. He melted the ice around it to find that it was atop a metal pillar that went down as far as his eyes could see--possibly all the way to the sea floor. Would take me hours to follow if that were the case. Could do it if I have to, though. He gave up trying to figure out what the lever did without testing it, and simply pulling it.


A rumbling reached Brooklyn and Tria, a rumbling far greater than that of the chainsaw's. Both looked around themselves, trying to figure out where it was coming from; Tria found it first, fixing her eyes on a point on the horizon and emitting a gasp that could not be heard over the racket. A small triangle, barely visible, raised itself from below the sand, growing in size until a massive pyramid of dark brown stone, covered in sand from lying in the ground for eternity and again, stood before them. Each of the four sides had an obvious entrance, with steps leading up to a vast door placed about fourteen feet off the ground. The rumbling stopped, leaving an equally deafening silence in its wake.


Red waited, but the lever clearly did nothing. He attempted to pull it back to find that it had locked itself in position, and his mech's full strength only served to snap the head of the lever off. He threw it on the dirt floor in disappointment. Worthless. Why build a lever that does nothing?
[Image: zjQ0y.gif][Image: vcGGy.gif]

Messages In This Thread
Re: The Spectacular Exhibition (S3G2) [Round 1: Parallels/Perpendicularities] - by Pick Yer Poison - 02-27-2011, 04:43 AM