The Spectacular Exhibition (S3G2) [Round 2: Space - Abridged]

The Spectacular Exhibition (S3G2) [Round 2: Space - Abridged]
Re: The Spectacular Exhibition (S3G2) [Round 1: Parallels/Perpendicularities]
Originally posted on MSPA by pandaExtremist.

One moment he was playing rock paper scissors with Otto, the next he was being transported to a completely different universe to participate in some kinda fight to the death. To say Gepetto was afraid would most likely be an understatement; being told you're going to be in a battle to the death isn't very comforting, nor is being told that one of your opponents is a giant poison tree monster. ...Or a possessed chainsaw. Honestly, quite a few of these people were threatening sounding. Augh, he was gonna die he was gonna die he was gonna di-

And suddenly he was somewhere else. Again. He practically hadn't noticed the restrictions on his movement, but as soon as they were released, he stumbled and fell down on his face. He got up as soon as he felt his face burning; standing on his feet, he was infinitely glad he was wearing shoes. Considerably less so that he was wearing socks. He thought about removing his T-shirt, but he felt the desert heat on his bare forearms and quickly decided against it. Looking around for a moment to confirm that he was still near his friends, he quickly saw that they too were in discomfort, the heat blistering their skin. He quickly grabbed Mo and put his arms over him, keeping him from the devestating rays of the sun. Jo quickly stepped between the sun and the rest of them, casting his shadow over them to keep them from overheating.

Unfortunately, Jo had no such protection from the heat, and both Otto and Gepetto realized this. With a few mumbles of "we need to find shelter" and somesuch, they began looking for any sort of shelter on the horizon. Otto quickly made out a few mountains to the East, judging by the position of the sun, and swiftly, the group moved towards the mountains, lead by Jo. "...Are... are we going to get out of this alive?" Gepetto asked under his breath. Though the question was seemingly directed to nobody at all, Otto apparently managed to hear it, judging by his reply.

"Of course we are! I mean, we've gotten out of everything else alive, right? So this shouldn't be a problem!" Otto exclaimed. if he told you he wasn't just a little excited about this, he'd be lying; if he told you he wasn't worried about it, he'd be lying too. In this case, he'd be misleading; despite his excited tone, he was pretty worried that not all of them would make it through this alive. Sure, two of them were puppets, but he knew his brother would be destroyed if anything happened to them. And he would protect his brother at all costs.

Gepetto paused for a moment, taking a few seconds to believe that Otto was actually looking forward to this. "'Everything else' didn't involve flying ghost chainsaws, Otto. Or practically anything else here, for that matter," he said, giving his brother a nervous glance. Otto frowned, before patting Gepetto on the back.

"Hey, everything's gonna be alright. Promise." And he meant it. He would make sure nobody laid a finger on the others; especially his brother. And if they did... wait. It was just now that he realized that they would probably have to kill someone to make it out of this alive; whether it be another contestant or the very person that put them there. The thought made him shudder; they'd never killed anybody before, and he hoped they wouldn't for a very, very long time.

"Yeah, alright. If you say so..." mumbled Gepetto. He wanted to believe his brother; he really did. But he couldn't shake the feeling that something bad was going to happen one way or another. He could only hope he was wrong. Seeing that they were pretty close to the mountains now, he perked up and exclaimed, probably louder than he intended to, "Hey look! We're almost there!" He could even see a fairly large cave in the distance. He'd be there soon, he hoped. Even in the shadow of a giant, it was pretty hot in the desert...


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Re: The Spectacular Exhibition (S3G2) [Round 1: Parallels/Perpendicularities] - by GBCE - 01-29-2011, 05:08 PM