The Spectacular Exhibition (S3G2) [Round 2: Space - Abridged]

The Spectacular Exhibition (S3G2) [Round 2: Space - Abridged]
Re: The Spectacular Exhibition (S3G2) [Signups!]
Originally posted on MSPA by Rufus.

slipsicle Wrote:Actually, I'm going to withdraw my reserve and let one of the new folks have at it instead.

Sorry Schazer >.>

Subject name: Runt
Gender: Male
Race: Kitsune (Magical Japanese fox person)
Color: Whatever works best for you, sir.
Weapons/Abilities: Primary weapon is a brass staff. Used to club people with his superior strength and stamina if he isn't using his magic powers. His magic powers include shape shifting and the ability to posses others. However the power and flexibility of these abilities, as well as his physical state, depend on his number of tails. At one tail he has no shape shifting or possession powers, and his physical state is weaker then a humans. At 9 tails, he can transform into just about anything, can posses all but the most strongest willed, and his physical state is far superhuman. As an added effect, his tails turn white when he has 9 tails.
Runt gains and loses tails very quickly. He gains a tail by absorbing the strength of another person, which can only be done through touch. The brass rod can channel this force though, meaning he can drain tiny amounts of your energy when he hits you. He loses tails whenever he uses his powers. He also loses tails if he takes a heavy amount of damage, becuase the tails automatically shield him from the blunt of the damage at the loss of his power.
Description: Runt is a sickly 5 foot tall shell of a man, who walks with a limp and appears weak. His shape is quiet "girly", and the way he moves is to be as quiet and conspicuous as possible. His hair is unsurprisingly orange, and covers his face. Instead of human ears, he has fox ears on the top of his head. He also has whiskers that get longer, whiter, and more pronounced as he gains more tails. He wears a elegant robe, complete with flowers and dragons in an Japanese style. Wears a simple belt to hold the robe together. Walks barefoot.
Mental diagnosis: Subservient, has no self direction. Does not have drive to make his opinions known, due to extremely low self-esteem. Has anger issues buried within his mind. This anger will come out if threatened or cornered, usually resulting in a crazed rampage.
Biography: Runt was born from a Kitsune/Human relationship. Abandoned immediately by his mother, he had to stay with his abusive father. This lead to him becoming extremely quiet and withdrawn, hoping that he wouldn't make his father angry. After he became just old enough to leave, he did. His freakish condition with his tails lead him to be outcasted by both humans and kitsune. Even when he could get close to somebody, his touch would drain the energy out of them, making him become abandoned once again. This string of failed relationships led him to become withdrawn and destroyed his hopes of becoming close to another person ever again.

Messages In This Thread
Re: The Spectacular Exhibition (S3G2) [Signups!] - by GBCE - 01-26-2011, 01:37 AM