The Spectacular Exhibition (S3G2) [Round 2: Space - Abridged]

The Spectacular Exhibition (S3G2) [Round 2: Space - Abridged]
Re: The Spectacular Exhibition (S3G2) [Signups!]
Originally posted on MSPA by Voracious Slaskerpillar.

This'll probably be sub-par, but I might as well give it a go...

Subject name: Xylem Hekarti
Gender: Male
Race: Human (at least physically...)
Colour: This... grey-like shade (Oh god the irony of the number)
Weapons/Abilities: Having the physical body of a malnourished teenager, Xylem is no physical bruiser, but when cornered will flail his arms at enemies ineffectually.. His real strength, however, comes from his psychic abilities. Xylem is constantly floating, and is very clumsy on the ground when not levitating, and is capable of moderate telekinesis, able to move or crush items up to twice his body weight. His very presence exudes an aura of fear, and lesser-willed people cannot even look upon him or even flee his presence. Using this to his advantage, Xylem can use his fear aura to reach into the mind of his foe and create a sensation that is perfectly attuned to their fears, causing flinching in even the bravest. When desperate, however, he has one final attack- a potent "scream" that releases a powerful shockwave of pure psychic energy, but every use renders Xylem unconscious for over an hour.
Description: The tag "human" isn't exactly the first thing that springs to mind where Xylem is concerned. He is sallow-skinned and physically frail, his eyes sunk deep into their sockets with permanent socket scarring. He is short, but has limbs one and a half times the size of a regular human, and so appears a lot taller than he is. Xylem has weak musculature and his brittle bones can be easily seen through his skin. He is mute, but communicates through mental images. He is normally clad in a loose-fitting medical robe made of black cloth that extends past even his abnormally large legs.
Mental diagnosis: Mentally unstable, collects clocks, hates bright light, fear of fire and laser weaponry, insect empath, can't/won't eat, feeds on emotions
Biography: Born to two psychics, their unstable genes together caused Xylem, even at birth, to be disfigured and mutated, and his mother died in childbirth due to his irregular psyche causing severe internal damage to her. Trained to harness his power by his father, Xylem began to learn how to control the world around him with his latent telekinesis, and was just about to reach eleven when his father was killed in a natural disaster near their rural country home. The moment he returned home to find half the house destroyed by an earthquake and a wooden beam sticking through his father's chest was the moment his fragile mind broke, as well as his voice. Found rocking back and forth in the blaze of his ruined house, he was taken to a mental asylum and pronounced insane immediately. At first a low-profile patient, his latent psychic ability leached off of the dreams, hopes and fears of all those around him, and ever so slowly, he became terrifying to even be around. At the age of thirteen, he had become powerful enough that he could levitate in his own right, nobody dared stray within ten feet of him, and had become terribly malnourished, food having no effect on him. He was immediately placed under high-security lockdown, kept asleep with sedatives and located far away from all other patients who might worsen at his presence. Some time after being locked away be it a day or month, Xylem woke up to find himself in a small, metal room, halfway across the galaxy, about to engage in a battle against seven other highly-powered combatants.

... How was it?

Messages In This Thread
Re: The Spectacular Exhibition (S3G2) [Signups!] - by GBCE - 01-25-2011, 07:01 PM