The Spectacular Exhibition (S3G2) [Round 2: Space - Abridged]

The Spectacular Exhibition (S3G2) [Round 2: Space - Abridged]
Re: The Spectacular Exhibition (S3G2) [Signups!]
Originally posted on MSPA by MrGuy.

Subject name: Alexander Beck
Gender: Male.
Race: Human/Frogman
Colour: This one?
Weapons/Abilities: Equipped with an All-Purpose Ray Gun (known settings: Freeze, Shrink, Growth, Death, and Manta). Relatively athletic. Frogman form can lash his tongue about like a rather disturbingly sticky whip.
Description: Somewhat overweight, with terrible-looking mustache, in human form. Carefully groomed brown hair, eyes a disconcerting shade of red. Roughly five foot eight. Frogman form is about two-thirds his normal size, and green-skinned; fingers remain non-webbed. Wears a fedora and longcoat.

Personality-wise, is something of an idiot. Not particularly aware of his own limitations, constantly going after ladies, and not picking up on clues so much as holding random people at gunpoint for information until he gets the knowledge he needs. He has a tendency to misjudge danger, or ignore it altogether, and place certain things higher on his priority list than they ought to.

Mental diagnosis: Circadian Rhythym Sleep Disorder, Pathological gambling, Narcissism. Possible other, as-of-yet-undiagnosed, disorders.

Biography: Alexander, in his youth, wasted roughly 90% of his time watching explosion-filled movies. His grades were poor, and he never had a particularly large amount of motivation, to the degree where he failed to hold down even a job as a janitor or cashier at a fast food restaurant. By about 25, he was flat-broke and out of options; whenever he could find the motivation, i.e. rarely, he found that he had built up such a terrible reputation that it was impossible to be hired. He briefly turned to a life of crime, only to find himself utterly incompetent at that as well.
Then, on an irritatingly hot day in August, Alexander found the job of his dreams: lab assistant. The ad claimed it was one hour a day minimum, two hundred dollars an hour, with no qualifications required. To a less desperate or more intelligent individual, this would have seemed odd, particularly as the advertisement had evidently found its way into Alexander’s pocket and absolutely nowhere in any newspaper. Nonetheless, he headed off to his first day of work in his new office, a creepy basement in a secluded manor. Despite fairly quickly finding out that his “lab assistant” job primarily consisted of consuming untested chemicals and pressing buttons while his twitchy, somewhat paranoid boss stood as far away as possible with a handgun at the ready, Alexander pressed on, knowing he would never find a job that cushy again.
Eventually, the mad scientist who employed him passed away, leaving Alexander—by now horrifically mutated such that a kiss would turn him into a frogman for about twelve hours, in a set of circumstances even he found considerably improbable—a fair amount of money, as well as an evidently half-completed weapon of some sort. After briefly considering returning to a life of crime, Alexander remembered the explosion-filled movies of his past, and decided that he would become a vigilante instead.

Messages In This Thread
Re: The Spectacular Exhibition (S3G2) [Signups!] - by MaxieSatan - 01-25-2011, 10:07 AM