The Spectacular Exhibition (S3G2) [Round 2: Space - Abridged]

The Spectacular Exhibition (S3G2) [Round 2: Space - Abridged]
Re: The Spectacular Exhibition (S3G2) [Signups!]
Originally posted on MSPA by MalkyTop.

Oh snap, mental diagnosis wooooaaaah I didn't foresee that in my profile prewritten thingies thing.

Username: MalkyTop
Name: Ywie Sorona
Gender: Female
Color: I hope the color of the sky isn't too bright.
Race: Sort of human? At least the skin is human. The innards are all healing energy spirit gunk.
Weapons: Nothing, really.
Abilities: Being essentially a sack of healing energy, Ywie can heal. There are a couple of ways she can release her healing energy, but the one that doesn't involve cutting apart her skin is punching. Or kicking or really anything that involves her hitting someone else with enough velocity. (Just touching them would probably work too but would be slower.) She also has some sort of partial possession powers. She can't see or hear or anything on her own, so she sort of hijacks other people's senses. And because she has no mouth either, she can talk through others. It can be a little weird. She can also sense minds, which is rather helpful when she wants to find someone's senses to hijack. (Sheesh, there needs to be a better word for this. She doesn't actually take away senses, it's more like she sits in the back seat of someone else's mind bluh bluh.)
Description: Ywie is a bit short and though most of her features are hidden, she looks to be in her young teens. Her long blonde hair is tied in a ponytail and her bangs flop over the band of fabric tied around the place where her eyes would be. Her mouth is not there at all and she sort of has a small bump where her nose would be. There are tight earmuffs over her ears. She wears a nice, white dress that goes down to her knees and has a belt that wraps around her waist (where else?). Her feet are bare and she wears thick gloves. She doesn't have a lot of organs. She has a lot of her skeleton and some muscles so that she isn't just a big balloon, which allows her to actually move about. But anything that wasn't necessary was taken out.
Ywie is a pretty nice girl, fairly innocent and unaware of a lot of things in the world. She likes helping out people and gets easily excited over small things that not many other people would get excited about. She gets very nervous if she feels she's alone. She is rather afraid of sharp things.
Mental Diagnosis: May have some unexpressed stress from having never finished her past life (seriously they used a teenage girl for their healing god rituals) and from being something that shouldn't be alive but is also not dead, due to the healing energy inside of her. Unclear whether she is still herself or her 'self' has been overwritten (if the latter, potentially has guilt of the fact that she is possessing a body that isn't hers). Has been sheltered and coddled and does not know how to deal with the outside world and indeed has not really seen the outside world until now. All of this may be subconscious and may not come up until later.
Biography: Ywie is the result of a cult ritual. She had been chosen as a sacrifice of sorts to welcome in the healing goddess' energy so that she could serve as, well, a healer. She doesn't really remember much about her life before being a healer, but it doesn't bother her too much as she had been treated practically like royalty with guards and more mature women tending to her needs. Though having no senses whatsoever, nor squishy organs, Ywie doesn't actually have many needs. Mostly what she did was use the people around her to be able to experience the world. She especially liked the taste of cookie dough. It also should be noted that considering the people around her have treated her so carefully, she is rather dependent and would likely overreact to stressful situations.

Messages In This Thread
Re: The Spectacular Exhibition (S3G2) [Signups!] - by MalkyTop - 01-25-2011, 10:02 AM