The Spectacular Exhibition (S3G2) [Round 2: Space - Abridged]

The Spectacular Exhibition (S3G2) [Round 2: Space - Abridged]
The Spectacular Exhibition (S3G2) [Round 2: Space - Abridged]
Originally posted on MSPA by cyber95.

The Counsellor was delighted when she was approached by The Fool.  She had, of course, been watching the battles for a while.  Taking notes, and observing the changes in the contestants.
Eximo Pulvis.  Started out the Grand Battle with certain inferiority issues, which, by the end had been completely resolved.
Whit O'Donal.  Throughout the battle had developed a greater confidence with himself and his abilities.
Maxwell Deakin has grown much more mentally unstable since the beginning, but his elimination seems to be coming up soon.

It was certainly an interesting idea for an experiment.  The other Grandmasters ran their battles based merely on the idea of entertainment.  True, there is something... appealing about a battle of this caliber, but why not a practical application of the battles?  With only a few exceptions, it appeared that being thrust into such a strange and dangerous situation is not detrimental to the average psyche.  If anything, it can produce the opposite effect, helping one overcome certain mental issues.  Those that couldn't simply weren't fit for survival.

Okay so the idea may have been flawed in some way, and it probably couldn't be fully explored well enough unless it were some kind of spinoff of sorts, but with the standard format, she would do what she could.

She supposed she would need a name or something.  Hm... she could think of it while scouting for potential subjects.  Whatever the results of this, it was sure to be a Spectacular Exhibition.

...oh hey!

Oh snapsicles is it that time already? Yes, happy birthday to me, but my present today is one to be shared!  This is the Spectacular Exhibition!
If you don't know what a Grand Battle is then you've been living under a rock or just don't really frequent this part of the forum.  It's okay, I understand.

The story is that once upon a time I took a game with a dumb name and altered the rules and now there are 17 of them and now 18 and then there will be 6 more and then more seasons and it spiralled out of control and long story short there are a lot of options to read up on it.  The gist of it is that there are 8 contestants and 7 rounds, and each round somebody will be eliminated based on who has the worst writing.

Now here is the patient chart.  Please fill it out legibly.  Only people with MDs can scribble it.

Subject name: What's your character's name?
Gender: Yep.
Race: What species is your character?  Robot, werewolf, eldritch entity, we've had it all!
Colour: Whatever color you'll be posting in.  (I appeal to both demographics with both spellings!) Whatever color Counsellor uses is right out.
Weapons/Abilities: What does your character fight with? Do they have any special powers or just great skills?
Description:  Personality and looks.  If "sword" is mentioned in weapons, and "beard" is used in here, consider something else.
Mental diagnosis:  The Counsellor has a plan!  Perhaps this battle can help your character overcome some sort of mental deficiency.  The question is, what is it?
Biography: Tell me your character's life story.

And that would be it!  So yeah.  The one caveat for this is that your character can not be 100% mentally stable.  Which shouldn't be a problem because when was the last time you saw a mentally stable character in a Grand Battle?

Signups are done for! Here's the lineup.

1. Crepitans Bloodbark - #8B6D47 - SleepingOrange
2. Norman Randall Pollet - #E07040 - wheeeeeeatthins
3. Tria - "Navy" - Mirdini
4. Brooklyn Taylor - 3E275F - Schazer
5. Red - "Red" - Pick Yer Poison
6. Nemaeus - #225C54 - whoosh
7. Blazaard - #876543 - Akumu
8. Gepetto Morti - "Olive" - pandaExtremist BURNT AND BURIED


Originally posted on MSPA by Wheeeeeeatthins.

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I made a second one, because at first I couldn't decide.  I guess read this if you want more backstory on the Pollets.

Subject name: Eloise Pollet

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The Spectacular Exhibition (S3G2) [Round 2: Space - Abridged] - by Robust Laser - 01-25-2011, 06:09 AM