Potched Kumquat [Victory!]

Potched Kumquat [Victory!]
Re: Pitched Combat [Final Round: Simulacrum Citadel]
Originally posted on MSPA by MalkyTop.

It really sucked when your opponent had a clear advantage over you. It just wasn’t fair. But you didn’t complain about it because, well, they just had an advantage over you. Naturally. You could only blame God (or whatever gods dragons happen to have) or, if you had low self-esteem, blame yourself for just not being better. Or if the advantage happened to be flight and regeneration and scales and crap, you could just wonder why the hell you were chosen to go against the guy with all the advantages in the first place.

Jordan sort of wished that he had exercised a little more in his youth. (He supposed he would still be considered a youth to most but oh well.) Because right now all this running was catching up with him. Again.

He stopped to catch his breath for a bit, leaning against a rather ruined glass case. Can’t reason with two-thirds of them. Can’t hide very well. Can’t keep running without slowing down and dying in possibly some incredibly embarrassing way, even with the help of the misspelled narrative of the book.

Could he distract them…? Somehow…something that would stop even them.

The only weapon he really even had was fire. Fire had no way of harming them, really. But he had barely even started experimenting with his expanded fire powers. So maybe if he…if it looked like…

Somewhere, on the other end of the room…museum…thing, a great fire pillar erupted. It was bright and brilliant and blinding and all that jazz. It expanded and grew arms and slowly reached out and towered over the whole room in a large tsunami of fire…

Walking backwards slowly and watching this, Jordan saw a stream of fire suddenly come from somewhere below the fire giant and he just incorporated it into his creation and directed it towards where it came from. He had no idea how they were reacting to all this, but hopefully at least they would keep reacting to it instead of finding him.

His back bumped into the wall and so he started sidling along it in a random direction, watching as a large amount of water rose up from some area to take his fire on. He let it disperse and reform to avoid being extinguished, moving and ducking and weaving and his hand touched a doorknob.

He didn’t take long to open the door and slam it behind him. Without looking back, he could tell that his distraction had become just regular fire again and burned away. And hopefully, the dragons also had no clue where he went. Unless they had some other crazy power like super olfactory senses, he should be able to wander around without them catching up to him in a while. So now it was time to find some communication system or something. And maybe a sharp object.

Though he somehow doubted he would find a sharp object in a place that seemed to focus a lot on velvet and extravagance and armchairs.

Oh man, was that a giant mirror shard?


“So if I got this right, your first instinct when you find yourself pitted against a being made of fire…is to breathe fire at it.”

At least this time Rong had the decency to look sheepish.

“Of all the times I felt the need to be sarcastic about your trigger-happy nature, I have to say that this…this was just really stupid.

“Look, by now, I’m pretty sure you know that when I panic, I just breathe fire at it, okay? Can you just drop it already?” Rong pleaded in a whining tone. Right decided to oblige, in a bit of a good mood after finding a pool of water. Even if it had chlorine mixed in it. He didn’t even have to use it either, considering the fire giant just went away by itself. Which he had to say was very suspicious.

“I get the feeling that dear Jordan is not in this room anymore,” he said out loud. “Just a gut feeling.”

“Any reason you think this gut feeling of yours is right?” Rong asked sharply, probably trying to find some way to trip Right up in return.

“Fire can’t really stop us for very long. He already knew that. So this was probably some sort of desperate attempt to distract us while he escaped.”

“Was pretty flashy for a wimp,” Rong muttered, making what was probably the first and only compliment she would give Jordan. (And it wasn’t even to his face.) “I mean, seriously, that coulda blinded me…”

“There’s probably a door nearby here,” Right continued, glancing around. “I’m not sure how, but he must have seen us coming first before we saw him…and…ah, there’s a door.”

“Look, I don’t care what you say, I’m totally gonna toast him when I see him.”

“I’m reasonably sure that those books are important in some way. Can’t you just listen for once?”

“And let him almost blind us again?”

“Let’s just stop arguing about this already. For one thing, we should really do what I’m saying. For another, he’ll just hear us arguing and we’ll never catch up anyways.”

“Dammit, Right, don’t tell me to shut up!”

And the argument continued. Eemp might have sighed as it walked through the door if it weren’t impossible for it.


Messages In This Thread
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Re: Pitched Combat [Final Round: Simulacrum Citadel] - by MalkyTop - 01-01-2011, 05:29 AM
Re: Potched Kumquat [Victory!] - by MalkyTop - 01-11-2011, 08:51 PM