Potched Kumquat [Victory!]

Potched Kumquat [Victory!]
Re: Pitched Combat [Round 2: Cathedral of Glass]
Originally posted on MSPA by MalkyTop.

Right blinked. And blinked again.

Everybody was bathed in soft reds and blues and purples. It almost looked like they all suddenly grew multi-colored skin. And as everybody shifted, the colors moved. It was a little...nice.

"No water here, either..." He was going to be a bit useless this round. Unless there was one of those tubs, the...the...baptizing thing. But maybe, considering their surroundings, that was simply molten glass.

"Glass, huh? Easy. We break it, everybody dies, we win."

Right was almost expecting this. "We'd also get caught under the shrapnel. Besides, breaking glass would be harder than you think...I do believe I've heard somewhere that stained glass is thicker at the bottom."

"Yeah, yeah...maybe I can melt our way out..."

"Doubt it." Ignoring Rong's juvenile insults, he continued looking around at the stained glass. If this was truly a cathedral, he would have expected some images. The likeness of people, at least. But it was only clashing shapes.

Right looked down again. The contestants have all come back together, it seems, but giving a quick head count, it seemed that one was missing. He realized who when Alex made his query. Hatman the superhero wasn't here.

Which strongly supported the 'kill to move on' theory.

Out loud, he said, "I'm rather curious about the...glass people here...how do they even move...?"

Beside them, Alex shrugged, taking on new colors and throwing out the old. "Maybe they don't."

"Hm." The dragon pondered a bit while it looked like the girl...Annabelle...was...hugging the wall...or something...? Strange.

"Welp, thar's one o' 'em archways," Vasilly pointed out and indeed there was, jutting out the wall. Inside the arch, hard to see without such a visual hint, was a door. They could probably walk right by and not notice anything.

"Great, let's get outta here," Rong muttered. "All these bright colors are making me sick." At the door, she turned the handle (how does glass do that?) and Right grimaced, expecting to hear the scraping sound of glass on glass. Instead, he heard a tchk and a 'whoops.'

Rong spat out the handle. "At least it's a double door, huh?"


Messages In This Thread
Potched Kumquat [Victory!] - by SleepingOrange - 12-26-2009, 11:17 AM
Re: Pitched Combat [8 Remaining Spots] - by GBCE - 12-26-2009, 02:20 PM
Re: Pitched Combat [8 Remaining Spots] - by GBCE - 12-26-2009, 02:22 PM
Re: Pitched Combat [8 Remaining Spots] - by GBCE - 12-26-2009, 03:14 PM
Re: Pitched Combat [8 Remaining Spots] - by GBCE - 12-26-2009, 03:27 PM
Re: Pitched Combat [8 Remaining Spots] - by GBCE - 12-26-2009, 03:43 PM
Re: Pitched Combat [4 Remaining Spots] - by GBCE - 12-27-2009, 02:39 AM
Re: Pitched Combat [2 Remaining Spots] - by GBCE - 12-27-2009, 05:21 AM
Re: Pitched Combat [2 Remaining Spots] - by GBCE - 12-27-2009, 01:35 PM
Re: Pitched Combat [2 Remaining Spots] - by GBCE - 12-27-2009, 02:34 PM
Re: Pitched Combat [2 Remaining Spots] - by GBCE - 12-27-2009, 02:38 PM
Re: Pitched Combat [2 Remaining Spots] - by GBCE - 12-27-2009, 02:40 PM
Re: Pitched Combat [2 Remaining Spots] - by GBCE - 12-27-2009, 02:45 PM
Re: Pitched Combat [2 Remaining Spots] - by GBCE - 12-27-2009, 03:14 PM
Re: Pitched Combat [Round 2: Cathedral of Glass] - by MalkyTop - 01-28-2010, 07:24 AM
Re: Pitched Combat [Round 3: Overtime] - by GBCE - 02-11-2010, 04:54 PM
Re: Pitched Combat [Round 3: Overtime] - by GBCE - 02-11-2010, 11:57 PM
Re: Pitched Combat [Round 3: Overtime] - by GBCE - 02-13-2010, 05:49 PM
Re: Pitched Combat [Round 3: Overtime] - by GBCE - 02-15-2010, 12:29 AM
Re: Pitched Combat [Round 3: Overtime] - by GBCE - 02-15-2010, 01:02 AM
Re: Pitched Combat [Round 3: Overtime] - by GBCE - 02-21-2010, 12:52 AM
Re: Pitched Combat [Round 3: Overtime] - by GBCE - 03-08-2010, 04:04 AM
Re: Pitched Combat [Round 3: Overtime] - by GBCE - 03-16-2010, 09:47 AM
Re: Pitched Combat [Round 3: Overtime] - by GBCE - 03-16-2010, 10:39 PM
Re: Pitched Combat [Round 3: Overtime] - by GBCE - 03-29-2010, 12:09 AM
Re: Pitched Combat [Round 3: Overtime] - by GBCE - 04-01-2010, 06:27 PM
Re: Potched Kumquat [Victory!] - by MalkyTop - 01-11-2011, 08:51 PM