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Re: Pitched Combat [2 Remaining Spots]
12-27-2009, 01:35 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by starburst98.
this is a guy i made somewhere else, it was a combat directed RP but i think he would still fit, gave him a pretty ok back-story.
username: starburst98
name: Alex Corendal
gender: male
race: human
color:i'll take dark-blue
inventory: his sword (current lvl: 0), a nice hat made from black dragon scale(didn't kill it, bought it from an armor smith who made it with the extras from making some other guy's armor.) and one of them pauldron/cloak combos(think lord ilpalazzo from excel saga but small enough to not be ridicules.)
abilities: a very-low-damage but high knockback shock-wave. elemental infusion, Corendal adds an elemental energy to his sword how powerful it is and what it does specifically depends on the lvl it is. (i got so serious about this on the other board, i made a list of power)
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Spoilerto make it easier i'm going to list all the elements i use and how i use them, so it doesn't seem like i'm pulling rules out my ass. the top part is for all levels then i will get specific.
lightning: damages nervous system indirectly, can jump through metal and water.
lvl0: sword turns a slight shade of yellow, static sized electric bolts jump out off sword.
lvl1: sword darkens and bolts get larger
lvl2: even darker and larger
lvl3: maximum darkness, sword constantly has energy crackling along it, and bolts are almost the size off full lightning bolts.
lvl4: bolts the size of lightning, hands and feet also covered in energy, power is high enough that it could cause instant death if it does not then it does as normal.
lvl5: no one as gotten to this lvl yet, some say that it is impossible to get this powerful. body coated in electricity, chance of instant death from strike very high.
Fire: direct damage increase from searing flesh as it touches the enemy.
lvl0: sword takes a redish color, not from actual color change from from the heat of the metal, damage boost, even glanceing blow causes extreme pain do to heat.
lvl1: gets brighter red, hotter, and becomes covered in a layer of fire, even if slash misses it still can cause damage if close enough to skin.
lvl2: same as lvl1 but stronger
lvl3: same again but better, becomes orange hot.
lvl4: sword is now yellow hot, is hard to even engage swordsman do to heat coming off of him. arms and legs covered in what looks like bracers and boots of fire.
lvl5: sword is white hot and user covered in flames, if enemy has not used a heat resist potion combat with the swordsman is impossable, the heat coming from him will burn anyone who gets close enogh for melee.
Wind: increase to agility but no damage at low lvls.
lvl0: sword turns green, small speed boost
lvl1: darker green with wind swirling around the blade, user goes faster
lvl2: even darker green, wind picks up speed, more speed.
lvl3: deepest green like emerald, adds damage from wind going so fast it can cause small cuts on skin
lvl4: hands and legs get air swirls, able to hover few inches off the ground, can fall from any height and not go splat due to air braking.
lvl5: whole body covered in mini-tornado, can maintain full flight for extended periods of time
Earth: defense only skills
lvl0: sword turns brown, user's skin seems thicker
lvl1: darker brown, skin is covered in what looks like sand
lvl2: darker brown, skin grows pebbles
lvl3: darker, skin grows small rocks
lvl4: skin gets large patches of rock on random parts of body
lvl5: looks like full plate armor made of stone, user can also travel through the ground as if it was not there.
Water: special, only useful when in water.
lvl0: sword turns blue, nothing else seems to happen
lvl1: darker blue, sword drips water, user can stay under water longer then they should be able to
lvl2: sword gets deeper blue, sword constantly trickles water, can be underwater indefinantly but stills moves as normal
lvl3: sapphire blue, sword has a good amount of water running off it, user can swim really fast
lvl4: water bracers and boots, can fly through water as if it was air without swimming.
lvl5: actually useful out of water for fighting fire monsters as sword is down-pouring water. in water has the ability to control it for making waves and stuff.
light: holy power, does extra on undead, not good for killing living things
lvl0: sword whitens living things it hits are hurt less while zombies and such are hurt more
lvl1: whiter, living things barely hurt while undead are hurt a lot
lvl2: causes no damage at all to living, hurt undead massively
lvl3: sword starts to glow, living are actually heal by the sword strike, undead killed in like one hit, able to hurt demons normally.
lvl4: glows brightly, heals living by a lot, undead always killed in one strike, demons hurt extra.
lvl5: like the sun, undead are hurt just from the light of the sword, demons hurt a lot, all light spells cast by those in the light are more powerful while all dark spells are weakened.
Dark: raw negative energy/destructive power.
lvl0: sword turns gray, hurts life more
lvl1: darkens, living things theat touch the sword with bare flesh are harmed, undead and other non-living are not effected
lvl2: darker, living things are uneasy about sword, afraid of it, causes damage to life that gets too close
lvl3: gets pitch black, life damge area does not grow but gets more concentrated
lvl4: seems to suck light out of the air, can kill a living thing with the flat of the sword
lvl5: creates a color-less zone where everything is seen in black and white, dark magic cast from zone is extra powerful while light is weakened.
ice: the odd one out of the elements, much more useful on land then liquid counter-part.
lvl0: sword turns whitish-blue, cold to the touch.
lvl1: sword gets a little sharper from the increase in density
lvl2: can cause freezer burn if it touches skin for too long(think tounge on metal pole), cuts very easy
lvl3: icicles grow out the back of the sword, they are razor sharp, instantly freezes flesh on contact.
lvl4: aura of cold, mist seems to always be coming off the sword as water vapor is condensed, freezes those who get too close
lvl5: normal person gets frozen solid instantly on contact, user can get through volcanic terrain without fear of burning.
fake lvl down, a spell sword can use any lvl lower then their's at any time.
combos: a spell sword can fuse two or more elements together as their lvl goes up, but at a penalty
lvl1, two lvl0s
lvl2, three lvl0s, or two lvl1s
lvl3, four lvl0s, three lvl1s, or two lvl2s
lvl4, five lvl0s, four lvl1s, three lvl2s, or two lvl3s
lvl5, six lvl0s, five lvl1s, four lvl2s, three lvl3s, or two lvl4s.
some bizzare things can happen if you fuse the right elements at the right lvls together. light+dark at lvls 0-3, does nothing at all except use energy, but light lvl4 + dark lvl4 allows the user to see the shades of gray in everything, he can see into the hearts of people to find out who is really bad, and who is just doing what they are told. something this strong is not without drawback, if used for too long at one time the user could go mad from understanding more then ones mind should.
combo: rainbow
sword becomes the color of everything and nothing at the same time, user becomes indestructable, drawback is it takes a LOT of energy to keep the different powers as one, so it can only be used for 30 seconds, then the user becomes exausted and collapses from the power drain, not a big deal if you win with it, but it sucks to be you if you don't.
other basic combos (not all are practical)
fire+wind= fire tornado
fire+water= steam
fire+ice= cold fire
fire+light=white fire
fire+dark= black fire
earth+light= holy ground
earth+dark= unholy ground
wind+ice= hail
wind+light= vortex of light
wind+dark- vortex of darkness
water+lightning= ZAP!
water+light=holy water
lightning+ice=solid zap?
lightning+light=LIGHTning (bad pun)
lightning+dark= black-lightning
ice+light= white ice
ice+dark= black ice (destroys vehicles in one shot, lol) :P
light+dark= sight (see above^)
more combos exist, but to list them all will take WAY,WAY too long. so i am now do with element list.
description: around 6'4" with blue eyes and brown hair, a beard/mustache from simply never shaving. has a slight but powerful build. Corendal is of the non stupid variety of chaotic good. he helps people if he can but wont if he cant, huge ass dragons attacking a town are one of the things he can't do quite yet.
biography: Corendal was originally a farmhand when he was younger, where through shear reflex he used his powers to make his jobs easier. A little earth power to a plow to make it slice through dirt faster, a little wind to make lifting stuff easier, etc. when one day a wizard came to town, wanting to find out more about the raw magic he was using. Corendal was then made the wizards apprentice for only a year, when it turned out that he could only infuse items not cast any actual spells the wizard ditched him at the next town they went to, which was luckily enough a rather large one. he was then a apprentice in the warriors guild where he earned a living waiting on tables until he was old enough to get to full membership and get a sword.
in his travels he has met Elena, the priestess, and maybe-someday-perhaps-if-he-plays-his-cards-right girlfriend.
as well as Perdal, a young gold dragon they found when they went to visit the gold dragon in a mountain and found it slain and it's hoard stolen, perdals egg was tucked into a secret with a single gold coin whcuh was made into a necklace for him to wear.