The Battle Majestic (Round 4 - Magpie Skies)

The Battle Majestic (Round 4 - Magpie Skies)
Re: The Battle Majestic (Round 4 - Magpie Skies)
Originally posted on MSPA by Pharmacy.

Hate was too strong of a word (and how could she hate things), but Eryntse felt a great sort of immense repulsiveness at the state of her prison. The mattress was half-out - and half-gone too; what graffiti on the desk (if this standing pile of splinters could be considered a desk) was caked with blood and other sorts of unmentionables; plus, the rusty bucket on the corner was filled to the brim with...eugh.

Eryntse turned to Fourteen with something akin to desperation on her face, "Do I really have to stay here?"

"Yes," the knight replied as he pushed Eryntse into the cell.

"But I might die," Eryntse cringed as she almost stepped onto an oily rag - no doubt positively exploding with germs. Seriously, why did they let this place get this gross?

"No you won't," Fourteen began to fumble with the complicated mechanism known as the prison lock.

"But I might get lonely," Eryntse wheedled as she nervously weaved her many arms between the bars of her capture. "And die of lonely too."

"Well--," Fourteen sighed.


Fourteen was suddenly interrupted by yet another knight. The intruder would have been practically indistinguishable from others, but he had his differences. He was amazingly chipper - what with singing a vague sort of cheery tune and skipping along his heels. Eryntse glanced at Fourteen's face. It was the face of someone who did not want to meet this person.

"Oh hello," Fourteen greeted with a look more appropriate for uncomfortable family reunions than greeting co-workers. "Twenty-Five."

"Oh heeeeeey, Fourteen!" Twenty-Five snapped his fingers and pointed at Fourteen. "Long time no classy person!"

"Yeah," the other knight shuffled in place. "I wish."

"HA, same as always are you?" Twenty-Five laughed as Fourteen remained silent. "Well don't worry I got a little surprise JUST" There was a needless amount of emphasis on that word. "For you. But first, HOLD ON FOR ONE SECOND."

Without waiting for even a response (Eryntse found that incredibly rude but would rather not say), the visiting knight scurried off to the corner from whence he came.

"Oh great," Fourteen groaned. Eryntse was not looking forward to this either.


Eryntse flinched as a body was practically tossed into the adjacent cell with a great amount of force. That was rather rude on Twenty-Five's part but she would rather not say. She would probably not had said anyway; all her attention was on the newcomer after the dust had settled. He was some man that would be considered normally dressed if it were not for his ridiculous amount of bandages on his arms. He was very much unconscious but he was kind of...twitchy? Where did that twitching come from? Was he shocked to this state or something?

“Well,” Fourteen turned to Eryntse. “At least your companionship problem is solved,”

Eryntse was confused.


Blitz was rudely awakened by an unpleasantly throbbing headache. It was as if someone threw a helmet at his face and then threw him into the room. He would have highly doubted that would have happened but given the unpredictability of his father (oh his father) - anything could had happened. Now that he was in some sort of cage, the hypothetical scenario may have some potential legitimacy--

"Hey," said a quiet voice.

Blitz was getting charged, metaphorically and literally as his left arm began spitting sparks. The superhuman was always on the edge - what with his familial-slash-possession issues and his lunatic bloodthirsty father. The twitchiness did not help at all. As such, he always expected enemies, but he did not expected a pink...thing.

"Hi, I'm Eryntse," the snout between the bars introduced herself. “I like your scarf, by the way.”

"What," Blitz was more taken back by the sudden openness than the sight of such a worm.

"Oh ha ha ha, yeah," Eryntse laughed nervously as though she was in her own little world. "This is kinda my fault isn't it and WE ARE GOING TO DIE ARE WE?"

Blitz would have replied but he had difficulty doing so - mostly because he was completely wrapped with arms. He had never been shaken violently by a giant worm before - but turns out the firsthand experience was absolutely unpleasant.

"Oh my goodness did I just do that I am so sorry!" Eryntse's hands left Blitz and flailed all over the place. Nothing was safe from the seizure that was the creature's appendages - cage bars, walls, Blitz's face. The little episode ended with all the noodly arms wrapped tightly around herself. It was a strange and ridiculous sight. "I just get so nervous sometimes."

"Okay, er -- lady," Blitz had no idea how he should react but he was sure that slightly holding up his hands was a good first step in calming down pink monster neighbors. "Calm down."

"I am already calm!" Eryntse was totally calm, except she was totally not. "I am!" She still was not.

Blitz could only watch in slack-jawed confusion as the pink slug reenacted panic at the disco inside her cell. She was screaming, flailing, squirming, screeching and doing all the activities more suited for a hysterical neurotic than for a perfumed creature with way too many arms. It would be rather amusing but he was getting rather concerned for the next-door prisoner. He had to do something.

"Calm down," Blitz demanded. "Get a hold of yourself."

It took a few minutes for Eryntse to register the fact that there were hands (one bandaged, of course) on the first pair of her shoulders. The epiphany was sudden as a punch to her face but instead of a bloody snout, she had nothing to say. It was quite surprising, quite surprising to her indeed.

"Oh," Eryntse could only say. "Okay."

"Good," Blitz sighed as he took his arms off of the creature's shoulders. "Now you had calmed down, I have some questions to ask of you." The superhuman doubted Eryntse would have any valuable information in terms of prison. On the other hand, he was just as confused of his state in prison like this pinkish wad of flesh. "So, what have you been detained for?"

"For pretending to be someone else, I think?" Eryntse made nervous knots into her fingers. "They say it is a crime, which I don't understand why..." Her words started to trail off.

"Okay," Blitz was confused even more. How could she pretend herself as a someone? She was not even humanoid to begin with! He was willing to give her the benefit of the doubt - for now. After all, there are much more important matters to talk about. "Did they ever told you how long we are going to stand here?"

"No, they never told me my time. Or your time either. We might be in jail forever," Eryntse's eyeless face began to break into tears as though the last sentence was an awful truth she just realized. "I don't want to be in jail foreveeeeeerrrrrrrr."

"Don't do that," Blitz groaned as Eryntse prepared to dive into lachrymose. "In fact." A pause. "I might have a plan."


"Yes I do." In fact, Blitz did not. He honestly had no idea. For Pete's Sake, he just woke up in a small and dirty cell. How could she be so naive as to trust a man who basically spent most of his prison experience being unconscious in a floating medieval castle? He highly doubted that he could make a decent plan on the spot unless--

"HEY GUYS, WOULD YOU SHUT UP," a voice shouted - a voice belonging to one of those ubiquitous knights.

"In fact," Blitz smiled to the intrigued Eryntse. "Here is what you need to do..."

Messages In This Thread
Re: The Battle Majestic (Round 4 - Magpie Skies) - by GBCE - 07-29-2012, 08:14 PM
[No subject] - by Ixcaliber - 03-10-2013, 04:51 AM