The Battle Majestic (Round 4 - Magpie Skies)

The Battle Majestic (Round 4 - Magpie Skies)
Re: The Battle Majestic (Round 4 - Magpie Skies)
Originally posted on MSPA by Pharmacy.

After an unnecessarily long period of time, the tiny pink dot amongst the clouds managed to reach the objective of her choice - namely the giant gravity-defying castle in the distance. Being a being made mostly of muscle and a hydrostatic skeleton (but you did not just heard that), the arduous journey to her destination was pretty much a cakewalk to her. In due time, the disguised Eryntse managed to latch her fingers onto the edge of the floating castle and host her girth onto the platform. Despite the uneventful journey, she rather not attempt this stunt again.

Eryntse peered over the edge of the architecture, nervously taking in the terrifying realization known as “really freaking high.” The mere sight of the clouds and and distant villages - made miniscule by perspective of height was making her uneasy. Being a ground-dwelling denizen for a majority of her life, Eryntse was never fond of heights - or high places really. Despite the dangers of such neck-breaking (she was not quite sure if she had a neck to break) distance, Eryntse was pretty sure she could get used to it.

The place she was pulled from was not her original home. Her true place of origin was much more familiar, more comfortable - with mundane architecture and her prosaic kind. She had a comfortable life and a decent job, but she felt so lonely in that place - which was why she moved! Well, more like accidentally thrown into that place. She remembered the first time she was in that dimension - so foreign, so strange. So many bewildering sights. So many things! But you would find the best friends in the strangest of places and this quaint place was no different. So she said to her petty nervousness - oh well!

With a skip to a step and a smile on her face, Eryntse turned to the castle.

Wow, the castle looked even more impressive up-close than far-away. It was a marvelous piece of medieval work - although the sign “SIX FOR GOLD POLICE DEPARTMENT” in Blackletter made the massive stronghold slightly out of place. A place full of best friends! Eryntse piped in her thoughts. She had not forgotten her quest - her quest for platonic companionship and this place seemed like a great contender for the completion of her goal. It seemed large enough after all.

But wait! She needed to change her disguise to something more thematic! Her current one was a bit too modern for this fancy castle - and its probable denizens too. Eryntse was not too familiar with ye olde medieval history and its encompassing fairy tales, but from what she remembered poring over books in the library from her previous place (while in camouflage of course), castles did have a tendency to have princesses.

So that means she needed to be a princess!

And so she did. Well, she did look a princess, but it was more “A” for effort than for execution. There was something off about her femininely royal disguise. It was a smidge too frilly, too pink. There were a tad excess of jewels and ribbony decorations. The crown was too shiny, too large. She probably smeared up a bit too much lipstick, maybe eyeshadow too. If dresses were a battle majestic, Eryntse’s was a massacre most awful and indeed, her “princess” disguise looked awful.

“I’m a beautiful princess!” Eryntse squealed oblivious to the trainwreck that was her clothes. Somewhere in the multiverse, a fashion designer was weeping most tragically but fortunately, his wasted tears do not matter.

Eryntse was prepared.


Meanwhile in the Six For Gold Police Department, the errant knights were taking a short respite what in modern terms, could be called a “coffee break.” Just because they were nameless underlings who looked similar to each other (and sometimes it was hard to tell from each other) does not mean they could not afford the simple siesta of some food and drink. Of course, like any other workplace full of employees, the knights were mincing talk.

“Man, I get no respect,” Thirteen grumbled as he furiously consumed the cheese - despite having his helmet on.

“Don't worry,” Fourteen sighed as he siphoned some barley water through the sieve of his headgear. “In due time, they will forget about that incident.”

“But still--”

Before Thirteen could retort, there was this massive CRASH that made every knight jump in surprise. “The castle has been breached!” “Danger!” “Panic!” The arcane-powered alarms screeched their warnings. What could this danger be? Who would breach such a place? All personnel unsheathed their swords and hoisted on their shields, ready to give their lives to protect their place of work from this unknown threat.

<font color="#FF5C48">However, the castle underlings did not quite except the intrude to be a royal. Well, a royal that looked like an colorblind unicorn was her tailor.

“Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!” The royal fashion disaster smiled, her greeting of a waving hand becoming a blur.

The knights looked at each other. If they had visible expressions, they would be slacked-jaw bewilderment. Not a sorcerer, a dragon, or some sort of eldtrich invertebrate, but a royal! A royal! Of all the intrusions! What type of royalty could she be? A duchess? A princess? Perhaps even a Queen? The knights stared nervously, there was one thing they could do.

“Wait, where are you taking me?” The woman squeaked - her nervous tone uncharacteristic for a noble.

Thirteen and Fourteen took each of her hands and lead her down the hallway. They could not just drag her away - she was royalty after all.</font>

Messages In This Thread
Re: The Battle Majestic (Round 4 - Magpie Skies) - by GBCE - 05-09-2012, 09:58 PM
[No subject] - by Ixcaliber - 03-10-2013, 04:51 AM