The Battle Majestic (Round 4 - Magpie Skies)

The Battle Majestic (Round 4 - Magpie Skies)
Re: The Battle Majestic (Round 4 - Magpie Skies)
Originally posted on MSPA by Pharmacy.

Eryntse always considered herself an optimist. She tend to have a bright viewpoint on things, which is not surprising, considering she always make the simple quest of friend-scheming into a Sisyphean task thanks to her, er, peculiarities. At least, she was alive - that was a start. Her illusion was still activated- thank goodness!

She continued to be incredibly fussy over her status. Was she clean? Was she uninjured? Was she suffering any symptoms of some wacky disease she made up on the spot? The list of petty trivialities goes on and on. She did not want to totally surprise everyone - that would be incredibly embarrassing. The disguised woman never liked the feeling of embarrassment

especially when she was a couple of thousand feet in the air.

Eryntse was not stupid; she knew her situation - clinging to a cloud, her nervous grip ruining the perfect contours of the sky-formed fluffiness. The airy goodness of the crushed cumulus provided her with some comfort - reminiscent of a human pillow or an adorable bunny. However, that still did not change the fact that she was in the air. On a cloud. A fall away from the gravitas of Newtonian-induced death.

She really needed to do something - preferably getting away from this spot.

Eryntse carefully slip her body around the cloud, reaching a stringy limb onto a nearby neighbor - a difficult task considering that her destination was so close and yet so far! Fortunately, she was stubborn. In a few tries, she managed to hook the cottony surface with a couple of fingers. With the grace of a pink walrus, she flopped onto her chosen cloud, squirming and struggling with tension.

She continued her strategy, flopping from nearby cloud to cloud. It was a slow, incredibly inefficient method with the clumsiness she was not used to. Eryntse wished there was a more practical method - She suffered a gamut of dead ends, close calls, and near-fatal missteps (if she truly had legs anyway). Regardless, she was making progress and that was all that matters dammit!

She was not used to being this fast. Fatigue and soreness was catching up on all twelve - oh wait - four limbs (Yes, yes she totally was not a wormy monstrosity, no siree). As if that was not enough, she also was completely lost! At her sixth cloud, she was getting quite frazzled at this rather uncomfortable situation.

Luckily, there was a quaint castle sparkling in the distance. It was a magnificent piece of work carved from glossy alabaster - the epitome of medieval fantasy architecture resting on condensed water vapor. Eryntse found to be very pretty, even though she technically did not have eyes.

Perhaps, she could get directions? Maybe meet those wonderful people (she knew them to be wonderful, she knew it) that the strange lady introduced? Eryntse attempted to keep that smouldering hope existent as she flumped onto yet another cloud. This time, it was castle-wards. Maybe she could finally finish her quest afterwards!

She giggled. Despite the dangerous heights, the disguised Eryntse was quite excited.


Messages In This Thread
Re: The Battle Majestic (Round 4 - Magpie Skies) - by GBCE - 04-05-2012, 12:44 AM
[No subject] - by Ixcaliber - 03-10-2013, 04:51 AM