The Battle Majestic (Round 4 - Magpie Skies)

The Battle Majestic (Round 4 - Magpie Skies)
Re: The Battle Majestic (Round 3 - Oxbow Inc.)
Originally posted on MSPA by Drakenforge.

Iris had no choice than to let Sen take its plight elsewhere; there was no stopping the lumbering mass of green rage. If it wanted the seed back, she was just going to have to track it down. Having the senses of a wolf made it easy to locate the trail left by the scientists, but lack of footprints, plant life or animals made it not so much as difficult, but more of a challenge. It had been quite some time since she had last used any of her survival skills before she regained her body but they came flooding back just as she needed them. She silently stalked her way through the science complex and out into the backstreets. The smell of industry and abandoned chemicals threatened to choke her out, but she could still notice the telltale signs of their travel. Splashes of ichor or sap had been left abandoned as they hurried. Iris was thankful they didn’t have an expert with them or the trail would have died long ago. Eventually the populace of the area began to lurk around where she was heading so she was forced to take alternate paths. There were few open rooftops, but utilizing some spare rubble she managed to break her way through several windows and bypass buildings entirely.

If she encountered anything in her path, it would be civil and therefore easy to take down. She didn’t even feel bad for murdering a lone researcher who had taken a second to look up from the notes he was transcribing. One precise slice of her new scalpel, dipped in toxin, and the creature slumped to the floor. She learned the true prowess of her cutting tool, the toxin barely had any blood to flow into as it seeped out of the wound. These advanced creatures were fascinating, in their own way. She wished she had the time to look back through history and see how they came about. The existence of her people mattered little, they were gone and their betters had taken their place. As it should be.

Iris was something outside of that system, but she would be a top dog in this society too, just before she made it fall.

She soon encountered the corpse left behind in the wake of the seed handlers. The quick execution displeased her. His death meant nothing, served nothing. Why throw away a comrade that could have been used to slow her down, retrieve weaponry or allies. She began to get an idea of the type of person that was leading the group, and how easy it would be to manipulate this person.

She began plans to ambush them, heading off to a building which stood in their way no matter which path they took. She broke into a room overlooking the direction they were arriving from, using her improvised shortcuts to head them off. She began creating a hallucinogenic dust that would confuse whoever held the seed. She would appear as an ally, take the seed and then...

She wondered briefly what her true intentions were. She could return it to Sen, but she feared the same thing would repeat itself. She decided to take it in her own hands, manipulate the seed and force it to grow faster than it naturally would, and shatter the dome. Whichever contestant died first didn’t matter, the dome would be finished and the society ended.

Searching around, she managed to find a small metal needle sharp enough to prick skin. She was missing her own bone set and metal was something not found by her people. She began work on the plant growth mixture, using some of her powers to change the mixture into what she willed it to be. Being the god of life had its benefits. She just finished it off when she noticed the two scientists enter the alleyway bellow. She casually dropped the small bag of toxic drugs off the ledge and watched it hurtle towards them. It burst on contact with the ground, leaving them to breathe it in.

She gave it a few moments to set in before she made her way down. She made sure they were cornered before she approached them. One lead noticed her, she prepared for him to scream, yell or at least run. And yet he just offered the seed to her.

“Let’s just get this over with, shall we human?”

She stood confused. Even as the drug set in he was acting out of character. Or perhaps he had tried to set up something she never expected. She took the seed in hand as the scientist rambled on about accounts, details and other concepts foreign. He checked a handheld device and seemed satisfied with whatever lies the drugs were feeding him, and they left.

Not before he shot his last assistant in the head and left him bleeding in the alley. He turned to find that Iris was gone, having left the needle in his back, coated with a quick acting venom.

She spent the next few minutes with the seed, prodding it, injecting it and using her powers to feed it more life. She was closer to the centre of the dome now, and the smoke bellowing from the west was giving her a bad feeling. Satisfied that the seed was going to hit an incredible burst of growth when it started to shoot she abandoned it underneath a flimsy crate. She didn’t want to be this close when her plans started. She just hoped Sen wasn’t the one that died this round.

But she felt it was rather too resilient for that.


Messages In This Thread
Re: The Battle Majestic (Round 3 - Oxbow Inc.) - by GBCE - 11-02-2011, 11:50 PM
[No subject] - by Ixcaliber - 03-10-2013, 04:51 AM