The Battle Majestic (Round 4 - Magpie Skies)

The Battle Majestic (Round 4 - Magpie Skies)
Re: The Battle Majestic (Round 3 - Oxbow Inc.)
Originally posted on MSPA by Ixcalibur.

Jacob climbed back through the window and into what Steven had started to think of as his little hidey-hole. Steven had just finished off the items Jacob had asked for. The water had been a sinch, even though he couldn't help but think the creation of such a mundane item was somewhat a waste of his abilities, and his energy. The pouch was also relatively low effort, Steven did however feel somewhat drained from the creation of the adrenaline.

"There you are." Steven said, letting himself relax.

"Thanks for these." Jacob said, dismissively. He snatched up a syringe from the pouch and checked it for air bubbles. Steven forced himself through his lethargy and got to his feet.

"I had a thought." Steven awkwardly broached the conversation. "I think I might have a way out of here..."

"Hmm?" Jacob murmured dubiously. "How do you figure that?" Steven hesitated. The Master had been pretty clear that he shouldn't tell anyone about him or the gloves... but he'd already told Jacob about the gloves, and if this worked he would be meeting The Master in person soon enough. Steven guessed it would be probably be okay.

"These gloves aren't mine..." He began, as Jacob rolled up his sleeve. "No, that isn't right. The gloves are mine, but the powers are borrowed. I knew a man, not a man really I suppose, he was called The Master. He made the gloves for me." He paused as Jacob plunged the syringe into his wrist. Jacob breathed in deeply, gripping hold of the table for support, as the adrenaline rushed through his system.

"Go on." He said after a moment. "I don't see how this gets us out of here so far." He took the glass of water and drank deeply as Steven elaborated.

"When he gave me these gloves he told me that if I ever needed to return they would show me the way back."

"I guess it's worth a shot." He said, clearly not expecting much from the endeavour. He gathered up his stuff, slipping the pouch of adrenaline into a pocket and stopped for a moment to appreciate the vibrant indigo glow of his sword. Having done so he turned to Steven. "Come on then." he said.

Steven got to his feet, and took a deep breath. He felt anxious, being honest to himself Steven believed that escape was his only way of getting out of this battle alive. He was just a kid who happened to have a pair of magic gloves, how could he seriously compete with the others? If it failed it didn't mean he was just going to give up, but barring someone else coming up with a brilliant plan he was pretty much doomed. On the other hand if he succeeded and they escaped he couldn't expect S and Talis to give up on them. They would give chase, and he would be singled out as the one who had led the escape.

He must have been thinking about it for a while because Jacob cleared his throat awkwardly.
"Whenever you're ready." He said.

Steven nodded and mentally issued his command. For a moment the gloves hung lifelessly in the air and Steven thought that they couldn't do it. Then they darted through the window that was the only entrance or exit to his hidey-hole and down through the trapdoor in the room beyond.

Jacob raised an eyebrow.
"I guess maybe you might be on to something after all."

They climbed through the window after the gloves, pausing at the trapdoor as gunfire rang out in the corridor below. It was swiftly punctuated with the sound of something pounding into metal. Several blows and then the sound of tearing, at which point the gunfire stopped. Jacob dropped down to the floor below, and Steven climbed down after him.

In the corridor below Steven's gloves high fived over a tangled mess of machinery that had previously been a Sentinel. In the distance the sound of more machines heading their way.

"I think they might be onto us." Jacob said with a frown.

Messages In This Thread
Re: The Battle Majestic (Round 3 - Oxbow Inc.) - by Ixcaliber - 07-28-2011, 10:52 PM
[No subject] - by Ixcaliber - 03-10-2013, 04:51 AM