The Battle Majestic (Round 4 - Magpie Skies)

The Battle Majestic (Round 4 - Magpie Skies)
Re: The Battle Majestic (Round 3 - Oxbow Inc.)
Originally posted on MSPA by Drakenforge.


Iris' bubble touched down on a large container overlooking much of the area. Her body slumped to her knees as soon as the force covering her let up. She remained still as she looked over the arena.

"There are more lives here again. How many will die?"

In Wolf's place, she had to win. He couldn't return to the spirit realm of their universe if she died here. He was still with her, in a sense. She looked at the organ in her hand. It used to be his stomach, before his existance had ceased. She gripped it with both hands and ripped it open, spilling stomach juices over the tank. He had been sick during the game, so there was no remains of food left. However, there were two foreign objects that had fallen out. The reasons for his pain. One of a slate knife, the one she had owned when she was alive, the one she had recieved when she came of age. The other was her old medicine pouch. She undid the string around it and peeked inside. The waterproof leather had kept the roots, powders and other substances dry. She recognised them all instantly. She always carried such things when she had lived. She reached in and rubbed out some earthblood. Spitting on her palm, she mixed it into a sludge with her finger. She dabbed it onto her face in a war paint style. She also added the marks for those about to die onto her forhead, a circle within a circle, lines guiding it upwards. She tied her pouch and slid it over her shoulder, It was large enough to fit snugly above her waist. She looked over her knife next. Her world did not farm metels, so stone and slate made most of their tools. Slate was a lot harder though, so knives such as hers were sharp and durable. Wires of cloth crisscrossed her biceps, part of the design of the dress, so she slid it around her left arm, and made sure she could draw it quickly without cutting herself. Satisfied, she overlooked the new zone.

She couldn't see any of the other contestants, so she decided to drop to the lower parts so that she didn't stand out so much. Well, she stood out anyway. Long silver hair, black dress with a knife showing against her arm. She decided to keep out of sight of the inhabitants of the dome. She casually stepped off of the container into freefall. She fell two stories to the next floor and landed easily. She felt satisfied that the strength she had gained from living in the demon world for four hundred years was still with her. She wondered if her native powers from her old life were still floating around in her head.

She'd have to test it out.

She leapt from the building and made her way across rooftops, always perring around to make sure no passer by could catch her.

'They expect me to get on with Vex. Wonder what gave them that idea. I ate one god before, perhaps I could do it again. That furball smells though, and he's not my type.

Hopefully he doesn't think that about me'


Messages In This Thread
Re: The Battle Majestic (Round 3 - Oxbow Inc.) - by GBCE - 08-17-2010, 11:18 AM
[No subject] - by Ixcaliber - 03-10-2013, 04:51 AM