The Battle Majestic (Round 4 - Magpie Skies)

The Battle Majestic (Round 4 - Magpie Skies)
Re: The Battle Majestic (Round 2 - Firestar)
Originally posted on MSPA by Weldar.


The left glove was grumpy and tired. Just minutes ago everything had been going oh so well just minutes ago, crashing through through that wall had brought the memories flooding back and then it had been called on the play the role of a monster, something it could to all too well. But it had come to end end all too soon' Already they had been called back, and for what? Creating a trap, bah. Why make the tools for some sort of peaceful resolution? Just crush the beast. And now that the rush and excitement had worn it was tired, the glove realized how weak it really was. In the past it could crush mountains like they were nothing but now barging through a single wall almost completely wore it out. How it longed for those days of old. How it wished it could just tare a hole in this volcano with its bare hands and watch the island be consumed by fire. Perhaps there would be another opportunity now. The other half was creating, maybe it would wear itself out, but no it was too tired itself. And what was that, movement? There it was, the green beast was approaching. And was that a native girl? Perhaps this was another chance to have some fun? But no, once again it was too tired for it. It couldn't cause any chaos effectively in this state. The glove began to regret its decision to barge through that wall, sure it had been fun but now it was just ruining chances for more fun. It would have watch itself in future, it couldn't let any more chances slip by. For now it would simply report what it had seen, as it was supposed to be. Then it could rest, the time for fun would come soon enough.

It felt good to create again. Unlike the left the right glove had been much happier to be called back so soon. It had been shocked by its comrades behaviour but still hadn't fully realized the true meaning behind it. It was a being of destruction after all it made sense for it to get a little worked up in a fight to the death. Like the Master himself the right glove had forgotten about one very important detail, it still didn't realize how big a mistake the master had made in the making of the gloves. But even so the glove was not concerned about any of this. While it was creating it's mind was fully absorbed by the task at hand. However the job went on it felt a twinge of sadness. Already it was beginning to tire. True it was partly its fault. It knew it was abut a small part of the whole and alone it was weak and yet even so it tried to do all the work on it's own and spare Steven the strain. It did miss being part of the whole but what it missed most was creating life. But still, like the Master the glove was fond of Steven, both of them were and the right one at least was happy to be helping him. There, done. The glove lay down to rest while Steven set to work assembling the pieces but he was quickly interrupted. The left had arrived and brought news of the green beast. At once Steven began destroying chains the right had only just recently finished. The glove watched on in silent sorrow. It pained it to see it's hard work, how quickly and easily it simply dissolved back into nothing. Put what disturbed the glove the most was how much pleasure the left seemed to be taking in destroying its creations.


Messages In This Thread
Re: The Battle Majestic (Round 2 - Firestar) - by GBCE - 07-01-2010, 08:06 AM
[No subject] - by Ixcaliber - 03-10-2013, 04:51 AM