The Battle Majestic (Round 4 - Magpie Skies)

The Battle Majestic (Round 4 - Magpie Skies)
Re: The Battle Majestic (Round 2 - Firestar)
Originally posted on MSPA by Baphomet.

Mohea searched apprehensively for any sign of their island's savior, the forgotten god, Vexmagog. She tried not to display her fears to the other women, putting on a strong facade. In truth, she was frightened. With his apparent aptitude, the fact that he had called his present battle "dangerous" was a source of concern. She wondered if she was overanalyzing. Her feelings for the being were as alien to her as he was; romance in her society was not often encountered, and breeding was a joyless affair--one she had participated in once prior. Those women chosen not to participate, women such as Nalu, were saved until their physical prime and offered as a gift to some of the more petulant gods. There were, however, some older stories: stories of couples with feelings for one another. Feelings of longing, feelings of passion. They would do anything for each other.

Not knowing any better, she imagined this was how they must have felt. And, again not knowing any better, she deemed her lust worth pursuing, thinking it a lofty goal comparable to those tales of old.

Her train of thought was broken by a golden streak outside, accompanied by several shrieks of surprise from women surrounding her. Vexmagog leapt from the platform above, spear thrust downward. Radiant golden energy seemed to emanate from him as he drove it downward towards something she couldn't see. He hit the ground and a black fog blasted straight up from his spear-point, a horrible shriek rising from it.

When the dust settled, Vexmagog withdrew his spear. Under where it had been, a pair of pure white hands sat motionless, deflated as though they were only the skin. The man who had been first captured emerged from the side of the platform, and Vexmagog spoke his alien language. The skins twitched to life at his approach. A few of the women shrieked with surprise as the hands flew towards the man, who merely held out his arms as the empty white skins fitted themselves neatly over his hands.

Vexmagog turned to address the gathering crowd. "Do not fear," he said, "I have purified these creatures. These hands once belonged to a god of another world. The destruction they caused to our temple is an example of the fearsomeness of the other creatures the shadow devils may bring to this island if one of the other outsiders are killed. I suspect one of them has died already. This is why it is imperative that the other outsiders survive!" He turned to face the foreign man beside him. "This man has shown good judgment, and I have granted these hands to him. He will use them to produce some items to aid in the capture of the green beast."

He turned and spoke some more alien words to the man, who provided a brief response and nodded, proceeding inside.

"There are four devils still casting their shadows over this island," he said. "Soon, after uncountable years, their darkness will cease, and your future will be clear of their influence forever!"

__________________________________________________ _____________________
Nalu circled the area where the feast was now in full swing. The target of her search should have been easy to make out within a crowd, but no horned heads were apparent among those assembled. Beginning to become a bit exasperated, she ascended the steps to the temple and peered over the edge of the platform at the entrance, trying to use her elevated position to find the so-called God of Light. She idly wound and unwound the closing-strings of a small pouch given to her by Amali in her hand as her eyes darted back and forth about the assembled crowd. One of the women near the entrance asked her what she was seeking, and upon speaking Vexmagog's name she was directed back deeper into the temple.

"What manner of god is absent for a feast in his honor?" she asked.

The other woman smiled strangely and shrugged. "He wished to speak to Mohea in private," she said. "They left just a moment ago." Nalu proceeded as directed, towards the private chambers. She did not find the pair immediately, and her mind quickly assembled an assumption about the meaning of their present absence.

Making a quick decision to find them before they proceeded further, she darted back and forth between the curtains separating the hall from the private chambers, calling Vexmagog's name. She received no response, but a quiet, feminine moan led her to one curtain further down the torch-lit hall.

Nalu quickly pulled back the curtain and called the god's name again. She found the pair in an intermediate state of undress. Mohea was laying back in the bedding in the far corner, supplemented by Vexmagog's green cloak. Her face was flushed as she looked at Nalu with a bothered expression. Vexmagog was kneeling beside her, a slight smile and a curious look on his furred face. "Yes?" he responded, nonchalantly.

Nalu was, despite her brashness, a clever girl. She stepped into the chamber and allowed the curtain to fall closed behind her, concealing the insistent internal conflict. She smiled. "I seek a pardon from my fate," she said.

Vexmagog was supporting himself on his cursed arm, his other hand resting on Mohea's stomach. "Seek it later," Mohea said, "we will returnnnn-"

Vexmagog glanced down at her and dragged his fingertips across her exposed stomach. Her back arched, she closed her eyes, and bit her lip. Her voice trailed off, her half-completed sentence forgotten. The satyr looked back up at the source of the interruption. "What fate is that?" he asked, as though Mohea had not said anything.

Nalu was struck by a feeling of familiarity, of closeness to this creature. After seeing his display in the shamaness's room, she had been expecting something of this sort. Her heart was beating through her chest, her mind was working feverishly to array her options. The ko-uki fungus would affect neither woman nor god. If he proved to be neither, well, she had saved the village. But what if she was wrong? Or, worse, what if he simply proived immune? Sexuality, something she was forbidden experience with... would she go through with it, should he prove unaffected? If he accepted her advance and was truly as he said... Well, she would be free. She allowed her expression to soften as if affected by the foreign feelings. "I have been chosen since birth to be offered to the gods at the prime of my life. I have not been touched by a man." She walked over and sat on the bedding next to Vexmagog. "I wish to offer myself to you, to spare me from that sacrifice."

Vexmagog began to grin widely, but stopped himself, instead nodding sagely. He looked down at Mohea, whose eyes fluttered open. Saying nothing, she looked back and forth between Vexmagog and Nalu, licked her lips, nodded, and seemed to be trying to pull the half-man over towards her. "Very well," he replied. He lifted his hand from Mohea's stomach, who exhaled audibly. He rolled over and, with his left arm, pulled Nalu into a kiss. A wave of feelings, unfamiliar and gratifying, flowed from his touch through her whole body at once. She felt momentarily lost, as though her body were not her own. She moved to respond, to be closer, pulling herself as near to him as she could. He pulled away from the kiss and turned to Mohea, pressing his lips to hers and eliciting the same reaction. Nalu noticed that he had removed her top but couldn't recall exactly when that happened. Watching Vexmagog and Mohea kiss, it took her a moment for her rational mind to catch up with her and realize that she had a job to do.

While his attention was diverted, she turned and patted the bedding to find the pouch she had dropped in her confusion. She dipped her fingers inside and scooped out a lump of brown paste, which she placed on her tongue. She then pushed the satyr down on his back and straddled one of his legs, pulling him into another kiss. Mohea, with heavy breath and unfocused eyes, frantically rolled over as well and tried to push her way back into the center of his attention.

Nalu was jostled out of the way, and only managed to deposit a fraction of the mass in his mouth. The rest rolled down and was deposited in the bedding. She'd received enough from the shamaness to affect five men, but would that fraction be enough? She nearly panicked. She did not want to go through with this and prove nothing. She scrabbled for the pouch to scrape more of the mess into her fingers, but his hands were on her again. She doubled over and fell onto the satyr's arm. Sounds came from her mouth unbidden, and her hands grabbed the fur on his chest tightly. Mohea tugged his pants down, her eager hands taking him with her lips still glued to his.

Nalu's hands tightened on the bag of fungus paste and she fought for control of her senses. She drew out another meager scraping, but dropped it from her shaking fingers.

Suddenly, the pleasure she'd been feeling stuttered. Nalu's urgency to be closer to Vexmagog halted so forceful her body physically recoiled, and her focus came flooding back with unexpected clarity. She felt suddenly cold as her face, once flushed with heat, paled instantly. Mohea stopped kissing Vexmagog and looked in his eyes concernedly. He blinked several times, his ears twitching in different directions. His head turned suddenly to face the empty wall, and his mouth and tongue stumbled on themselves, uttering nonsense syllables.

The ko-uki had proven enough. Nalu drew a deep breath and replaced her top, her hands shaking. Her actions in the last few minutes seemed suddenly absurd, ridiculous. Her passion was quickly converted to disgust. She turned to Mohea, who was shaking Vexmagog, calling his name.

"Stop," Nalu said forcefully. "He is among the Gods now." Mohea's face shifted, from despair, to anger, to confusion, and back to despair again.

"W...What did you do?" she asked. Tears welled up in her eyes, and Nalu could tell from her inflection that she already knew the answer. She picked up the pouch from the ground and offered it up to Mohea's inspection.

"Ko-uki," she replied. Mohea's face was an unreadable mess. Nalu allowed a moment, filled with Vexmagog's incoherent mumbling, for the truth to settle in. "It affected him. He is not a god. He will not return," Nalu said, her dispassionate voice contrasting sharply with her earlier vocalizations. Mohea sharply inhaled, stifling a larger reaction. "Put your clothes back on."[/color]

__________________________________________________ _____________________
Vexmagog almost panicked. He had wanted them so bad, and had been so close to taking them. Now, in a sudden jarring flash, his body was not there.

Vexmagog was only dimly aware of the forms of the women before him. Their words had become meaningless to him, especially in comparison with their colors. The colors of the stone walls, the tapestries, the women's bronzed skin: it all mingled together, blurred into indiscriminate dancing shapes. He was dimly aware of the sensation of two women lifting someone. It took him a moment to realize it was him. The one at his arms recoiled in pain, making a loud sound as she inadvertently touched Magog.

Magog, one being. Vex, another. Chaos born, formed, named, merged... and now, broken. Vex felt himself above where he was, rising into those dancing colors. He fell upwards into them, breaking through them into an infinite expanse of blistering awareness.

In that expanse, a figure towered over him, immense beyond all reckoning. His arms were long and thin, terminating in four-fingered hands like Vex's. Wings emerged from his shoulders, and they stretched off into an infinity so distant it reached around behind Vex, enclosing him. His long neck towered straight upwards, terminating in an uncomfortably flat, featureless head. This neck bent, bringing the head so close that it filled Vex's whole awareness.

"Adma Poki," came a voice from everywhere. "Brother Chaos. Vex. I have found you."

"Brother Dream. Devari. I am here," he replied.

Cracks spread from where the creature's eyes would have been, until his whole face began to crumble into a black void. Vex fell forward and was swallowed by it.[/color]

Messages In This Thread
Re: The Battle Majestic (Round 2 - Firestar) - by GBCE - 06-16-2010, 03:34 AM
[No subject] - by Ixcaliber - 03-10-2013, 04:51 AM