The Battle Majestic (Round 4 - Magpie Skies)

The Battle Majestic (Round 4 - Magpie Skies)
Re: The Battle Majestic (Round 2 - Firestar)
Originally posted on MSPA by Drakenforge.

Wolf trotted to a safe distance away from the pack of tai... humans. He was agitated by his own careless mistake. Every bush, plant and tree was alien to him. He knew not what crunched or snapped under his paw. Even the smells were wrong. His home had been in deep forrest. There, the trees were wide and tall. Each tree could hold dozens of terratory scent markings. These thin, spindly ones would barely hold one scent alone. And their cover was minimal at best, as the branches were at the tip. Once again, everything was different. He knew he would have to adapt, in in this case, the tai... humans, were far more experianced at doing.

The hunters knew the forrest. They spotted Wolf easily. Now, he was foiled. Vex would twist the truth to form his own reality. Whataver he wanted them to believe could become their driving force. However, he had mentioned something Wolf had heard.

""He is one of the seven. Please try not to kill him, but be wary. I have not gauged his temperament yet."

Seven. Wolf highly doubted that the tounge-twister would add his own form to that number. So, Wolf, Sen, and the others were potential targets for his following. Wolf found it amusing that he was an enigma to the... whatever he was.
Sure, it had been a risk to tell the boy, Steven, about his speech. But, it had served it's purpose. Because, unless Vex had outsmarted him and planned for the-, wolf scoured at the thought of the concept, future, then he did not know of Wolf linguistic prowess.
That ment that the knowledge in his own, and Steven's heads, was locked away from him.
His power then was not based on entering one's head. Wolf carefully assessed his opponent, more so than the rest of the group, due to Vex's atunement to all other species, excluding for the minor part Sen and Wolf.

Wolf allowed himself a brief moment to wonder about his pack-leader. Very strange smells originated from it's position about a kilometer away. But he could not afford to stop stalking Vex for even a moment at this crucial time. Sen would be at stake if he left the furry-one to his own devices.

And so, Wolf listened. Naturally, some of what Vexmagog said did not reach his ears, but every responce cought his attention. He knew that he would be treated as a guest in the open, and even, to his delight, fed. The urge to eat had been knawing at the back of his mind for some time. However, the smell of prey was not close to the camp, for obvious reasons. Wolf padded near the entrance of the temple, where the guards took wary precautions against him with long tree-branches with rock-claws attached to them. Hearing the commotion, a lone warrior energed from the tent.

"Honerable sister, this beast approaches" One of the guards explaned in what she thought was a whisper.

"Do no harm upon this one. The god itself demands this. If it seems hungry, feed it. If it asks for entry, let it pass. Let it be known that all strangers this day shall be treated so." She bent down to examine Wolf's face up close. In her soft, round eyes, Wolf saw his own reflection. With this sight, he was not surprised when the huntress let out a quiet gasp under her breath. His eyes were different. Much. Different. Gone were his sleek yellow eyes that would pierce the darkness. Instead, one was silver, on his left side. The other, to his even greater confusion, was blue.

The amazoness stood quickly and returned to the tent without a second glance, and Wolf heard her express the details of her encounter. He cought the words, "Eyes of unnatural colour for any beast. One, shining like the most polished silver, the other, bluer than any sea could match."

Wolf bit down at his annoyance and passed Blitz, too deep in his own thoughts to even show that he had seen the boy. His paws brought him to the smells of strange herbs and cooked meat. Word had reached the women tending to the feast beng prepared, and looked at each other. 'This one had no limbs to grasp food, no manners that dictated he seat himself near a group'. They hastily decided to give Wolf his portions now, which wasn't helped by the fact that a third voice kept urging them on on this path of thought. The Wolf just cocked his head at them when they stared at the apparent source of the noise, to which wolf would relpy, "Woof?"

Needless to say, Wolf enjoyed the rich, hot meal to which the tai... humans were accustomed to. It wasn't the same as the joy of feasting on a fresh kill with his pack, but it was filling none-the-less.


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Re: The Battle Majestic (Round 2 - Firestar) - by GBCE - 04-21-2010, 07:59 PM
[No subject] - by Ixcaliber - 03-10-2013, 04:51 AM