The Battle Majestic (Round 4 - Magpie Skies)

The Battle Majestic (Round 4 - Magpie Skies)
Re: The Battle Majestic (Round 2 - Firestar)
Originally posted on MSPA by Weldar.

Steven enjoyed a long uncomfortable trip through the forest. Eventually he reached thew magnificent temple a sight he would have appreciated more had he not been so worn out and sore. Another group of women came out to meet the "hunting party". After what sounded like it may have been some sort of argument, though it could have been enthusiast celebrations or pleasant greetings for all Steven knew, it was all Greek to him. Eventually the stream of gibberish stopped and Steven was taken inside and quite unceremoniously dumped on the hard stone floor.

Meanwhile the gloves were having limited success finding any other contestants, well the right one was. The left glove wasn't even trying after finding the beach empty it chose to simply float around idly, starting wistfully at the smoking volcano. So much potential there. The right on the other hand was genuinely trying to search the forest but was having little luck. The thick canopy destroyed the aerial advantage which usually allowed the glove to excel at such feats. Suddenly there was silent cry of distress, both gloves rushed off to find the source, Steven. The right glove was motivated by genuine concern but the left's motives were a little more sinister. As it zoomed through the undergrowth it shuddered in anticipation. The perfect opportunity.

Steven awoke groggily, his head was throbbing, apparently he had been dropped on it, though it didn't seem to bad. A somewhat important looking woman was trying to ask Steven questions however Steven had no way of understanding or answering them. She persisted for some time but the language barrier did a good job of making sure her efforts were fruitless. Some of the women were beginning to get frustrated, Steven gulped things looked bad. Luckily for him their attention was diverted by a distraction of some sort, the arrival of Vex. "Vex!" Wait Vex? "They got you....too?" They don't look like prisoners. What is going on?

"Stay quiet"
Huh? That was Vex but he didn't look like he talked.
Vex immediately began speaking gibberish to the natives. He pointed at him at one point but that was all Steven understood. Then there was a huge commotion over nothing. Or rather everyone acted like there was something happening over nothing, save for Vex speaking move gibberish and miming a few basic actions. Huh, what just. Oh right, illusions. Steven sighed inwardly Really makes you wonder, how much of what he's said and done was really real. Steven's thoughts were interrupted by his bonds being released. Well he really is helping, that's good enough. Steven went to follow Vex down the hallway, at that moment the gloves burst into the temple.

It taken the gloves some time to find Steven, their timing couldn't have been worse. Most the natives in the room saw the gloves immediately and those that had them raised weapons. The left gloves' chosen method of entry through a wall didn't help the situation. Vex acting quickly worked up another illusion. The gloves became larger, darker, more malicious. Their passive floating turned into more aggressive actions. The simple white gloves had been transformed into a pair of ghastly monster paws.

"Tell them to leave, now"
Once again this wasn't exactly spoken but Steven quickly complied. I simple look and the gloves retreated in fear, just as they were asked.
"That was another of the shadow devils. They came for him" said Vex indicating towards Steven. "Luckily they weren't prepared for a fight"

Messages In This Thread
Re: The Battle Majestic (Round 2 - Firestar) - by GBCE - 04-19-2010, 11:25 AM
[No subject] - by Ixcaliber - 03-10-2013, 04:51 AM