The Battle Majestic (Round 4 - Magpie Skies)

The Battle Majestic (Round 4 - Magpie Skies)
Re: The Battle Majestic (Round 2 - Firestar)
Originally posted on MSPA by redskap.


<I thought he was different...that he didn't want anyone to die. I guess I was wrong.>

Blitz walked along behind Vexmagog and the women that were leading him, a little more sand sneaking into his shoes with every step. Every once in a while one of the amazons would look back at him and throw a distrustful glace. He tried his best to ignore them as his legs moved and his mind worked. <But he's right, really. At least when it comes to our having a slim chance of escape. This is a technology that can help us get out of this mess.> He clenched his fist and a small crackle of electricity ran down his arm. His mouth opened, his voice barely above a whisper.

"But that doesn't mean we need to give up so soon. There's still a chance...death should be our absolute last resort." Vex should have known that. <I don't want to believe that I'm alone in this. It was probably his arm making him think that way; He'll be back to normal soon.> He finally realized that the terrain had changed. The sand had long ago given way to a dirt path so rich and fertile that it was almost black. He took a glance backward to see if the beach was still close; the trees were so thick and lush that he could hardly see back twenty feet. The only way was to follow Vex and the natives...and they were barely visible in front of him. He was falling behind, and he definitely didn't want to be lost in this dense jungle. He started taking steps faster, going back into the shelter of his mind.

<Maybe this place we're going will have some sort of transportation technology, or even magic? Or maybe some power we can use against the orchestrators of this supposed battle? I just...> His thoughts trailed off into nothingness. He was grasping at straws and he knew it. There was almost no way they could get out of this place aside from someone dying. And...well...Sen was a valid choice. It didn't seem to have the same kind of mind as everyone else. It was more primal, and seemed to have no directive except to make plants or something. seemed so innocent, so uncaring about the battle. If you thought about it like that, Sen was probably the least deserving of death. It didn't want to be a part of this ordeal, and didn't even seem to even realize that it was in a battle. It just...was. It did what it did, and only defended itself when provoked. And, he supposed, the plants it created. But that still wasn't a reason to-

He bumped into one of the warrior women, unaware that the group in front of him had stopped. She shoved him back and he fell down, landing on his bottom. Before he even had a chance to try and stand up, the point of a spear was at his throat and she was loudly speaking at him in her strange language. He attempted to shuffle back from her, still on his rear, his left arm beginning to tremble. She took a step forward to keep with him, the spear still mere centimeters from his chin. Vexmagog heard her outburst and spoke some of their gibberish. Blitz's attention was drawn to the satyr, and he saw that Vex was awfully close to one of the women...her hand was over his, and every so often she would look up at him, her face dark and a smile touching the edges of her lips. His attention was diverted from the two, however, by the removal of the weapon from his neck. Vex nodded at him, and he heard a voice in his mind.

Get up. We're here.

He stood at the command, and his mouth fell open. He was amazed that he hadn't already seen it, but he supposed one's life being threatened took precedence of examining the surrounding area. The temple was massive and held an unearthly beauty; it looked like it was crated from parts of the rock of the volcano, and there was a bit of a dangerous feel to it. The large designs and creatures carved into the outer walls were strange and alien. There were even things appeared to be some sort of gargoyle at symmetrical points along the top of the construction.

This place was giving Blitz the willies. And he didn't know exactly why. Vex would take care of whatever might go wrong, though...that he was sure of.


Messages In This Thread
Re: The Battle Majestic (Round 2 - Firestar) - by GBCE - 03-23-2010, 07:17 PM
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