The Battle Majestic (Round 4 - Magpie Skies)

The Battle Majestic (Round 4 - Magpie Skies)
Re: The Battle Majestic (Round 2 - Firestar)
Originally posted on MSPA by Not The Author.

The Tender. The trees. The other trees. The cliff. And back to the Tender. So his vision swept across the scene.

Jacob was not in the best situation. Surrounded by plants which could transmute into hazards at any time; weary from his ride through the forest; low on magic and growing hungrier by the minute; fighting an enemy who he knew little about besides its affinity towards plants, abnormal speed, and inhuman strength; sweating profusely in the tropical heat; set up perfectly for an ambush by the hostile natives... On the other hand, Sen was neither well armored nor well armed. At the very least, they'd be within each other's range. And Jacob was not about to give Sen free reign of the island.

They circled the arena, Sen hissing angrily, Jacob too busy being paranoid to care. Unfortunately, his inspection of their battlefield failed to include the ground beneath his feet, and he tripped over a root. Sen chose this moment to leap through the air, vicious talons outstretched. Jacob barely managed to turn his stumble into a roll, the Tender soaring over his head and latching onto a tree. Jacob managed to rise in time to see the branches of the trees surrounding them grow implausibly dense, roots springing forth where the canopy could not reach. Sen's chittering, he finally realized, was laughter.

Jacob was being laughed at by the world's largest vegetable.

"Fuck you!" Disregarding his knowledge that rushing in had gotten Alex killed the first time, the knight in shining armor charged at the plantbeast, intent on spilling... <Chloroplasm, maybe?> Sen dropped from his perch and whirled around, tail arcing towards Jacob's head. He ducked the blow, narrowly avoiding a severe concussion, and swung his blade towards the Tender's chest. Sen threw up an arm, blocking Jacob's strike with one of the odd nuts embedded therein. The chronomancer managed to lean into Sen's makeshift defense, shredding off a nice chunk of the Tender's glowing flesh, before being backhanded over the fallen tree that had created their little clearing.

Sen shrieked, perhaps in pain, perhaps in outrage, perhaps to purposefully call for help. Whatever the case, their position was compromised, if not by the cry itself then by the large group of colorful, startled avians taking to the skies. A few drops of unidentified green goo splashed upon the ground before the verdant arm was marred with brown. Jacob might've been impressed by Sen's rate of recovery, had he not been scrambling out of the way of several suspiciously sharp branches sprouting from the decaying log and worrying about how quickly the natives would find them.


Messages In This Thread
Re: The Battle Majestic (Round 2 - Firestar) - by Not The Author - 03-11-2010, 06:10 PM
[No subject] - by Ixcaliber - 03-10-2013, 04:51 AM