The Battle Majestic (Round 4 - Magpie Skies)

The Battle Majestic (Round 4 - Magpie Skies)
Re: The Battle Majestic (Round 2 - Firestar)
Originally posted on MSPA by redskap.


Blitz had considered fleeing from the amazonian women before, but didn't want to leave the satyr's side, especially given his current state. Really, though, he just didn't want to be alone in this new and strange place. And he would be alone...Father was missing. In the past few moments, he had searched his mind completely for the man, and had felt no trace, no sign of his existence. Was it possible to be both worried to the point that you feel you might vomit and so relieved that you want to cry? It certainly seemed so to the scarred young boy.

But he was getting distracted, as he always did. And it seemed that Father wouldn't be there to correct him anymore. He had to start being his own man. Making his own decisions. And his first one would have to be related to what was happening on the sandy shore before him.

<Something...something's wrong here.>

Blitz watched as Vex stared at the women, who were no longer throwing spears. Their actions were strange and unfitting; they were running around, acting and responding to things that weren't there...<He must have done something to them, to their minds. And his arm...he's still not himself. I have...I have to help him.> He considered how he would approach Vex, eying the black glass claws warily.

Which one do you want?

An intrusion, in his mind. Familiar and alien at the same time...almost like Father, but the voice wasn't the same. Not quite as familiar. It was Vex. Or perhaps Magog? He wasn't exactly sure how that arm worked, but he knew that whatever it did, it wasn't good. Maybe it was just making Vex think differently? As these thoughts ran through his head, his mouth elected to give a vocal response to the mental question. "I...What?" It wasn't his most eloquent speech, but it did give a fairly good indication of his feelings right now. He didn't know what to do.

As he stared, a vague and distant expression plastered on his face, his mind raced. What did he mean? Is he going to kill them? I don't want to kill anyone! I don't want to be here at all! What happened to getting out of this competition? What happened to escape? He's forgotten what we were going to do! We were all working together, and then Alex got killed, and now we're here in this damn tropical wasteland, and Father's gone, and everyone's split up, and people are attacking us, and that stupid goat isn't himself, and nothing's going the way it was supposed to go!- Blitz stopped. He was working himself into a rage, and that was bad. That was something Father would do. That was something Blitz would never allow himself to do. Okay. Okay. It's fine. Everything...It can all be fixed. We just have to work together. We just have to become a team again. And the first step to that is getting Vex back to normal. We...I can do this.

Blitz woke from his semi-dazed state. He was lucky no-one had decided to attack him...but the reason for that was obvious. He stared as Vex held out his hand to one of the women...the leader, he assumed. He could hear some snippets of speech, but couldn't understand what was said; they spoke a different language, unsurprisingly. It would have been stupid of him to think that they would all know English- Dammit, getting distracted again. Focus! Right. He had to get Vex away from them. The satyr may have pacified them, but he still was in a negative state of mind, as evidenced by the growth on his stony arm. He was going to do something he would regret. Time to man up, Blitz. Time to get it together.

The boy walked toward Vex and the group of women, none of them paying any attention to him. All their attention was on Vex, and all his attention seemed to be focused on the woman he was talking to, who seemed to be more and more impressed and humbled by the satyr each passing moment. He was sure to avoid the pools of black glass; the claws that had grown out of them still waved around and made clear that anyone who got near would get swiped. He finally got close enough to Vex to (hopefully) get him back to his senses. His left arm twitched and hummed with energy. He was ready to defend himself if necessary...he just hoped that it wouldn't come to that. "Knocking some sense into him" probably wouldn't work in this particular case. In fact, it would probably make things worse. He puffed out his chest and spoke in a loud and (he hoped) deep and authoritative voice.

"Vex. Whatever you're planning...don't do it. You'll regret it. I know these women don't know what I'm saying, so I can't warn them about you. But you can hear me. You can understand me. So please. I know you're mad that Alex was killed; we all are. But that doesn't mean you have to do this. It doesn't mean you need to lose control. Please, Vex. I know we barely know each-other,'ve been the single voice of reason since this thing started. You're someone I trust. But this? I don't trust this. I want to talk to you...not this thing you've become. Come back."


Messages In This Thread
Re: The Battle Majestic (Round 2 - Firestar) - by GBCE - 03-09-2010, 09:40 PM
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