The Battle Majestic (Round 4 - Magpie Skies)

The Battle Majestic (Round 4 - Magpie Skies)
Re: The Battle Majestic (Round 1 - Bubble Universe)
Originally posted on MSPA by Not The Author.

Vexmagog raised his head. Despite a few aches and bruises, he was fine; the bruises would heal rapidly as it was. He hoisted himself onto a nearby root so as to make his position more apparent to the others. He needn't have bothered - though the faint light from the root illuminated his lanky form, Magog's violet veins gave off their own unpleasant incandescence. Very little else was visible in the wake of the sun's demise, and he was worried the others might be injured. Injured, but alive, as I see we have not yet been sent elsewhere. Idly picking at the growing parasite, he called out. "Is everyone alright?"

Jacob blinked. He'd heavily impacted the trees and had blacked out for a few seconds. He hoped it was only a few seconds. Glancing around, he spied his broadsword lying nearby, waning pinkish aura betraying it's location. "Is everyone alright?" And there was Vex, looking out for them again. "I'm good, I think." He stood, back somewhat sore, head brushing against some protrusion. A quick run-over with his hand confirmed it wasn't a branch, but one of those sharp spines he'd seen growing earlier. He came to a sudden realization - checking the trees against which he'd landed, there was in fact a crushed thorn, roughly concurrent with the sore spot on his back. Were it not for his armor... I think I'll leave out that particular detail. Stooping to retrieve his sword, he heard rustling from a nearby shrubbery.

Steven had been slightly luckier than Vex; his fall had been cushioned by a thick shrub. He was struggling to free himself when he heard the other two. "I'm here." Remembering his sword, he attempted to draw it, but found he was incapable. "Bit stuck, though." His gloves came off then, attempting to pull away the entangling branches, when Steven was roughly grabbed by the front of his jacket. "Watch yourself next time." Steven muttered a thanks, and the chronomancer and creator made their way to the ex-deity.

Jacob got straight to the point. "I don't think this place is safe anymore." "Agreed. The quicker we make our escape, the better." Vex looked to the World Tree's twisted remains. "Shame." "And I suppose one of you remembers where the fountain is?" This time, Vex's response was preempted by a massive burst of red-orange light. It seemed Alex did not take well to being immersed in darkness, and had lit several shrubs on fire to compensate. There was a pause. "Over there, then."

Vex stood, but Jacob threw an arm out in front of him, halting his progress. "What-" Jacob clamped a hand over his mouth before he could get any farther. Had it been lighter, Vex might've seen his eyes darting about. Then again, had been lighter, Jacob wouldn't have been quite as agitated. Slowly, the swordsman's hand lowered. Vex wondered what was wrong.

He figured it out just before Jacob spoke.

"Where's Blitz?"

Messages In This Thread
Re: The Battle Majestic (Round 1 - Bubble Universe) - by Not The Author - 02-19-2010, 08:24 PM
[No subject] - by Ixcaliber - 03-10-2013, 04:51 AM