The Battle Majestic (Round 4 - Magpie Skies)

The Battle Majestic (Round 4 - Magpie Skies)
Re: The Battle Majestic (Round 1 - Bubble Universe)
Originally posted on MSPA by redskap.



Down below.

Blitz looked down at the ground from his perch in the strange, massive tree that was engulfing the entirety of the sphere they were in. That boy, mage, Alex. He was being attacked by several contestants; Sen, the plant-thing, John (who appeared to be laying on the ground for some odd reason), Wolf, who had released some sort of sonic yelp...that boy was going to die soon if someone didn't interfere. It didn't matter how strong you were; getting ganged up on was a sure sign of a quick death. Movies where one man defended himself against a crowd of attackers were pure myth. Five against one, the five always win; it doesn't matter how many amazing kung-fu moves you know. Father had taught him this universal truth, and it was one he stuck to.

He looked around for Jacob; the atmosphere was made tense by the fight below, and he didn't want to be caught unawares, should the man decide to take a chance. Jacob seemed to hold a serious grudge against Blitz, and the young man wasn't sure why. Of course, laughing at him when he tripped over something hadn't been the best idea, but he couldn't help it. He would have laughed had it been anyone else. He wanted Jacob to like him; he really did. It wasn't like-

Focus, you little bastard! There's a fight to the death going on down there and you're daydreaming about going on a goddamn date with that suit! Keep your love life out of the battlefield and concentrate on the current threat! Father's shouts shook his mind, brought him back from his own inner workings. He felt an invisible hand, Father's hand, grab the back of his neck and force it to look at where Sen and Alex were still battling; John seemed to be incapacitated, somehow.

Stay here, boy. Watch and learn how they fight. Whichever one emerges victorious, you will be better-equipped to fight them if and when the time comes. Especially that plant creature...I can't help but wonder if even tearing it to pieces will affect it... Blitz didn't argue with Father as he drifted off into silent contemplation; he didn't want to fight at all, really. But if Father wanted him to stay out of the way and watch, he would. It was easier not to argue.

He sat on his haunches, ready to move if the need arose. As he watched, his mind wandered again.

<Vexmagog...I wonder...If I stayed close to his arm long enough...would I...would we be affected? He said something about his arm affecting things 'mentally'...did that include people? Could Vex...could he maybe change Father?> Blitz stood. Father began to speak, wondering why his son was disobeying him, but Blitz spoke before Father could say anything. He spoke out loud, to emphasize the point.

"Father...I'm going to find Vexmagog. He seems to be a natural leader. The closer I get to him, the better chances we have of staying on everyone's good side. The two who are fighting aren't important; they'll destroy themselves eventually. If we're the 'first mate', so to speak, that gives us even more power. And it gets us closer to him for when t-the time comes e-end it." Blitz was worried that his stutters at the end would make his father suspicious. Father was silent for a long while.

You're right, son. You're getting brighter every day. I'm actually glad, now...this 'contest' wasn't something I was expecting, seems you're finally blossoming. You're finally being what you're meant to be. Go on, boy...I'll be watching. Blitz hid his shameful feelings; he shoved them deep, he covered them up with false pride. If Father knew Blitz was lying...he didn't even want to know what he would do.

Lightning coursed through his body, focusing on his legs. He sprinted along on of the many giant branches of the massive tree. He swiveled his head around constantly, looking for the familiar furry face and green cape of Vex. Eventually he saw a green blur fly past and a strange whooping noise; it couldn't have been Sen, as it was still busy fighting Alex, last he saw. Blitz gave a small grin and chased the blur. As he ran, jumping from branch to branch with it, but with much less dexterity and balance, he shouted. "Hey!...Vex!...Can to you?..." His words were interrupted by his panting breaths and the occasional stumble over a branch that stuck out of the bark.


Messages In This Thread
Re: The Battle Majestic (Round 1 - Bubble Universe) - by GBCE - 02-16-2010, 01:44 PM
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