The Battle Majestic (Round 4 - Magpie Skies)

The Battle Majestic (Round 4 - Magpie Skies)
Re: The Battle Majestic (Round 1 - Bubble Universe)
Originally posted on MSPA by Weldar.

Steven ran along the tree back down towards the bubble his heart beating almost as fast as it had on the elevator ride up away from it. His legs were battling with the conflicting desires to both sprint back down to the ground as fast as possible and walk along as slowly and carefully as he could, rather than settling on a middle ground he instead decided to alternate between both. Blitz behind him noticed his uneasiness.
"Uh are you okay"
"Yeah it's just this whole gravity thing is weird. and um.." Steven paused for a second wondering whether he should finish the sentence. "I'm kinda not good with unstable heights." Steven slowed a little, he considered letting Blitz pass him but soon decided it was time run again and sprinted off. Steven managed to catch up to Jacob and Wolf with little problem, a few small stumbles but the gravity field kept things in order, however just at that moment there was a distracting odour. Is that smoke? Steven turned to look for the source just as a green blur zoomed right past his face, it startled him a little but things would've been okay if it wasn't for the fact in that one moment Steven had decided to look away from the tree trunk his foot had gotten caught in a vine. Somehow all this things combined together to send Steven stumbling off the tree straight towards the ground.

The gloves sprang straight into action. Steven cried out in pain, holding back tears. The gloves had flown off and grabbed him by the wrists, the jolt had almost dislocated his shoulder, but still it saved him. The gloves let go again, this time they grabbed him by the waist.Steven winced, he could feel their thumbs digging into the base of his spine, but still it was better than last time. Steven could already feel the bruises forming on his wrist. The gloves dropped Steven one last time and this time bolted down quicker than ever and grabbed the soles of Steven's shoes. It took a little it of balancing but eventually he managed to get steady on the two makeshift platforms. Steven exhaled sharply, he could still fell his heart hammering away but he was safe. He looked down at his gloves (well really his shoes, he couldn't see the gloves.) "Thanks for that guys."

Meanwhile inside the "sun" a vine had coiled itself around a particularly nice looking piece of machinery. None of the contestants had seen this vine, and even if they had they wouldn't have though much of it. Unless of course they happened to read the sign above one of the nearby terminals which read, Colony Gravity Control, but of course none of the contestants had seen that sign either. Luckily the vines inside the sun had already stooped growing, everything's gonna be just fine, right....


Messages In This Thread
Re: The Battle Majestic (Round 1 - Bubble Universe) - by GBCE - 02-13-2010, 07:06 PM
[No subject] - by Ixcaliber - 03-10-2013, 04:51 AM