The Battle Majestic (Round 4 - Magpie Skies)

The Battle Majestic (Round 4 - Magpie Skies)
Re: The Battle Majestic (Round 1 - Bubble Universe)
Originally posted on MSPA by Baphomet.

Vexmagog sighed. He could not parse most of the words. This language was strange and difficult to decipher. So, apologies, and no. I suppose that answers the question, at least. It says it has another purpose, something with...trees? And it mentioned Sen, somehow.

He remained on one knee. The others, attention diverted by Wolf's actual response to Vexmagog's query, looked at him quizzically.

So can you talk to wolves or not?" Jacob asked, a cynical edge to his voice.

Wolves. A plural form of Wolf. I had never checked this name for a definition before. This is a creature native to many humans' homeworlds! An unintelligent one, by most definitions. Predatory pack animal. "His language is difficult," Vexmagog replied. "From what I can gather, it does not wish to return to its home." A concerned look crossed his face. "I think there is more to the tree we saw earlier than we realize. We should accelerate our progress."

Vexmagog looked Wolf the wolf in the eyes. He cleared his throat, in order to produce a sound to alter. While he could alter the signal of any background noise (no place is ever truly quiet) he preferred to alter a noise he made himself when communicating. That way, the target's directional hearing could discern that he was the source of the noise.

"If we do not escape, then one of us will die, and everyone will go somewhere else. You and Sen included. The bark-skin cub will be packless, one way or another." Vexmagog stood and turned away from Wolf, now pointing to the elevators and addressing the remainder of the group. "A lock sounds like what prevents these mobile rooms from proceeding up to our destination. Blitz, if you know how to bypass one, I would like your assistance in doing so."

Oh, uh, yeah sure." Blitz said, standing. He looked back at Jacob to ensure that he was following. Vexmagog pressed the up arrow and the door opened with a familiar ding. The computerized voice rang out again, now comprehensible to Vexmagog.

"Welcome to Wainwright Omega 57 control center! Please input a destination."

The buttons, Vexmagog realized, were numbered. The one they were on now was labeled 1, and the number increased up to 23. The one he had pressed before was labeled B, though he was not sure of its significance. The floors 15 and up required keys.

Vexmagog pointed to the button marked 23. "I suspect we need to proceed here."

Jacob nonchalantly strode into the room and drew his sword. "
I agree," he replied, prying the metal panel off with the edge of his blade. The buttons and locks were attached to a dark green rectangle, crisscrossed with silvery lines and strange protrusions. The locks were connected by two wires, which Jacob was quick to sever. "But Blitz would just fry the circuit."

Blitz looked at his feet and rubbed his arm as Jacob touched the ends of the two wires together. The computerized voice chimed again. "Level three administrator access accepted. All personnel of level two administrator access or lower, please eckzit thlvatr at this tiiiiIIIiiiiiiii-" Holding the wires there, Jacob pressed the "23" button, glancing concernedly at the speaker, which continued to produce an oscillating tone. Vexmagog, now, was the one to look at his feet and rub his arm. Noticing the similar motion, Blitz shot a glance at him.

The door began to close, but Jacob held it open. He looked out at Steven and Wolf. "

Both appeared to go through some internal debate, but entered the elevator nonetheless. The door closed, and the elevator began to ascend.

The tone produced by the speakers had lessened in volume, but was increasing in small rhythmic pulses. Lub dub. Lub dub. Lub dub. Surely the lights weren't flickering in rhythm? Surely this was not an intended outcome of use of the elevator? Surely this tone did not match the heartbeat of anyone present?

The ascent continued unabated, accompanied by the beat and the whirring of the machinery responsible for the elevator's operation.

The rhythm increased, and the lights dimmed further, now undoubtedly flashing at each pulse of the speakers. Lub dub. Lub dub. Lub dub. Blitz was the first to speak up. "
It's uh... It's a little creepy in here."

Still, they ascended further.

Jacob looked around at each person in the small space in turn. Vexmagog returned his gaze, which he kept for a moment. "
Elevators don't normally do this. I'm getting out." He pressed a larger red button marked "Emergency stop." Nothing happened except a quickening of the beats. Lubdub. Lubdub. Lubdub. He pressed it a second time, but harder, with an expression like he knew it was fruitless. The lights began to oscillate between complete blackness and complete brightness, like a strobe. Lubdub lubdub lubdub lubdub. The sound got louder and louder. Someone said something but they were drowned out. The elevator began to screech outside, and everyone became slightly jumbled as they all moved to act at once. Words were muffled by the insistent sound. Everyone was sure, now, that the racing heartbeat was their own. Everyone but Vexmagog, who stood in the back corner, trying to breathe in a measured way.

The elevator stopped. The doors opened, flooding the room with light. The speaker crackled one last time. Not with a heartbeat, but with a slow, deep, static-filled chuckle, sounding distant and muffled as though underwater. Everyone tumbled out into the large room. Vexmagog was the last to step out, and as soon as he did, he had to brace himself against the door frame to avoid being sucked into the elevator shaft by the backdraft of the car they were just in suddenly plummeting to the bottom.

A loud crash. A cheerful chime as the doors closed. A clatter, as Vexmagog dropped the black stone he had just pried loose from his arm.

Most were too dazed to immediately acknowledge the enormous holographic display in the center of their circular room, showing their spherical station surrounded by space debris. No one commented on the three tiny figures moving across the rocks outside the station. No, the first things the five had to say didn't even have anything to do with the innumerable consoles, all lit up and displaying undoubtedly vital data to a hitherto empty room.

What the fuck." began Jacob, more a statement than a question.


Messages In This Thread
Re: The Battle Majestic (Round 1 - Bubble Universe) - by GBCE - 02-11-2010, 02:42 PM
[No subject] - by Ixcaliber - 03-10-2013, 04:51 AM