The Battle Majestic (Round 4 - Magpie Skies)

The Battle Majestic (Round 4 - Magpie Skies)
Re: The Battle Majestic (Round 1 - Bubble Universe)
Originally posted on MSPA by Baphomet.

Vexmagog was happy to see a small divider keeping the view of this entrance from the other entrances. A small wall with a logo on it made of metal, sitting atop some words Vexmagog could not currently read. A reception desk sat in front of the wall, currently unoccupied. At least they won't see the door as soon as they come in.

He rounded the corner, curious as to what means humans would use to ascend tall structures like this, given their apparent ineptitude at climbing. He inspected, briefly, what he considered to be some unusual metallic statuary.

Further inspection of the area yielded a row of doors with two small buttons next to them, inscribed with isosceles triangles. The top button's triangle was a vertical mirror of the bottom's.

Heiroglyphics, indicating up and down. Interesting. Down leads outside, does it not? Then I have already found the escape pods! He excitedly pressed the lower button, and the nearest door opened with a friendly chime, revealing a tiny, brightly lit room with brushed steel walls. A computerized voice spouted forth a stream of what seemed to Vexmagog to be gibberish.

He stepped inside and felt the walls with his left hand. A small room? What purpose does this serve? Is the escape pod a room, itself?

With another chime, the doors closed. Upon turning, Vexmagog saw a panel of buttons in a small grid, each inscribed with a character. The rows of buttons near the top were adjacent to metallic nubs with holes in them. The second button on the bottom row was inscribed with a vertical line and was lit up. Vexmagog pressed it, and waited for a moment.

Nothing happened, so he tried the first button in the row. He felt, momentarily, as though the floor were dropping out from beneath him, and Vexmagog braced himself against the wall. The feeling quickly disappeared, however, and was soon replaced by the sensation that the floor were rising up into his feet. This, too, passed, and the door opened with another chime, dimming the button with the vertical line and illuminating the one he had just pressed.

That was fast, he thought, inspecting his changed surroundings. He saw a darkly-lit concrete room with exposed pipes along the ceiling and large, bulky chunks of machinery, humming quietly. He noted with interest the row of copper coils in a ring shape, lined up and proceeding into a tunnel on each adjacent wall.

There is as much dust here as there was above. With the short travel time, I don't think this is the escape pod at all, but rather a mobile room that dropped me down into a lower section of this place. Stepping out and inspecting the wall his door opened in seemed to confirm his theory, as he saw another button with an upwards arrow.

With a sigh, he pressed it and returned to the room. The button I pressed lit up when it took me to this floor. The button next to it was already lit. These buttons must indicate which room it takes you to, and I can judge from the inertia I felt that I went down before. Then, the upper buttons must take you up.

He pressed one of the buttons in the rows adjacent to the nubs, but was met only with more computerized gibberish. Frustration began to set in again, and Vexmagog felt a tendril of purple burn through one of the scabs that had only just begun to peel off. Maybe one of the people who can understand this language will have better luck with it than I. He pressed the button that was lit initially, felt the inertial changes take place in reverse, and, following a chime and opened door, he stepped back out into the room he started in. The door closed behind him just as Jacob, Blitz, and John rounded the corner.

Jacob's eyes widened when he saw the metallic statuary, and he hurried over to it. Vexmagog hastily uttered a greeting. "Ah Meki, Jacob, Blitz, John. Getaro po Steven?"

They all turned and stared at him quizzically. Vexmagog embarassedly ruffled the fur on his forehead, upon realizing he had failed to translate. "Excuse me. What I meant to say..." He trailed off upon seeing not only Steven, but Wolf enter. "...Ah! I was asking where Steven went, but I see that question is now answered. And Wolf!"

Upon connecting with Wolf's mind, he found a different language than the one the others spoke, but something unusual about it. The language only covers a small subset of ideas, like an animal's might. But, there are other ideas here, other concepts this simple language can't cover. Very strange.

He does not speak english, then? And, again, not a tone my vocal cords can reproduce. Fortuitous that he seems to be following Steven without any hint of hostility, despite their language barrier.

The others turned, and observed the entrance of the two with mixed reactions. Vexmagog took a small step forward and settled down onto one knee, bringing his considerable stature more in line with Wolf's as a sign of peace. "Welcome," he said aloud, more for the benefit of the others than for Wolf. He altered the sound as it entered Wolf's ears, imitating the growls and barks he found in his mind. "This tailless would welcome you into our pack, if you would accept. We all wish to return to our home territory, and would be honored if you would help us."


Messages In This Thread
Re: The Battle Majestic (Round 1 - Bubble Universe) - by GBCE - 02-08-2010, 04:36 PM
[No subject] - by Ixcaliber - 03-10-2013, 04:51 AM