The Battle Majestic (Round 4 - Magpie Skies)

The Battle Majestic (Round 4 - Magpie Skies)
Re: The Battle Majestic (Round 1 - Bubble Universe)
Originally posted on MSPA by Drakenforge.

As Wolf quick pace led him across the artificial bridge, he realised one of the tailless' was walking at a slower pace than the others, soon leading them a short distance away from the rest of the pack. A few reasons brushed past Wolf's mind. Perhaps he is the lowest of the pack, and is making a statemant about his position. 'No', wolf amended 'they do not work like my kind. Our ways are not that similar'
The tailless stopped abruptly and turned to face Wolf. Wolf, too, stopped. Curious that the person had managed to notice his quiet presence, when usually thier kind are so bad at noticing their surroundings. then, the tailless spoke in his yip-yap language.

"Hmm, uh, hi"

Wolf's ears twitched as the greeting was spoken. Does the tailess know I understand?
Wolf's yellow eyes gazed at the person. It could tell of the creature's uncertainty, and realised that Wolf was probably, to him, rather an odd sight. He noticed the flying-paws-that-come-off covering the tailless' paws, and remembered that one had noticed him. Wolf thought quickly. Should he keep his gift of speech secret? However, communication between these races would be easy as they speak the same language. A pack was formed between them though, and Wolf had pledged his loyalty to Sen. He regretted that he had upset the leader, and make a promise to himself to find some way to appease the being whenever he found out how. Wolf chose his response carefully.

"Woof" He replied.

Ah, Steven thought. Of course it can't speak. It looks like a wolf at least, so maybe it doesn't speak our language.


"D-did you just actually say that?" He asked, bemused.

And here I thought tailless' were all dumb.

"Yup. Sorry, couldn't help myself." Wolf said with frightening ease. Frightening to himself, at least.

"Woah" Steven said aloud, taken aback slightly.
His mind turned back to his thoughts on the explanation of 'not-wolf', but no answers were found. So he decided to do the most logical, and diplomatic, thing.

"The, er, the people at the beginning, they said you weren't a wolf, uh, so to speak. Do you know why?" He asked, rather unsure if he wanted to know.

Wolf was unsure how to express his answer. The pack had left him. It was what they branded him as. To be a wolf and yet not a wolf.

"Complicated", Wolf replied solemnly. "My pack, they banished me. I don't know the details of what caused me to speak this language, but whatever did, it changed me. Inside, I think. I speak tailless, and that scared them."

The person seemed to feel a little sympathy for Wolf. He could see it in the way his round face moved. Wolf surmised that this tailless was not the destructive, hunting stealer like the one's he knew of, and as long as there was only one to talk to, he could at least feel comfortable.

Now that he understood, Steven couldn't help but resond with a simple "Wha?" When the wolf called him a tailless.
Sure, humans don't have tails, but that is a very strange way to name a race, he thought to himself.

"Well, uh, You can call me Steven, then. What should I call you then?"

Name. Wolf had a name, but his tounge couldn't express it. It required the body of a wolf and the mind of a wolf to express or understand it. To a human, it wouldn't mean anything.

"Your kind calls my kind as wolf, yes? A simple name like that shoudl do, I think. Yes. I am Wolf. And yet," he laughed, "I am not-wolf. A paradox, yes?"
Wolf strolled past the human and said, "We should keep up. The others of your kind might think you mad to be seen talking to an animal like myself. But, since I prefer silence, let's keep the knowledge of my knowledge of this language a secret. For now, at least"


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Re: The Battle Majestic (Round 1 - Bubble Universe) - by GBCE - 02-07-2010, 10:56 PM
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