The Battle Majestic (Round 4 - Magpie Skies)

The Battle Majestic (Round 4 - Magpie Skies)
Re: The Battle Majestic (Round 1 - Bubble Universe)
Originally posted on MSPA by Not The Author.

"So...I guess we should go in?"


Jacob spun around. "We're going to scale the Pylon."
Blitz and John looked at each other, then looked back at Jacob.


Jacob pointed at the cryomancer. "Mr. Swift, get to work on making grappling-hooks and nails. I'm sure your ice is sturdy enough to hold our wieght." Without waiting for a response, he began walking back down the pier. "Blitz, you're with me. We're going to need a lot of seaweed for rope and YES OF COURSE we're going to use the door!" <Palm, meet Face. Face, Palm.> Jacob strode past them and threw up his arm, clearly annoyed. "What is it with people and doors and no one wanting to <font size="4">go in them I swear this happens all the time why can't they just..."

Then he noticed the keypad.

It was a standard four-digit security lock, and required an identification card to access. <Too bad Maggie isn't here... Well, we make do with what we have.> Jacob glanced over his shoulder. "Blitz?"</font> His blind eye seemed to flicker for a moment. "Wh-what?" Jacob gestured at the keypad. "Come over here and make yourself useful, will you?" He stood aside as the cripple made his way to the door. Blitz looked at the lock, then back at Jacob, clearly unsure of what he should be doing. "Ugh. It's an electronic lock. Do I have to spell this out for you?" Jacob massaged the bridge of his nose. "So... I guess I just..." Blitz raised his unbound hand to the lock, sparks flying between the two. The door hissed for a moment, and began to grind upward. It was about halfway open when Blitz twitched violently, sending a rather large burst of energy into the lock. Smoke came up from the shattered mechanism, and the door shuddered to a halt.

"...Eh, close enough." Shrugging, Jacob ducked under the door, and into a spacious, mostly empty room.

Large, circular, dilapidated, and totally uninteresting. There were but three things within the Pylon that were of any interest at all, and one of them was Vex. He seemed a tad forlorn, though Jacob couldn't place why. The satyr idly scratched at his posessed arm as he exited one of the several elevators lining one wall; the room's second item of interest. Jacob ignored these for the moment - he was most intrigued by the third object, which had somehow escaped Vex's notice. Perhaps it was that it was leaning against the wall near which Vex had entered; perhaps the ex-god simply didn't recognize it for what it was.

The object in question was a dark metal sphere, about three or four feet in diameter. A pair of limp, segmented tubes hung loosely from it, placed opposite each other. The sphere had been cut open about a quarter of the way to one end, and a second sphere rested snugly within. Opposite the 'open' end, there was a hemispherical protrusion about a foot wide, sporting three small indents in a triangular pattern.

Jacob hoped it would still function after all these years, and quickly made his way over to the inactive automaton.


Messages In This Thread
Re: The Battle Majestic (Round 1 - Bubble Universe) - by Not The Author - 02-06-2010, 04:40 PM
[No subject] - by Ixcaliber - 03-10-2013, 04:51 AM