The Battle Majestic (Round 4 - Magpie Skies)

The Battle Majestic (Round 4 - Magpie Skies)
Re: The Battle Majestic (Round 1 - Bubble Universe)
Originally posted on MSPA by Baphomet.

Vexmagog's ears picked out a low, distant howl amidst his song. Sen made clicking and chirping noises. The rest of these people seem to speak the same language. That must be Wolf, and he sounds like he is near the park on the opposite end of the sphere. He turned and looked up vaguely in the direction of the noise, still playing his tune. The grass has grown. The trees are...they're being uprooted? Something is moving below the ground, and it's spreading from... He followed the movements to their center and saw, far in the distance, a ring of cleared grass, something green moving in it, and a gray speck. They were near a concrete circle, which he correctly guessed to be another fountain, exactly opposite from the base of the pylon. The gray shape is likely wolf. Good that we don't have to worry that he is coming to the pylon to turn off the air. Bad that I failed to find him and prove my good intentions first. I don't think it would be a good idea to walk such a distance and then return--best to continue on our current path.

Their journey continued, and Vex felt that his spirits had been sufficiently raised. He hoped that meant his comrades' had been raised as well. He allowed the song to trail off and turned to inspect his followers, again walking backwards.

John swift has covered himself in ice again. I am not sure what that means. Maybe it is easier for him to travel that way, somehow. Blitz is different. He seems nervous. I am certain one of his eyes was red before, and now it is not. Jacob appears to be deep in thought, reminiscing on past experiences, perhaps.

Steven, who I know least about, still seems troubled.
He smiled and nodded to the man, who took it as a cue to ask a question of him.

"Vex, do you mind if I ask you something?"

"Of course not, go ahead."

"If we can get out of this bubble what exactly do you plan on doing if we leave?"

If we get out of this bubble, we have already left. Does he mean afterwards? Surely he understands we are to find a portal elsewhere. Perhaps there was meaning in the question that I don't understand. "What exactly do you mean?"

"Well you've talked about all of us returning home but it seems very likely to me that most of us come from different worlds, perhaps even totally different universes. The inhabitants of this bubble seem to have been human and they may still be nearby but we have no idea what they're like, most of the human contestants here can do things I'd never expect to see in my homeworld, who knows how they'd react to us. If we do find some sort of portal we'd be stuck where they are."

He seems to be insinuating that any means of escape from this place would invariably lead us to the same place as the former inhabitants went. Perhaps that is how these "escape pod" things work. But it would be foolish to send them somewhere else where they would be cut off from their peers. Before he could convert the result of his musings into words, Jacob increased his pace to stand next to Blitz with a bothered expression.

"I don't get it," He said to Blitz, not looking at him. This could be problematic, but it will likely answer some questions. He raised one finger to Steven, indicating that he would answer his question momentarily, then returned his instrument to his satchel.

Blitz turned to face his inquisitor.
"Get what?"

His voice is different. The language is the same, but the expressiveness behind it has changed. Is he afraid? He seemed fairly assured of himself before.

"You. I mean... we're supposed to be killing each other right now, but, no offense, you don't really seem very dangerous. If things turn sour, what's to keep - say, Alex from slicing off your head?"

This is where I should intercede. I don't want them to start an argument. Vexmagog interrupted the two men.

"Gentlemen, both you and Steven raise convergent points, and something I think we should all discuss if we are to trust one another."

"Steven, to address your first point, I doubt they would escape from here just to be stranded somewhere else. They must have a means of traversing this universe. And they would likely know where to find a portal to traverse others. You think they would react negatively to us because of our unique powers? I take it such abilities are not typically manifested in humans, and the present company is a bit of an anomaly. Regardless, most of us here look human enough." Vexmagog routed through everyone's mind an image of a tall human man with unkempt hair and a goatee in his place. He wore a long green coat and brown pants, with a large black glove over his right hand. "Those of us who do not, I can make accommodations for." He removed the image and smiled broadly.

Vexmagog scratched his right arm and saw that the purple energy had receded back down to mid-forearm, though the black chunks remained embedded in his skin almost up to his elbow. He grabbed the largest and began to pull. "That is more or less what I do. I can make people see things that aren't there. I am sure you are curious about the arm, as well."

He managed to pry the end of one stone up, revealing a raw void in his flesh, some of which still clung to the stone as it came loose. The hole immediately pooled with blood. "It is the remains of a god, and the reason I am no longer one."

The last edge of the stone tore free and he dropped it to the ground. The blood began to trickle down his arm, but a dark brown scab began to creep in around the edges of the wound. He grabbed a second black chunk and began to slowly tear it loose. "It is my burden to ensure that this being does not return to power."

A second trickle of blood ran down his arm as he dropped the second stone. The hole left by the first had already entirely scabbed over. "Negative thoughts on my part give it strength. Positivity is my weapon. I am usually its keen wielder, though the present circumstances have left me a bit disarmed."

The third stone was torn free, and after a quick inspection Vexmagog saw no more that could be removed. He dropped the stone as this wound began to cover itself as well. "Also, for the sake of completeness, I can translate into any language, as long as there is a native speaker of that language nearby. I do not naturally speak english. So, that is my story, and what I bring to the group. Jacob, you have that sword, though presumably that is not the extent of it. S said 'quantum magic,' I believe, though the definition of 'quantum' is a little unclear to me. John, you can obviously create and control ice, and I have observed you moving things without touching them, as well. Steven's gloves have the power to create and destroy, which I would very much like to hear about. And Blitz, I have seen you creating sparks from your hand. S also said something about your father, you being asleep, and I've noticed that your eye has changed color. Not to put you under scrutiny, but I'd be very interested to hear your tale." Vexmagog looked back and forth at everyone else in the group. "To hear all of your tales, actually."


Messages In This Thread
Re: The Battle Majestic (Round 1 - Bubble Universe) - by GBCE - 02-01-2010, 05:14 PM
[No subject] - by Ixcaliber - 03-10-2013, 04:51 AM